Most of us are aware that on January 6th, 2021, as Trump’s mobs threatened to overwhelm the Capitol Police and Metro D.C. officers who struggled to protect the Halls of Congress and it’s members, Vice President Pence resisted Secret Service efforts to bundle him into his limo and drive him to safety(?), determined to stay on scene and finish the job of certifying the electoral vote.

What the Washington Post makes clear today is that it was drumpf’s favorite Secret Security Agent and recently appointed Chief-of-Staff for Operations, Tony Ornato, who was behind the effort to spirit Pence away before he could finish the job.

“Pence and his team worried his own Secret Service agents might block him from his goals. Despite an armed mob breaking through the windows of the Capitol, the vice president insisted on remaining in the Capitol so he could finish the job of formally approving the results of the presidential election. As rioters stormed through the hallways, Pence’s detail leader insisted on taking a reluctant Pence from a hidden office to the Capitol basement. But Pence refused his top agent’s recommendation to climb into his armored limousine, for fear agents might drive him away from the building.

Keith Kellogg, a Trump aide who then was working as Pence’s national security adviser, had stressed to Ornato that the vice president intended on staying inside the Capitol to finish the job, according to the book “I Alone Can Fix It.” He told Ornato the Secret Service detail had better not try to forcibly remove Pence from the building.

“I know you guys too well,” Kellogg said. “You’ll fly him to Alaska if you have a chance. Don’t do it.”

And, true to form, Ornato used an intermediary to deny that this happened.

“Ornato, through a Secret Service spokesperson, has previously denied that this conversation took place.”

If they have not already done so, and his testimony on this specific incident has gone unreported, the January 6 Committee must get Ornato back under oath and explain, under penalty of perjury, why Godfather Trump was not doing more to protect the Vice President and if instead he was hoping to remove Pence from the Capitol to stop the vote certification, or, failing that, to go to the Capitol and confront Pence directly.

“Former Secret Service agents and national security officials emphasized the even more horrible events that could have unfolded on Jan. 6 if either Pence’s or Trump’s detail leaders had made different choices. They described the unimaginable scenario in which the president and vice president set out on a violent collision course at the Capitol, two leaders with opposing goals meeting up, accompanied by their dueling security guards and Trump’s chaotic army of protesters. Trump, after all, had been pressuring Pence to refuse to go along with the final count of electors, and some rioters were chanting, “Hang Mike Pence!”

And, while they are at it, make him deny under oath that he told Cassidy Hutchinson of Trump’s tantrum when leaving his Stop the Steal rally and clear her name.

Committee member Adam Kinzinger has Ornato’s number…

… it’s time to put it on speed dial.

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  1. So, yeah, it appears that Tony Ornato has been caught in lies more than once. Apparently the commandment, “Thou shalt not bear false witness,” holds no sway with him. It makes me wonder how many of the other commandments he has also broken, and whether he is totally amoral.

    • Daisy, NONE of these so-called Christians (and even fewer of the “secular” right-wingers) actually believe any of the Ten Commandments apply to them (ironic considering they were the ones most adamantly determined to get those very same Commandments–or at least a symbolic representation of them–posted in every school and government building within the past 20 years). They love to spout them when it’s convenient but suddenly act like they’ve never heard of them (or specific ones) when their actions don’t match the Commandment/s.

      • They treat the Bible the same way they treat the Constitution, something they like to cite, when it suits them, but which they’ve never actually read, and that they don’t really know at all.


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