Mondays in general aren’t much fun. Okay, so this particular is a holiday so some people get the day off but you know what I mean. My point though is that it’s always welcome to start of a Monday with something to make you smile and waking up to read Trump’s name, his precious BRAND has dropped in value warms my heart and brings a smile to my face. Sometimes the old me, the amiable “gentle giant” re-emerges and I thought it would be nice to share this with you all.

Not that we don’t sometimes hear from Trump himself about how “valuable” his very name, his BRAND is but the recent goings on with his civil fraud trial in New York have put a lot of focus on it. To hear Trump tell it his Brand is worth so much it’s damned near impossible to put a number on it. But according to him it’s very “bigly.” However, as this article by Business Insider indicates we need to cue up Elmer Fudd: “It’s Vwery, Vwery big…” I know Trump’s attention span is short, so like the folks who put together the Presidential Daily Brief did by creating plain, short bullet-pointed presentations take a look at how the linked article started off:

  • Manhattan condos with Trump’s name sell for less than units without his logo, the NYT reported.
  • Trump Tower has seen a 49% drop in the average price per square foot of its condos since 2013.
  • Meanwhile, analysis of sales data showed buildings that removed the logo increased in value.

You think maybe the bottle of ketchup Trump probably pours over his morning eggs is now decorating the walls of his dining room this morning? I’m not going to say “poor Donald” because f**k him. The hits keep coming and he deserves every single one. He makes me wish what the “OUCH! MY BALLS! guy in the movie Idiocracy experiences was what he feels for real every day these days – a new kick to his balls seems to be a daily occurrence nowdays. Call me mean-spirited but given the pain, suffering and even death he’s caused every blow to Trump’s ego, and better still his wallet brings me pleasure.

Keep in mind that prior to last Friday Trump has been in financial trouble. Okay, so he’s been skating around just ahead of looming financial implosion for decades but his massive legal bills and the cost of trying to run for President (getting back in the WH is his only chance of avoiding prison) things seemed to be catching up to him. It takes some dexterity to juggle and his little stubby fingered hands have dropped a ball now and then but he’s been able to keep enough in the air to avert disaster. He was already dropping too many before last Friday and now the god of consequences has dropped a big ball on his head. On purpose!

Rather than cite a bunch of the stats I’d suggest checking out the link. It’s a short read and easily worth the less than two minutes to read – and enjoy. For me one of the best parts is that Business Insider was inspired to post its article using information dug up by the “Failing” (as Trump loves to say) New York Times. Look, I’ve got plenty of issues with the NYT but they do frequently allow their financial reporters to cut loose on Trump and they’ve done so again, basing their assessment on a couple of different studies.

There are quotes from those associated with those studies and some differences of opinion on the size of the impact/drop in the value of buildings that still carry Trump’s name, but here’s what I think sums it up:

In contrast, The Times reported that condominiums in four buildings where the Trump logo has been removed at the request of residents have seen their value shoot up.

These buildings experienced a 9% uptick in value from 2013 to 2023, slightly surpassing the 8% increase in the rest of the Manhattan condominium market, according to CityRealty.

Seems to me that there’s a lot of fodder for ads showing Trump’s name coming off of buildings and the increase in value of the buildings and the units afterwards. The sooner the better in fact. This is something the pundit class should be talking about this week, as Trump is desperately trying to put together a half-billion (plus) dollars in cash and/or bond to appeal his two recent civil judgements.

Once upon a time when I was a pretty good athlete I was a fierce competitor BUT I believed in sportsmanship. I still do in fact which is why I’ve lost a lot of my love for sports. It doesn’t seem to matter the way it once did. However, when it comes to Trump I say “screw sportsmanship.” Kick his bloated orange butt while he’s down! Over, and over and over. He’s spent a lifetime doing it to others and taking great delight in their suffering. It’s long past time for  us to do it to him. And not only not feel the least bit guilty about doing so but to enjoy his suffering!

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  1. I look at it not so much like kicking him when he’s down, but making note of the consequences he has brought upon himself. You note that the people started removing his name in 2013. That’s about the time when he really started rising on the public scene. I think the more people see and know about him, the less they like him. At least most people who are not magas.

  2. Have a look at his personal (and wife’s) financial disclosure report as a presidential candidate, dated 14 Apr 2023. There are literally hundreds of LLCs and other entities declared, with either no value or value less than $1,001.00, and no income or income less than $201.00. What is the purpose of all these companies?

    I’m not seeing $2.6 billion in assets here, but there are some interesting anomalies, like Melania’s MKT World LLC, which has a reported value of $100,001.00 to $500,000.00, but is drawing income from royalties ten times that value. If she’s licensing her trademarks or brands, their value should reflect the income they’re generating and be much higher. I’d like to see her balance sheet and income statement. Barbara Jones is going to have a challenge unraveling all this.

    • Does Jones have jurisdiction over Melania’s finances? I don’t see anything about her in the judgement. If she has had the wits to keep some sort of business of her own separated from the Trump Org, she may be better set up than hubby or stepsons.

  3. At some point, one has to scrape this shite off their shoes. Specifically, in this case, the sooner the better. The stink is a borderline suffocation. If you can scrape, scrape!

  4. Trump postponed Karma for decades while committing crimes of various kinds. Well, Karma has to get all the postponed “kicks” in before Trump dies…. and at one kick per crime…. and the kicks are sized to the crime….

  5. Those people taking down the big brass letters, should publicly and news-media covered, use a battery powered Milwaukee Sawzall with a demolition blade to cut right through the middle of each letter as it gets pulled off, then toss it to the ground with a flourish and loud laughing, something guaranteed to humiliate and get under the skin of the orange turd …

    Also, it would be fitting to pile those destroyed letters on the front lawn of Mar-O-Golf for Trump to drive by every time he goes home until he has been hauled to prison … which could hand him a newspaper featuring a large photo of that tangled mess on his lawn …

    A little strong message perhaps, but he has earned every sad tear he sheds, many times over …


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