I would think that Donald Trump is actually relieved to not be in the White House this week. Puerto Rico is now completely without power and if he was in office, golly gee, people would expect him to do something about that. Can you imagine? Like, what, is it his fault? Did he cause the hurricane to blow? If they had listened to him in the first place, they would have nuked the hurricanes and that would have been that.

And Trump has no time to go to a foreign country, an American territory and throw paper towels, either. He’s got more important things to do.

Yessir, he’s got to go back to where the FBI ransacked everything and sift through the rubble with a magnifying glass (might not hurt to wear a deerstalker hat, either) and get to the bottom of things.

Umm….the “Raid and Break-In” was almost six weeks ago. You mean nobody bothered to do any housekeeping?

Ketchup bottles of the world unite. Absolutely.

In all truth, the botoxed, plastic surgeried divas that show up at Mar-a-Lago, carrying their clutch bags with “Trump” emblazoned in multi-colored sequins, are at least as weird looking as anything in the Cantina scene of Star Wars.

If you don’t release the security footage, then you have it as a talking point. Simple as that.

Trump will travel to Michigan next month to campaign for gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon, attorney general candidate Matt DePerno and secretary of state candidate Kristina Karamo. And there may be others. Expect all of his rallies to be a combo QAnon/Nazi rally with dramatic music and fascist salutes. That seems to be the new formula.

But first he’s got to entrench himself back at Mar-a-Lago and push the illegal raid narrative for all it’s worth. Things are not going so great publicity wise for his new attorney, Chris Kise, and Trump was banking on that outlay of $3 million to pay for a “serious” attorney actually getting him someplace. Now, who knows?

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  1. They’ll release that when they produce proof Obama is a noncitizen Muslim with a fake birth certificate; when they prove the crowd was bigger at trumps inauguration; when they prove there were thousands of Muslims in NJ cheering the fall of the twin towers; that frump wasn’t individual #1 in his payment to stormy that sent his attorney to prison; that he didn’t obstruct justice in hiding how he colluded with our enemy to steal the 2016 election; when they prove he didn’t sexually assault 20+ women; when they prove he didn’t hold Ukraine hostage when congress had approved money for their defense; when they prove he didn’t pressure GA to change the outcome of a legitimate vote & Michigan to do the same; when they prove he didn’t call for a violent overthrow of a PROVEN election which kicked his ass to the curb; when they prove he didn’t call for Mike pence to break the law; when they prove he didn’t grab the steering wheel of the Secret service vehicle to go to the capital with the treasonist mob he knew had weapons; when they prove he didn’t steal top security documents and lied about returning them; when they prove he hasn’t been a liar and crook ALL HIS GODDAMN LIFE. There’s plenty more but I’m tired of typing.

  2. Unless I’m mistaken the Warrant included authorization to copy security tapes. And regardless of whether the FBI copied footage of the search itself I’d imagine they created some of their own audiovisual documentation beyond stuff like that infamous pic of some of the classified docs found in Trump’s office. I’m sure they were professional and treated him like every other rich, white collar defendant which means ransacking the place unlikely. He’s got nothing! He’d have shown a few seconds of an instance of “outrageous actions” if there were any. Any normal thinking person knows that. Alas, in MAGA World normal is nowhere to be found.

    • But – if my instinct is good, what he will do is create the biggest ‘ransacked’ pictures imaginable & claim that is how things were left by the FBI.

  3. Trump’s never actually read the Constitution has he?

    I love the way he rants about how the Fourth has been “violated” when the text of the amendment reads, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

    Let’s see: “Unreasonable searches and seizures.” Well, if a certain moron had turned over ALL the documents that he and his cronies had unlawfully removed from DC back when he was originally asked, there wouldn’t have been any need for a “search” much less a “seizure.”

    “No warrants shall issue . . . .”Well, that’s pretty self-explanatory. Trump may not have liked it but a warrant was issued “upon probably cause” (see the above-mentioned missing documents) and, as far as has been released (per the Trump “legal” team’s demands), nothing in the warrant was done improperly.

    Trump may not like the process but, then again, there are millions of ordinary citizens out there who find their own homes and residences and Fourth Amendment rights routinely “violated” by police (sometimes even without actual warrants that have led to their deaths) and they find themselves with little legal recourse until they’re standing in front of a court. Why should Trump believe he’s any better than someone like Breonna Taylor who was killed by Louisville police using a “no-knock” search warrant? Trump’s little Mar-a-Lago was entered PEACEFULLY with no law enforcement shooting their way in.

    • One can’t say for certain whether dumb-ass likes or dislikes the process (tho’ we can make an educated guess). His actions however indicate he is so scared he is likely pissing himself. He should be.

  4. Why don’t they use that no knock shit or qualified immunity on that russian blowing fat ass? I bet Marge largo smells like a nursing home, full of shit filled depends, cockroaches and shifty food…

  5. BEWARE!!! BEWARE!!! BEWARE!!! URSULA FAW is nothing more than an average Propagandist
    “Expect all of his rallies to be a combo QAnon/Nazi rally with dramatic music and fascist salutes.”
    You’re calling me and over 70 million Americans “Nazi”… Mass murderers. You lowlife propagandist scum of the earth. QAnon is fictitious you stupid idiot paid per post liar. Grow up you loser. You’re dividing us with lies. You’re like a dirty cop. I would quit before I do what you do.

    • You’re a nazi scum. U stand with Trump you are an evil nazi lying scum. Hitler deceived an entire country to its ruin and got 70million people killed. So go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut child killer. There’s no numerical limit to assholes that can be deceived scumsucker. You’re just another face in the crowd.

    • Again, why do you even read these articles? If you do not like them, don’t read them. Do you honestly think we will miss your utterly asinine comments? Do you think you will change the minds of people who actually know how to do research, check others’ research, and fact check? When we can actually prove a fact is in fact a fact, your asinine remarks just make you look ignorant and that is how we deal with you: we treat you like an ignoramus. And I’m sorry if that offends you but again, if you do not like what you read then don’t read it. Coming back and expecting change is rather insane.

      • I read everything. Everything everywhere. I read some things on this web site. Sometimes I repost it on internet sites. I guess I have an opinion with exhibits. Oh, I see. Sorry, Looks like I got upset at this author/reporter. She writes more like a propagandist than a reporter/author.

  6. The title does raise the question.

    Is it true that by just visiting a place, Dimwit Donny MAKES it a crime scene or a natural disaster?

    I think the evidence is clear, as we’re finding out.


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