The very day of January 6, 2021, when Trump was riling up the crowd at the ellipse there were a lot of nervous folks. When the mob actually got down to the Capitol and smashed its way in, Secret Service members were texting relatives. They believed they may not live out the day. Donald Trump is resorting to violent rhetoric again. That was definitely clear at his rally in Waco Texas on Saturday and in his increasing attacks on Alvin Bragg this past week.

And in an interview with CNN”s Jim Acosta on Sunday, Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren, who served on the January 6 Committee, expressed concerns that his rhetoric is even more incendiary and extreme than it was when he allegedly incited the January 6 riot at the Capitol.

Playing clips from the rally, Acosta asked Lofgren what she thought, Mediaite reports.

“It’s the same language of incitement that we’ve heard time and again from the former president,” Acosta said. “We know that late last week, the House Democratic leader, Hakeem Jeffries, was talking about how he was worried that somebody could get killed with all of this rhetoric flying around. Are you worried about that, too?”

“I think it’s a concern,” Lofgren said. “The rhetoric that he’s using today is not dissimilar to the type of rhetoric he used prior to January 6.”

“In fact, in some ways, it’s more overt and blatant than the events leading up to January 6,” Lofgren added.

Trump’s rhetoric has been fiery enough that Bragg has already received death threats – in the form of a letter filled with a white powder.

So people are definitely right to be concerned.

Lofgren brought up Trump’s horrific Truth Social post (that he fortunately deleted) –the one that shows Trump holding a baseball bat right next to a photo of Bragg. She also mentioned Trump’s continual parade of insults and name-calling and his threats of “death and destruction,” coupled with his comments during the rally Saturday.

“This is cause for concern,” she said. “We know that certainly not all of his followers are inclined to take up arms, but there’s enough of them who are willing to do battle in his behalf that someone could get killed. And people were killed, obviously, on January 6.

Trump has not learned any of the lessons of January 6, but it’s not just that. He doesn’t CARE who gets hurt or killed on his behalf. NOPE. Not even. He just wants to do what he keeps doing without hindrance and anyone who tries to object had best get out of his way.

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  1. He isn’t really running for president. He’s inciting another insurrection, hoping to be made president AKA dictator-for-life.

    • Now that would be the bullet in the head moment for the shit gibbon. And you’d have a difficult time picking up the pieces of the idiot after the event given how many people would be aiming for him and the first public event possible.

      There is no reason to take the idiot out as candidate trump-he’s the gift that keeps on giving to the left/mods/indies. Should he be greased into the w.h. again I believe his lifespan would be shortened significantly. The left might not be the ones constantly waving guns around like idiots but that doesn’t mean they don’t own them or that they are afraid to do what’s needed–we serve in the military too you know. That’s my effort at prognostication. Probably is more accurate than Jones’.

  2. I don’t know if this influences Jack & Merrick to quicken the pace, but the longer he’s free to inflame and lie, the more likely more blood will be spilt. That’s his clear intention.

  3. The disgraced, twice im”peach”ed mental-midget sociopath is truly dangerous.

    Is there anyone in government who is willing or capable of putting him away BEFORE he does something we’re all going to regret?

  4. There will be a lone wolf, but no giant mobs. They are too afraid of New York, and DC is wise to them. The place I am worried about is Atlanta.

  5. He is a terrorist. Fact. We should stop calling him anything but. His followers are also terrorists. Time to start dealing with reality.

  6. I disagree that Trump hasn’t learned from January 6.
    On the contrary, he learned that he can incite violence with impunity.
    Thanks two 2+ years of foot-dragging and hand-wringing by a feckless Merrick Garland he got away with it before and in his simple mind, he can again.
    Look for this to get worse before it’s over.
    Why they haven’t indicted and gagged this clown is nothing short of malpractice.

  7. Hey America…3 more dead 9 year olds!!! Sick of thoughts and fucking prayers? Trump and the GOP ARE DOMESTIC TERRORISTS!! As I posted earlier on this forum just a couple of days ago, more bodies are coming. This is a goddamn war and NO fucking representative should go one more fucking minute without catching shit on their phone lines, and EVERYWHERE THEY GO IN PUBLIC!!! THEY ARE GUILTY OF SUPPORTING MASS MURDER OF CHILDREN!!!!! The board members of the NRA and the gun manufacturers should be the ones IN FEAR OF THEIR FUCKING LIVES instead of elementary school kids. This is a goddamn war and they are killing our children. All you fuckers who voted these child killers in office HAVE INNOCENT BLOOD ON YOUR FUCKING HANDS! FACT!

  8. tRump is an arsonist. He’s happy to burn things down just for the attention and excitement, without regard for the results or who gets hurt. Many of his followers are also psychopaths, violent, hateful, murderous.


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