Trump’s Losing Battle With “Undecided” Voters


At this point, it really doesn’t matter anymore. The Trump reelection campaign could consist of Pee Wee Herman, the Ernest Goes To Camp dude, and the Oompa-Loompa’s, and it would make no difference for Trump’s reelection. It was never about Trump’s campaign in the first place, it always was, is, and always will be all about Trump. And he is bound and determined to blow it.

I will be the first to concede that there is still a small group out there, and growing smaller every day, of potential “soft” Trump voters. They are the dwindling number of 2016 Trump voters that he still hasn’t managed to turn off yet. The simple fact that they’re still there is a testament to their tenacity. At this point, there can only be two reasons that they are still sitting on that fence, Either they actually secretly like getting jabbed in the ass with those sharp points, or they are that desperate to not have to admit to themselves that they fucked up in the first place.

For three long years, these addled souls gave Trump a free pass for his childish behavior, simply because it had no actual negative impact on them. But now the coronavirus is killing their friends and neighbors, unemployment is at 10%, the economy is in the tanker, and the country is finally engaging in a long overdue discussion about race relations and policing. These voters will vote for Trump again, but they want to see the grown up Trump, and not the spoiled brat.

Sorry, tain’t happenin’ Dooley. When you watch Trump, there are two things you must remember. The first is that Donald Trump honestly believes that his hardest core of supporters are actually totally dependent morons. And because he believes that, when he deals with them, he treats them like totally dependent morons.  And since those morons are the only ones he actually talks to, he tailors his message specifically for them.

Right now, when it comes to the coronavirus, 84% of Americans trust medical scientists. 77% trust the CDC, and 67% trust Dr Anthony Fauci. A pathetic 25% of them trust Trump. So of course the Trump White House comes out with a cheap shot, hatchet job on Fauci and the CDC. That act is pathetic enough, but even more pathetic is the fact that more than half of the quotes are intentionally misleading, or chop shop patchwork quilts of deception.

I grew up in Chicago, one of the cradles of political corruption in the country. And I can tell you, if there’s one thing that everybody hates, it’s corrupt politicians. And it’s not just nationally. Every year, state, county, and local politicians get caught stuffing their pockets, or fixing other illegal goodies for friends and cohorts. And when they get caught, they go to prison, and the masses cheer. So of course Trump decides to distract people from the coronavirus by commuting the sentence of a guy who not only isn’t repentant for being a world class asshole, he revels in the fact, and flouts his newfound freedom.

This is why Trump can’t get over the finish line. For the last six months, his blanket refusal to even put on the appearance of taking these national crises seriously have tanked his approval numbers, and have him on the cusp of a truly historic ass kicking. There are still people out there willing to vote for him, but he has to convince them to do so. And he is just mentally incapable of doing the kinds of things that will convince them. And if it doesn’t come from Trump, it doesn’t matter, the campaign is just window dressing and another slush fund to scam.

To know the future, look to the past.before the insanity of the 2020 election, relive the insanity of the 2016 GOP primary campaign, and the general election, to see how we got to where we are. Copies of President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange are available as e-books on Amazon, at the links above. Catch up before the upcoming release of the third book in the trilogy, President Evil III: All The Presidents Fen

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  1. “they want to see the grown up Trump”

    Haven’t they realized that there is no “grown-up” Trmp? The spoiled child is all there is behind that layer of orange makeup.

      • I’ve pointed out repeatedly that it’s human nature to resist admitting when we’ve fucked up. And that the bigger the fuckup the more we want to wish it away or at least conceal the fact we fucked up. So many Trumpkins have spent years proclaiming their belief in him to their families and friends. Also to co-workers and people they see regularly in their communities. Swallowing their pride and admitting to all those people they got suckered by Trump is a prospect too terrible to bear for the lion’s share of them. Hell, it’s an extremely painful thing for them to actually admit it to themselves!

        Add in the fact that the lion’s share of them wouldn’t be able to vote for a Democrat, and I mean ANY Democrat even if their Jeebus himself came down from the sky and ran as a Democrat & the sad truth is that the best we can hope for from (if we’re lucky) perhaps five percent of Trump’s hard core base is to either not vote or leave the Presidential choice blank. Or maybe write in someone else.


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