Remember the legend of Narcissus? He was so in love with himself and with the look of his face on any reflective surface, that finding more mirrors and reflective surfaces became his quest. Then one day he saw his reflection in a pool. He was moved to get even closer to it, because he found it so wonderful, and he fell into the pool and drowned. Narcissus didn’t know when to quit and neither does Donald Trump.

Everything becomes about him. Every conversation, every topic. Envy is the engine that drives Trump’s train. He sees somebody do something, have something and he thinks, “I want that, too.” It doesn’t matter if he’s qualified, he just wants it. Here’s the latest.

Now here’s a metaphysical consideration: Is having somebody draw you with a perfect jaw and muscles the same as having those things? Because, arguably, Trump or anybody could have the body they want. It’s a matter of work, like anything else. Trump’s not interested in putting in the work. He likes to play golf, but when it comes to weight lifting, running, body training of any kind, you don’t see him do it.

But he wants the result. That’s what is vintage Trumpian. Everybody else would make the decision to either: 1. Accept that they’re a slob; 2. Decide they’re sick of being a slob and do something about it. And people do both all the time. This time of year, late December, a lot of people decide that they’re going to become fit in the new year and so they go and buy gym memberships. Gyms are crowded places in January. Go back there in March and it’s a different story.

Another Trump pipe dream. He wanted to win the Nobel Peace Prize. That was a wash. A veteran gave him his purple heart because it’s a cinch Trump could never earn one of those And now he wants a Medal of Honor.

Or, in lieu thereof, he just wants to look like he’s got a Medal of Honor and have you think he’s got a Medal of Honor. Then he can have another TIME Magazine cover made up. Maybe he should have the Cecil B. DeMille award as well? The AFI Life Achievement award? Lord knows that he’ll happily take an Oscar or an Emmy, no question there.

How about a Pulitzer Prize? After all, Trump has called himself the “Hemingway of Twitter” why shouldn’t he get a Pulitzer on that basis alone? Or, how about a First Author award for The Art Of The Deal. Now we’re cooking.

It’s been said that Trump keeps going from business to business in order to fill up the emptiness inside of himself. He’s looking to find something that would be the perfect achievement, and it certainly wasn’t Trump University, Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, or any of that. And remarkably, it wasn’t being president of the United States.

For anybody remotely normal, that achievement more than suffices, even one term. I feel certain Jimmy Carter would say that and that George H.W. Bush would have. Bush basically did say that in the letter he left for Bill Clinton, which began the tradition of the outgoing president leaving a letter for the incoming president. There is no other job, no other experience, like it, Bush said.

But it still wasn’t enough to fix Donald Trump. He’s too badly broken. Dream on about the Medal of Honor, Donald. You don’t have what it takes. You don’t have what it takes to do any of it successfully, or you would have. You’ll probably be a loser prisoner as well, when you’re finally incarcerated.

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  1. I hope that artist (or any other artist) follow through and paint the damned thing. Of course it wouldn’t be enough. Trump would want more than ONE measly MOH. After having someone check he’d want to be painted wearing at least THREE. (there are a handful who were awarded two – and Marine Sgt. Dan Daly would have had a third if the Army hadn’t gotten all pissy and kicked up a fuss over a jarhead instead of a doggy being the first to get a third MOH. Enough objections were raised that Congress heard (plenty) about that the third he was recommended for and would have gotten was “downgraded.” The point though is that Trump would want to be the person with the most. Or for the MAGAs to see the portait and believe he’d gotten three of the things. Not that it would have finally made him feel the hole in himself/his character was finally filled in.

    • How many medals of honor did Audie Murphy have? Remember him? He was the most decorated soldier of WWII and then he went into the movies. If Trump’s ever heard of the guy, he’ll want to imitate him next.

      • Murphy was one of the most decorated Americans of WWII. Among his numerous medals was the Medal of Honor which was was awarded once. Less than twenty people have won two. For you or anyone else who’s curious here’s more info. on those individuals:

        As I said, no one has been awarded three. Despite what you see in the link, that “red tape” that caused Daly’s third MOH to be downgraded was a bunch of crap thrown in the works by the Army and their supporters back on the Hill.

  2. ‘All those muscles”? That 400lb bag of pampered goo wouldn’t even pass ANY physical to join ANY branch of service. As any of us know, who have served, boot camp is a two month physical endurance test of not only physical tests, but includes sleep deprivation, challenging your mental toughness and ability to work with members of your platoon. Purple heart? My uncle was wounded as a green beret in Vietnam. It’s an insult to all the heros who were actually wounded in battle. The fact that 99% of our citizens never serve, and a huge percentage still supports this fascist pig, makes me sick. We are a nation that sits on our well fed asses pontificating about lofty ideas while some poor citizen is on guard duty 24/7. Anyone who supports this nazi should have their citizenship revoked and given to some poor soul running from the hell WE helped create in Central America. Award? How about Fascist Pig Of The Year!

  3. Nothing more than an empty, soulless, heartless and mindless carcass. A vile and worthless parody of a man. An utter waste of biomass. Disgusting and nauseating at every moment, in every way.

  4. “gimme that Nobel”
    “gimme that Purple Heart”
    “gimme that sharpie”
    “gimmie that pistol”
    “gimme that respect”
    “gimme that Medal of Honor”
    “gimme that brain”


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