Nothing like going to Tulsa in a pandemic, claiming to have enough attendees to jam the stadium 15 times over, and knowing about the race massacre that occurred there 99 years ago. Tone deaf, much? No, it’s just Stephen Miller and Brad Parscale doing their thing and here’s the Lincoln Project doing theirs.

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  1. Yes, it’s all true and awful. But it leaves me wanting more. I hope that isn’t what they’ve been promoting, hinting at lately.

  2. MLK and RFK at the top is what sticks with me. Creeps from Nixon tried burying these men’s legacies only to see it rise from the grave three generations later. The Pamela Colman-Smith illustration of the Judgment Tarot card, with Gabriel blowing his horn, comes to mind.

  3. That ad might bring out Trump’s base because it is a succinct statement of what they want with the implicit claim that Trump will give it to them.


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