Well, this is a new one. Anybody ever hear of a last minute rally, the day before a crucial, nail biter election, where the standard bearer of the party and front runner for that party’s endorsement in the next presidential election, holds the rally behind closed doors? For a candidate that’s not even going to show up?

That’s how it parses out. Donald Trump is holding a private rally for Glenn Youngkin as it were. And “private rally” is an oxymoron. The sole purpose of a rally is to attract as many people as possible, persuade any last minute stragglers to get to the polls, get the last possible blast of publicity, all that. So WTH is this going down in Virginia tonight? Any ideas?

A tele-rally with no press is weird enough, but no candidate? Seriously?

Alright class, it’s time to play Connect The Dots.

  1. Youngkin didn’t invite Trump, Trump invited himself;
  2. Youngkin doesn’t want Trump to screw up the race at the 11th hour, 59th minute;
  3. Therefore Youngkin isn’t showing up to his own rally, held by the standard bearer of his own party, which is a first;
  4. The press have been cordially un-invited, because Youngkin doesn’t want a total farce reported on the eve of election;
  5. This has undoubtedly all been explained to Trump, but he never listens, as you know. He’ll run his mouth, as he pleases, and Youngkin is doing damage control by not allowing the press to attend.

I guess we’ll have to take Trump’s word for the tele-rally being a yuuuge success, the greatest tele-rally ever, where Trump did an incredible job and the ratings were unbelievable. Because no journalists will be there to record the facts and Trump can say anything he wants.

One can only hope there will be some anti-Trumpers posing as MAGAs who will get out some kind of a story.

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  1. You know and I know plenty of liberal folks like us are going to crash that rally, record it and feed it to the public. Trump’s security forces online are much like his wealth: a convenient fiction.

  2. Thank the Gods I’m not an American. I would have an ulcer the size of New Mexico by now. Just the fact that the Orange stain hasn’t at least been detained for questioning, for any of the expletive he has pulled over the last 5 years and continues to pull, is truly disturbing.

    • I know many here are tired of my raging, but everyday he is free is a collective pissing on every vet’s grave & on the families left to grieve for a lifetime. This country has gotten soft & forgetful. 747,000 dead & counting.

  3. It was never about Youngkin. Trump just needs a bunch of drooling Trombies so he can whine about “stolen elections” and “voter fraud” and “fake news”.
    Who knows, if he remembers, he will mention him by name. Though I’m sure that will be a relief to Youngkin.


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