Every dog must have his every day, every drunk must have his drink   Billy Joel Don’t ask me why

Hmmm. I guess Traitor Tot’s high priced legal beagles negotiating with the DOJ on parameters for their investigation didn’t work out so well, huh?

Michael Cohen knows the feeling. So does Jeff Clark. So does Paul Manafort. So do John Eastman and Rudy Giuliani and Peter Navarro. And now so does Donald Trump. Nothing says Shit just got real quite like FBI agents pounding on your door and taking your shit.

Don’t look for Trump to change his public persona. His communique was full of anger, bluster, accusations against the FBI and the DOJ, and whiny self pity. One MSNBC analyst said that this almost guarantees that Trump runs again as a martyr, to Save the country from the radical left!

But forget all of that shit. Because this is something deeper. Trump has been in legal trouble before, in fact it’s his natural habitat. But he’s never been in criminal jeopardy before. It was reported that Trump has ridiculed the possibility of being indicted. But even somebody as delusional and self encased as Trump isn’t so stupid he doesn’t realize that the FBI doesn’t pound on your door without a search warrant signed by a judge with probable cause. This is as serious as a heart attack.

But because Trump is so stupid and arrogant, he also just became his own worst enemy. Trump will be totally incapable of not shooting off his mouth, and what will come out, God alone knows. But whatever it is, you can bet your ass that it will be immediately documented and analyzed by the DOJ for any possible incriminating words.

It’s this simple. No matter what Trump believes, and no matter what he tells himselfTrump. Can’t. Not. Know. No matter how much of an imperious, powerful badass he believes himself to be, when The Man shows up, plants your ass on the sidewalk, and starts tearing your place apart, you’re a 6 year old boy.

After 50 years of skating, for the first time in his life, Trump knows that he’s in mortal legal peril. And you’ll be able to see it, too. In the slump of his shoulders, the twitches in his hands, the quick darting eyes, no matter what he’s saying. Worst for a micromanager like Trump, he has no idea of what they have, and what will hurt him.

One final thing, a little advice for the Democrats on the campaign trail. Don’t touch this with a 10′ pole! We don’t need loose cannons like Al Green and Maxine waters running around shouting About fucking time! All that does is to give him oxygen, and make him more of a political martyr. When asked, the reply should be as bland as Gerber’s baby food, I was shocked, and saddened for the office of the Presidency. Now we all have to just sit back, let the FBI and the DOJ do their jobs, and see what comes next. Make it as apolitical as possible at this point. But don’t touch that dial.


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  1. Oh, let us dispense with the fiction that Dems don’t know how to do politics. This past weekend disproved that hypothesis quite definitive. Besides, the rest of us will be doing all the mockery in their stead anyway.

    Beyond that…well, think this might come into Season 2 of the J6 hearings?

  2. Wherever Trump is tonight and tomorrow (and even outside Mar A Lago even though he’s up north where it’s not as hot and humid) people should set up portable movie screens and play this Bad Boys clip on a loop – with the sound cranked on to max on rock concert speakers!


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