Pathetic is as pathetic does. The whipped dog that is the GOP frontrunner for their 2024 presidential nomination, sulked during court Tuesday morning and then moped out of the room after refusing to answer a reporter’s question as to whether he would ask his MAGA followers to stop their protests short of violence in the future. Donald Trump is on his way down. Yes, I know you’ve heard that lo these many years. But consider who has been entrusted with taking him down.

The GOP first and foremost is Dr. Frankenstein to Trump’s monster. That’s always been the case. They wouldn’t remove their monster. They let him insult a distinguished senator and Vietnam veteran who was captured and tortured. They let him degrade women in his “grab ’em by the pussy” tape, they let do everything except what he said he could do and not lose a vote — which is to shoot somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue.  Now, today, that very comment was essentially dissected in court. Trump’s entire argument and what’s wrong with it can be summed up in these 56 words. This is what makes no sense. And these are appellate justices articulating these thoughts. Axios:

Between the lines: This is where Trump’s “Fifth Avenue” worldview and legal arguments begin to converge.

  • Under Trump’s reasoning, all it would take is 34 loyal senators to vote for acquittal in an impeachment trial and give that president unchecked power to commit crimes.
  • “I think it’s paradoxical to say that his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed allows him to violate criminal law,” a skeptical Judge Karen Henderson noted.

If you missed the set up today, Trump’s lawyer, John Sauer, “suggested in federal court that a president could order SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival and — unless he was impeached and convicted by Congress — be immune from criminal prosecution.” So, in essence, that is what Justice Henderson remarked on, the obvious paradox that a sitting president is immune from the law himself. In other words, a sitting president is above the law.

That’s the argument, friends. Run those 56 words past the MAGAs and get them to explain to you: 1. How it doesn’t say that Trump is above the law. 2. Or, if they agree that yes, it says that Trump is above the law, then ask, is that right? And should all presidents be above the law, or only Donald Trump?

I would seriously like to know what a MAGA would say to this. The evening news shows are all over it, naturally. I think it’s pretty obvious the way that the appellate court is going to rule. And I think it’s probably pretty obvious to Trump as well. Be glad you weren’t born a ketchup bottle. At least not a Florida ketchup bottle.

This is how ridiculous it has gotten in this country. We actually have a man running for president who has lawyers arguing that he — or any president — can’t be prosecuted for assassinating political rivals until and unless they’ve been impeached — and convicted, and removed from office. Is your head exploding yet?

And over on right-wing media, Trump’s addle pated eponymously named son is arguing that “law, logic and reason” are all on the senior Trump’s side. How did we ever get to this Tower of Babel? But more importantly, how can we get out of it?

The legal process is the only way. The GOP gave up any semblance of leadership or morality a while back. So forget about them. Trump has no moral compass of his own. He is the grifter’s grifter, the conman’s con. So that’s how it has devolved down to the legal system and the judiciary.

But seriously, if you talk to MAGAs and if they say anything, whip out those 56 words and ask them to explain to you why Trump should be above the law. I would be intrigued to hear.

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  1. Trump’s cult is still defending their sociopathic, psychopathic, pathological liar, sexual predator, traitorous, treasonous, dangerously deranged mob boss & “fearless leader” as though he’s their “messiah”, which many, if not most of them are delusional enough to actually believe. We are at a crossroads in our plight to preserve our democracy & our Constitution & the rule of law. Trump has made it clear that he doesn’t give a sh*t about anyone or anything besides himself & his lust for more money & power & control of others. He wants to make himself a dictator without any limits or rules of any kind, everything can only be done by his dictates & with his approval. Trump is a very sick man who should be taken away in a straitjacket & given mental help, then indicted, convicted & imprisoned for his life of crime. His reign of domestic terrorism must end now.

    • I don’t know how much mental help will actually help DON THE CON in the looney bin. I don’t think much can be done for someone with mental illness as massive has his.

  2. Anyone trying to understand the thinking of the Maga crowd should solve the following:
    Mad Hatter: why is a raven like a writing desk? have you guessed the riddle yet? the Hatter said,
    No. I give up, Alice replied.
    What’s the answer?
    I haven’t the slightest idea, said the Hatter.
    Glad to clear it up for everyone.

    • I saw a short clip just yesterday of a reporter interviewing a woman at a Trump rally. The reporter asked her if Trump’s indictments & legal problems had any effect on her feelings about Trump. The woman immediately replied that Trump’s legal problems had increased her support of him… & continued expressing her devotion, etc.

      I immediately realized that this woman had completely given up on anything resembling REALITY & had given herself completely to the DELUSIONS OF DON THE CON. It’s like a BRAIN DISEASE. The TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME that the MAGAS like to accuse liberals of having is what is actually infecting them.

    • There actually was a Victorian contest to find the best answer to the raven riddle. The winning entry was “because Poe wrote on both”.

  3. So, if President Biden ordered SEAL Team Six to assassinate TRUMP (since he views Trump as a threat to American democracy), that’s quite alright? Biden’s not a psychopath so it’s ok to argue stupidness when there’s no real fear of retribution.

    • Of course, Joe Biden is far too descent a man to ever consider such a thing… but we might hope someone else in the area of homeland security or defense of the country might avail themselves of an opportunity to protect the country from a danger like this traitorous PUPPET OF PUTIN, if necessary. I would prefer he be locked up for life & suffer that humiliation, but there might be too much risk of a future GOPer like NINNY HALEY pardoning him.

  4. Tragically, if you were to ask the typical MAGA goober if all Presidents are/should be above the law or only Trump they’d answer (without hesitation) “Just Trump.” The non-rabid conservatives, the MAGA-Lite (like Bill Barr) would say “Only Republican Presidents.”

  5. How do we get out of it? The legal process is the only way, exactly right. It ain’t over until the CRIMINAL CONMAN, LIAR, SEXUAL PREDATOR & GRIFTER DON THE CON SR. is PROSECUTED & IMPRISONED… preferably with members of his CRIME FAMILY & CONSPIRING COHORTS, ie DON THE CON JR., RUDY GUILIANI, BANNON…. They all belong in prison.

    • Under Trump’s reasoning, all it would take is 34 loyal senators to vote for acquittal in an impeachment trial and give that president unchecked power to commit crimes.
      “I think it’s paradoxical to say that his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed allows him to violate criminal law,” a skeptical Judge Karen Henderson noted.

      Looks like these that were in bold, to me.

  6. If I were a Hollywood scriptwriter, I’d be taking notes assiduously for the next year, especially the next few months. The movie of trump’s rise and fall is going to be a block-buster.

    The NY business fraud trial is weeks away from a judgment of damages, possibly up to $370 million, and Jean Carroll’s second defamation trial has been green-lighted and the legal pundits are saying that judgment could approach $50 million. All of which presages a precipitous decline in trump’s net worth, perhaps into negative numbers. If Carroll is successful in getting immediate payment, she could walk away with Mar a Lago.

    The coming days and weeks will be something to cherish.


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