The handwriting went up on the Twitter wall this morning, when Donald Trump finally suggested delaying the November election — as Joe Biden predicted he would in April. And Biden was soundly denounced for it, as you may recall. “Mark my words I think he is gonna try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can’t be held,” Biden said, and the blow back was brutal. Raw Story:

“Former vice president Joe Biden’s unfounded accusation Thursday that President Trump wants to delay November’s election was not only clearly over the line but also unmasks how low the supposedly moderate Biden will go to win,” wrote Henry Olsen in the Washington Post.

“Some within Democratic Party circles hold fervently to the idea President Trump will arbitrarily decide to postpone the election,” scolded columnist Byron Williams of the Winston-Salem Journal. “This belief fits neatly into a narrative ascribed to the president. As they see it, his penchant for authoritarianism makes him America’s Hitler incarnate.”

And Trump-defending attorney Jonathan Turley chided Biden for fanning a “conspiracy theory” about Trump delaying the election in a column for The Hill.

“The ultimate conspiracy theory was declared by the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, who warned that he was certain Trump plans to delay the election this fall,” Turley wrote. “It is a conspiracy theory utterly without factual or constitutional support, yet his warning was deemed a ‘prediction’ by Politico in a recent article.”

If it was deemed a prediction, that’s a good call, because prediction it was. Verily, it has come to pass. And while we take our hat off to Joe Biden for calling the shot, it’s not like one has to be a political Nostradamus to figure out that Donald Trump, terrified by cratering polls, is going to do anything he can to screw up this election. That’s a given.

And that is the bottom line. Only an act of Congress can change the law, and with the Democrats ruling the House, I don’t see this as a shoo in. Moreover, shortly after Trump’s tweet, Fox News’ political reporter denounced Trump’s comment.

And Wyoming GOP Senator John Barrasso was on Fox Business, and he told host Stuart Varney, “No, we’re not going to delay the election, Stuart. We’re going to have the election completed and voting completed by election day. It’s going to take a while to get all the votes counted. I am certain — we need to continue to do this state by state.”

It doesn’t look like Trump is getting a lot of support for this fascistic notion. Well, let’s see how Kayleigh and Kellyanne spin it. They’re probably at their cauldron right now, throwing eye of newt into the steaming vapors — or maybe they’re calling Newt on the phone — while they desperately seek a spell in their political grimoire to mass hypnotize the nation. Good luck, girls. Donald Trump just self-immolated.



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  1. After this, I NEVER want to hear any-damn-body talking smack about Uncle Joe’s ability to think. He’s far from perfect but he’s been interacting with people in political circles for five decades plus. And he’s had Trump’s number from the beginning.

    • Biden knows who Trump is and what he’s about, no question. Joe has lost some of his sharpness, and that’s a shame, but damn it, he’s got more going for him than going against him. And there’s no comparison between him and Trump. One man is a statesman, the other a game show host.

    • Agree. I think what this absurd move on Trump’s part says, is that his exit is going to be just as childish and obstructive as he can make it.

      • Barr isn’t helping us. He was asked about this, and said something about “the DOJ would have to look at it”. The DOJ does NOT have authority over elections.

        • Via Aaron Rupar:
          “In the end, the Department of Justice and others will make that legal determination” — Mike Pompeo on Trump’s tweet suggesting the presidential election should be delayed

          • Pompadour Pompeo must be smoking crack if he thinks he can do anything to help trump. Like Barr, I believe these stooges are spouting off to keep trump from going looney tunes on them before they finish their grifting!!!

        • That response from Barr was meant for one person to hear. trump is very afraid to lose because he knows what is waiting for him when he leaves office on January 20, 2021.

        • Barr seems to have aggressively squandered any shreds of credibility he might have had, and I’m not sure what’s in it for him.

    • One analysis (forgot where I read it) holds that if Trump/Pence terms expire without an election, then Patrick Leahy will be president because some of the others in the line of succession cannot be considered for some reasons.

      • I read that too, but it makes no sense, and I don’t see any reasons why others in the line of succession — at least Pelosi — can’t be considered. Maybe the cabinet members can’t be considered in this particular instance because their terms would end along with the president’s? I don’t know, but that wouldn’t apply to Pelosi. And I think someone picked Leahy out of a hat. I see no evidence that the longest-serving senator is anywhere I the lie of succession.

        • The line of succession assumes that it would be activated in the middle of a term, not upon expiration of a term. Cabinet secretaries normally resign when the president that appointed them is no longer in office. I am not sure how the line of succession would work if terms simply expire without an election. I do not agree that the analysis was panicky clickbait. I think it is an interesting question. Leahy was not picked out of a hat. It had something to do with him having seniority when all others are disqualified for some reason. I’ll try to find the article again,because I am a little fuzzy on the details.

      • I second that, Ursula, hello Mae … Barr has to know the problems of an official pardon … guilty as charged, losing the fifth, and thousands of tax paying Americans wanting him grilled alive … we just need to get Barr’s charges fixed in his own House attack … starting an investigation stretching until/after the vote, Trump will be totally alone out in left field without his pretend AG/personal lawyer/goon squad creator … AND we would have the options to take his ass out in Biden’s first 100 days … no matter WHO is the new AG …

      • I’m beginning to see trump in a new light … like a large Roman candle, with the fuse lit …. Pffft-Pffft-Pffft-POOF …. Just gas no colorful reports, and there he stands chard, with smoke in the air and nothing else …

  2. We’ve all seen this coming. tRump, who has never suffered a consequence in his entire life, is looking to avoid the consequences of all his mistakes and deliberately bad choices by trying to subvert our system further than he already has. We must hold his feet to the fire. He (and his spawn and cronies) deserves serious jail time for all he’s done against our country and our citizens. No way do we or MSM let him wiggle out of it. We hold our election on Nov. 3, and we use mail in ballots if we can. Eff him!

    • I really believe we should institute that oldest of American traditions to send both djtRUMP and Buffy Barr out: namely Tar and Feathering. Let them scrape that stuff off later. They will have ample time while in prison.

  3. If it isn’t safe to vote because of the virus, then it isn’t safe for kids to go back to school, or people to be in bars and restaurants and churches. Or walking around without masks.

    • Oh there you go, being all logical and stuff again. You big silly! Just have a little hydroxychloroquine with your bleach, you’ll be fine.

  4. Even if no election, his term ends at noon on January 20th. SO does Mikey-boy’s.
    So, would that make Nancy Pelosi the first woman president?

    • She isn’t up for reelection, so she would be. Moscow Mitch would also be gone as all those not reelected to office. Hmmm. U go donald.

      • Um, Huh? “She isn’t up for reelection.” Say what? If that’s actually true as you’ve written, then no she would not be. If she’s actually not up for reelection as you write, then her term of office ends on Jan 2, 2021–that’s a full 18 days before the President is inaugurated.

        She is running for reelection (for what it’s worth, I’m guessing you meant she’s not likely to lose being reelected) but she still has to overcome the potential hurdle of NOT being retained as Speaker of the House on Jan 3 (or whenever the House actually chooses the Speaker). She has already stated that, if she remains Speaker this January, it will be her final go as Speaker (whether she plans to run again in 2022 or not is up in the air but, if that does happen, she’s said she will not accept being Speaker after that election, preferring to turn over the reins of leadership to someone younger).

      • She absolutely is and there’s no chance that Shahir “Man Bun” Buttar is going to beat her, since he got 13% of the primary vote to her 77%. And she will be reelected speaker and that puts her next in line. So yeah, she’d be interim president by all indications.

        • If there were no election at all, none of the House members would be returned to office, the whole House of Representatives would be vacant. Unless there is some clause I am unaware of? 2/3 of the Senators would remain, Mitch not among them.

  5. It’s like he’s jerking the chains of the conspiracy theorists and hysterics on the left and it’s really really working! Sure, he can suggest it but he can’t do it and he can’t pursue any thought for more than an hour. He had at least three things t try to buy in the news cycle today: the GDP report, Herman Cain’s death as a result of attending the Tulsa rally, and John Lewis’ service, which he is undoubtedly sulking about because how dare anyone be the subject of national honoring besides him?


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