Trump’s biggest problem didn’t even come from the debate stage.


You know, sometimes people tend to give His Lowness just way too damn much credit. They say that Trump is elevating Biden as the prohibitive front runner via Twitter because he wants to run against him. This is likely true. But now people are trying to give Trump credit for mind fuckery, claiming he’s insulting other candidates in an attempt to elevate them, and weaken Biden. Trump’s mind isn’t that devious, he’s purely transactional. If he’s trying to bring Harris down, it’s because he sees her as a threat, and he wants Biden to remain top dog.

And that transactional nature is exactly what is going to screw Trump right into the ground. Most of this week, Trump was distracted by his fawning, close proximity to Vlad the Imp, and his hoped for fawning close proximity to Kim Ding Un. In his down time, he was distracted by the debates, and trashing Democrats. And he sure as shit was distracted by the Supreme Court slapping his chops over the citizenship question on the census.

But in his various fits of fetish and pique, The Mango Messiah missed the gold ring. The Supreme Court announced late in the week that it would definitely take up a case regarding DACA recipients for oral argument and decision in the upcoming fall term. If Trump wasn’t such a thundering moron, he’d instinctively understand what a total disaster this is for him and his reelection campaign.

This case is the ultimate lose-lose situation for Trump. When Trump announced his repeal of Obama’s executive order on DACA, and announced that he would begin deporting DACA recipients, the outcry was immediate. A federal court stayed his order, pending resolution. Congress has failed to act, and now, finally, the Supreme Court is going to have the last and final stay. And no matter what the ruling is, it’s a defeat, not only for Trump, but for every GOP incumbent running in 2020. Here’s why.

The Supreme Court will take up the case in the upcoming fall session, which means that a ruling will likely come just before the Christmas holidays. This falls right at the start of the “official” 2020 campaign, scant months before the primaries start to roll out, not just for the presidential candidates, but members of congress up for reelection as well. And whatever the decision, it will place the DACA issue front and ccenter in the political debate, after it had lain fallow for months in the daily atrocities of the $1 Store Caligula.

If the Supreme Court rules for the DACA recipients, it is a cudgel over Trump’s head, on his signature issue to his base, immigration. Democrats will be able to proudly display it under the “Promises made, promises broken” meme, which will prominently play in the 2020 general election. It will also embolden Democrats to start to court Hispanic voters by campaigning on providing protection for the parents who brought the kids over the border to keep the family units together, now that the kids are home and dry.

And if the curt rules for Trump, then he is well and truly fucked. Congress will not move on DACA now that is in the hands of SCOTUS, it will await a decision. If Trump gets his way, then he will have no choice, he will have to start deporting young kids whose only crime was to be here in the first place, through no fult of their own. Now that there are no obstacles left, Trump’s racist base will demand that blood sacrifice. And the image of tearful, scared shitless kids, wearing their Missouri State University sweatshirts, and with their Purple Hearts pinned to their chests, will become daily news images that will come back to haunt the Republicans almost as much as crying kids in cages. This alone could add another 15-20 seats to the Democratic House majority, turn the Senate blue, and even flip Texas.

And of course, being a Guinness Book Of World Records dipshit, Trump is going to do  everything in his power to make it worse for himself. I have said from the day that “Brewski Brett” was sworn in that Chief Justice John Roberts was now the reluctant “swing vote” on the court. This is his judicial legacy at stake here, and he’s damned if he’ll see it trashed by an obnoxious, toadying slob like Kavanaugh and his new “Squeege.” Trump has almost literally forced Roberts to swallow his natural inclinations, and vote with the liberals on the court for no better reason than Trump gloatingly predicting a friendly decision from the court, making it appear to be his personal score settling department. You can take it to the bank that Trump will once again start doing his Great Kreskin shtick again, as soon as the case is argued, forcing Roberts once again into a corner. This time, on this issue, I’m not at all so sure that Justice Gorsuch won’t stand with Roberts and give him some air cover, if for no better reason than to prove his own independence from the strutting popinjay who appointed him.

Once again Trump is his own worst enemy. He had a shit pot full of money on the table for his wall, in exchange for a permanent fix for DACA, and he turned it down. Whether he wins or loses on the DACA battle, he is certainly going to lose the war. Nice going, numb nuts.

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  1. Plus all those people have businesses and homes – and they’ll have to give those up.
    There go the jobs they created. And the money they put *into* the economy, that the RWNJs never ever seem to see.

    • Everything with His Lowness is a bumper sticker for his base, all of the real world consequences don’t matter…

    • That WAS interesting, thanks for sharing…And you’ll notice that even that author indicated that it was Roberts who was now tasked wih the fine line of the balance in power over sensitive issues that had more of a “social” rather than a “political” shock wave attached to them…


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