Another day, another meltdown. You don’t need to be Nostradamus to intuit that one or more of Donald Trump’s attorneys must have just gotten off the phone with him and given him bad news. And we’ll know something in a few hours. Trump is in Erie, Pennsylvania, and he’s set to speak to his MAGA cult at 6:00 p.m. local time. That’s about two hours from the time of this writing.

WAAAAHHHHHH!! They’re catching up to me!!!!! That’s the translation.

Let’s repost this. This is the perfect time to hear about “one might go to prison” which was ostensibly a troll by Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds.

Trump basically just telegraphed what to expect: Yes, he’ll probably be indicted, arrested, and arraigned for the third time, this time for January 6.  And yes, we know for a fact that the barricades are up in Atlanta and that Fani Willis indicated months ago that late July, early August was when she would be ready to charge. Tuesday is August 1.

Look, if we could just get a plea deal where he withdraws from running for president, now and forever, wears and ankle bracelet and gets a gag order, I, for one, would be a happy camper. And I’ll even forgo conditions two and three. Just get him out of politics. Then we need to give Jack Smith the Nobel Peace Prize for saving democracy.

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  1. no way would I agree to let him skate for not running. He MUST go to prison for his crimes. IMO, that’s the real healing America needs. ALso, I WANT him to run, as he will surely LOSE AGAIN! Has he gained even one more vote in the last 2 years? I don’t think so. So the idea of him avoiding accountability for a promise not to run is a non-starter for me.

    • I don’t believe he will serve time. But if he were to wear an ankle bracelet, be confined to house arrest (his suite in magalardo, not the entire building), and give up his phone and social media, he would basically disappear. He needs to be punished. The healing of this country and democracy depend upon him being punished.

      • Judge Tanya Chutkan will not let him get away with an ankle monitor on home confinement. The CIA has their own incarceration facilities and he’ll either end up in one of those or secreted away in a high-security hospital facility.

  2. I feel you and I wonder if the snake dies when the head is cut off. Cults do gather around an individual which would cause them to fragment and scatter, right? Yet this cult, unless stricter rules for truth are enforced in the internet, may coalesce around another Emperor of Stupidity and Grievances. The forces that have driven it so far…greed, racism, lust for power, and all that it brings, has been in our culture from its inception. Hypocrisy, lies, even spilling children’s blood, is our history. I wish I knew what could change it, but I remind myself that, when Jesus walked the earth, performing miracles, he was persecuted the entire time. Hell, what is the secret to changing people’s hearts, minds, and souls? Seems we exist in a mystery from the inside out, and it’s, by definition, a secret. I do think, as undeserving as he is for any kind of leniency, I agree it would be a breath of fresh to have him legally gone. Kinda like when the Beatles played on Ed Sullivan in February after our prince/president Kennedy was murdered in front of us all the previous November. I was ten but it was a time even the adults broke down in tears and the country was depressed. Voila! New hope. New incredible music. New everything and it was beautiful fun. Everything turned on a dime. Nothing like hope in a situation that beats you up daily. No one goes on without it. Sending baby huey out to pasture would at least give us hope. I’d take that.

  3. Oh please, please PLEASE let what set him off was Jack Smith firing a new missile – in the form of an indictment for the National Security crimes he committed at his place in Bedminster NEW JERSEY! If, as the legal reasoning (and I hate to admit it but it was pretty solid) that FL was where most of the things that resulted in the FL indictment happened there, even if not as many crimes SOME of them including showing highly classified information to a reporter (and others) happened in NJ. Have a separate trial for that up there, where those crimes happened. It might put Judge Loose Cannon in an awkward position as she sees a fair and impartial judge shoot down the bullsh*t Trump’s lawyers get her to swallow (and ask for more!) move THAT case right along. How delicious would it be for the govt. to say December? Sure judge. Let’s do it then. Which means all of the same motions Trump will try filing with Cannon will have been litigated already and box her in.

    I’m not a lawyer but if the govt. gets a proper ruling in NJ and Cannon plays games in FL it seems to me Smith’s people would have grounds to go to the appellate court and give them another chance(s) to use her as a tetherball.

    Or maybe it’s that Carlos has taken a cold, hard look at his situation and the likelihood of Trump winning next year and being able to pardon him and decided to cut himself a deal – with a NON Trump paid for lawyer he knows will be looking out for only HIS interests! That, along with Employees 4 (who we’re pretty sure we know who it is) and 5 (still a big question mark) he’s got a trio of people who can burn him “bigly” set to do just that. And worse, Nauta has been giving less than total devotion (to Trump) vibes.

    Could be a helluva weekend and who knows what’s set in motion (and can’t be stopped) for next week? I’m thinking back fifty years to a famous TV ad:

    Replace the little girl in the field with Trump at a desk picking up and counting legal papers, and at the pause a box with one of his lawyers calling him, the phone on Trump’s desk ringing and him picking it up and saying “WHAT?” just before the nuke explodes. How much do you want to bet Lincoln Project has something along this lines if not “in the can” than partially produced, and is just waiting for what they think will be the right time to put it up? Senior citizens, the most reliable bloc of voters will have a visceral reaction and it won’t be at all good for Trump!

    • I’m hoping that maybe Jack Smith is going to dig up Ivana’s grave and look for more missing classified documents. There is something there. That would get dfg all riled up for sure.

      • I’m not sure disinterment would be necessary. There’s pretty sophisticated ground penetrating radar (has been for a while) and it’s likely using that would give a pretty good indication as to whether it’s Ivana in the casket or something else. Or if she’s in there but a bunch of other stuff is too. If all there is is a body then no need to go digging her up. Oh, it’s also quite a task to open a grave. It would be awfully tough to hide that it’s going on, or had happened. I know more than a little about all this in case you didn’t know. So while I might have joined in some snark about what’s in Ivana’s casket I’ve never taken seriously the thought that Trump was using it as some super secure repository for anything that mattered. He only buried Trophy Wife #1 at his golf course as a final and lasting eff you to Ivana. At to their evil spawn. Part of him knows damn well they only came to work for him and “played nice” for a fat paycheck for not doing all that much.

  4. It’s seemingly easy to get rid of Trump.

    Getting rid of The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies and the vast amounts of corrupt money from morbidly rich selfish billionaires is going to be a lot harder.

    Hopefully Trumpism is the poison pill that kills the GOP so that a new conservative party can arise.

  5. David wrote, “Has he gained even one more vote in the last 2 years? I don’t think so.”

    Since the MAGA base is shrinking from attrition, and the growing (and largely liberal) Gen-Z bloc is GROWING, TFG (and the GOP) is certain to see a lower vote total next year, all thing being equal. The trick will be convincing the idealists among us, both young and older, that “No Labels” is a GOP false flag operation, and RFK Jr. is 180 degrees opposite to his father and uncles Ted and John, and deserving less support than did George Wallace’s presidential campaign. If this fails, not only will TFG get fewer votes, but get more than Uncle Joe – a scary thought…..

    • There are far fewer maga or dfg signs in my area but in the end, if he is on the ticket, they will still vote for him. republicans vote party every single time. They don’t care how awful the candidate is. So even though they are dying off from covid and fewer attend his rallies, I think he’ll get more votes than he should. As far as convincing people that Kennedy is a republican in democratic clothing, that is more difficult.

      • Knowing human beings, I reckon the majority of Republican voters won’t bother voting at all in ’24 because they’re just too bummed out by accountability finally catching up with all the crazy. Trump will not be the only one doing perp walks (I’ve renamed him Perp-T), there’s likely to be a goodly number of indictments being issued to Congress members as well.


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