Must be nice to be a member of the privileged class that doesn’t have to abide by the same laws as the rest of us. Tyler Boebert had a court hearing on April 10, 2023, related to the September 2022 car crash that left a friend hospitalized and led to a misdemeanor charge of “careless driving causing bodily harm.”

Tyler was evidently too busy to be bothered with such trivia because he didn’t attend. And the judge didn’t issue the requisite bench warrant, either, because well, you know who Mommy is, right? Westword:

It would have been the last pit stop on Tyler’s months-long road of legal drama, with the hearing centering on an order to attend the state’s “Alive at 25” driver awareness program. Prosecutors in Glenwood Springs had dropped his case down to a “defective vehicle for headlights” ticket in a plea deal.

But according to the Garfield County Clerk’s Office, Tyler didn’t show.

Tyler didn’t show and the article goes on to say that Mommy didn’t know, according to “the Boebert camp.” And then the judge issued a stay of execution on the bench warrant. Did he send that along via silver platter, we wonder?

And then the plot thickens. Enter the former friend, Noble D’Amato.

“Really, like what the f**k?” D’Amato says. “What else are you doing? Like, go to your court date. I would try to be like, ‘Oh, s**t, I should be on my best behavior.’ Not even best behavior — I’d just try and be responsible.”

D’Amato says that Tyler reached out to him on April 12 after months of silence. “He hit me up and was like, ‘You’re gonna sue my a$$, huh?’ I was like, ‘Nooo, didn’t you see what I said?'”

D’Amato recalls, referencing an April 10 Westword story. “And then he got pi$$ed off and was like ‘F**k you!’ and trying to play the victim. I blocked him, because honestly, I don’t need the anxiety.”

And of course Bobo’s office got surly when asked why Tyler didn’t show up to court and started talking about — who else? — Hunter Biden.

“If you want to write a hit piece on a politician’s son, go after Hunter Biden,” the spokesperson said. “Congresswoman Boebert’s children are not public figures, and they never sought to profit off of her public service. They are just trying to live their normal lives, and it would be nice if liberal reporters allowed them to do so. Meanwhile, Hunter Biden made $83,000 per month as a member of Burisma’s board, all in an effort for him to profit off of his dad’s position as Vice President.”

Here’s the interesting part of the article, though. Bobo doesn’t like to show up for court, either.

According to court records, Lauren Bobert has received a summons or been arrested at least four times in the past decade. A 2016 careless driving incident resulted in her being tossed in jail for approximately 100 minutes for failing to appear in court, according to the Denver Post.

In 2015, Boebert got hit with a disorderly conduct charge related to an incident at a music festival near Grand Junction, then missed her court date.

“I am now aware today is Friday,” she wrote on August 28, 2015, mere hours after she was supposed to be in court, the Post reported. A hearing was rescheduled for November 20 — but Boebert missed that one, too.

Bobo doesn’t know how to use a calendar or keep track of time, evidently, and neither does number one son. There is some really good news in this piece, however. Tyler has no interest in pursuing a career in public life. For this blessing, let us give thanks.

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  1. Like mother like son. It shows what not holding people responsible for their actions lead to. More actions!!! Seen it all too often in newspaper articles detailing the life and record of someone who has killed another, either deliberately or in a car accident. There is example after example of bad behavior, poor judgement, not being held accountable to the full extent. Bad people just going through life, screwing up and hurting those who they encounter. I’m sure this isn’t the last time we’ll hear about this f*ck up kid and his deadbeat family.

  2. Equal justice under law? Seems as far fetched as the theories on Ancient Aliens. I wonder if any judges are interested in justice, or just interested in protecting the oligarchy now operating in America? The law has failed us. I wonder if any inside that institution are interested in restoring some type of integrity? You know, before the rich fascists take over.

  3. Definitely her kid, and the judge is going to have a lot of really unhappy voters to deal with. He should have issued that bench warrant, because that kid isn’t going to learn anything without time behind bars.

  4. “HUNTER BIDEN MADE $83,000 PER MONTH AS A MEMBER OF BURISMA’S BOARD, ALL IN AN EFFORT FOR HIM TO PROFIT OFF OF HIS DAD’S POSITION AS VICE PRESIDENT.” Umm, Jared and Ivanka didn’t do the same thing? I’m so sick of the hypocrisy with those people.

    • Yeah, Jared got billions from the bone saw prince who murdered the journalist from the Washington Post. Wonder what secrets he sold? Hypocrisy? They would have to consistently tell the truth for years to become workable hypocrites. They are part of a jew hating child murdering cult. They are exactly the kind of folks we shot in WW2 to stop a similar death cult.

  5. I bet the gun sucking sheriff and so called “judge” used to work at shooters washing dishes and cleaning toilets when they weren’t doing “law enforcing”….

  6. Just as a reminder Hunter Biden HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF THIS
    and if your son has a court date you dumb woman you TAKE HIM TO COURT AND MAKE HIM FACE THE MUSIC LIKE EVERYONE ELSE HE ISN’T ABOVE THE

  7. Hey Ursula. I believe that would be WestWorld you were referring to where you can enter and pick you fantasy. Then you can play out how well you do. Looks like junior off to a good start. Put friend in hospital and blow off court. I guess in round two he gets to shoot someone. Or maybe we’re back to the car and he does hit and run. So difficult to work out the script for these young people.


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