You know what happens when Donald Trump claims that something was a perfect phone call. He breaks out in a severe case of impeachment. He has apparently forgotten all that and now he’s claiming that his phone calls with officials of the State of Georgia were “perfect.” Oh yes, it’s perfectly fine to ask the secretary of state if he would be willing to fake 11,000 votes. Happens every day. At least in Trump world it does and it’s not a big deal.

He’s making a big deal out of a minor correction by the Washington Post. Here’s what happened.

Yesterday, [March 15, 2021] the Wall Street Journal released an audio of the six-minute conversation between Trump and Frances Watson, the investigator in Georgia that Trump spoke with after he spoke with the secretary of state about elections fraud. The Washington Post published a correction of its original story on the phone call, because Trump did not say “find the fraud” as quoted, he said that Watson would find “dishonesty” and he didn’t say Watson would be a national hero, he said that she “had the most important job in America.”

The Post published its correction and Trump took it upon himself to go on Fox News and push his Big Lie and diss Mitch McConnell and the Supreme Court and fear monger about H.R.1.

There was no “terribly false information.” There was a paraphrase. The exact quote was not all that much different. But again, why do we bother? This is Trump we’re speaking of. He’s always going to paint the picture in wild colors that suit him. The problem with that, is that since his advent on the political scene, hyperbole and sensationalism have become normalized in political discourse in this country — vastly to our detriment. But we’re here and there’s no going back. A pickle never goes back to being a cucumber.

If you look at his Truth Social account the past half day, as I have, you’ll see that Georgia is very much on his mind and so is Pat Cipollone’s testimony. He has good reason to worry about both.

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  1. Part of the reason we Americans, as a whole, feel superior to other countries, is the mythology of having a government ‘of the people’. We, the voters, decide who has power, power that could solve our issues, or power to make life on earth a living hell. We are a nation of laws, although the ‘law’ often has nothing to do with facts, justice, deep analysis, or an ability to adjust in the face of reality. It still remains our foundation & the guarantee that power doesn’t go to the ones with the most money, guns, & corrupt judges. If, Trump is allowed to go free after the multitude of his crimes, including fermenting & promoting, a violent overthrow of our democracy as the sitting president, then the law is as guilty as he is. Welcome to fascism. Brutality will follow. The law can fix this & right our course, even with all of its flaws. Send Trump & anyone else involved to jail & the law would reestablish some measure of respect. To think otherwise appears foolhardy, foolish, & asking for God knows what. Darkness.

  2. IF he insists on talking about the phone calls and how the 2020 election was rigged and he really won, then he’s going to find out that he’s ineligible to run in 2024.

  3. Everyone will find out how ‘perfect’ the phone calls were when the tapes are played back in court.

    But to digress – just what IS a ‘perfect’ c all? One that wasn’t muffled, distorted, crackly or wasn’t disconnected in the middle?


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