This is straight out of the You’ve Got To See It To Believe It file. Look at what is being wheeled through the lobby at CPAC.

I knew CPAC would be nuts, but I wasn’t expecting this.



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  1. Trompador short pants
    US Code § 8:
    (i) The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever.
    (j) No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume

    Strangely, there’s nothing in the code that says you can’t make love to the flag

    “There is no god but Q and theDonald is his profit

    • To paraphrase one of my favorite (true) sayings (ever since 2015):
      “You can gold plate a turd, but its still a turd!”
      The Original?
      “No matter how much you polish a turd, its still a turd!

  2. I think it’s supposed to be a fatted calf, not a fat cow.

    Seriously though, that statute makes me think of the Maddow segment this week about the Nazi video that the laptop-stealing Capitol terrorist made. As Rachel pointed out, white supremacists guise their hate in quirky fun…in that case, the woman made a white supremacist statement in a skill mask, then did a silly dance with special effects.

    This profane Trump idol is kinda doing the same thing, right? Look at how funny he is, dressed in silly shorts and looking like a cartoon. But the statue symbolizes corrupt ideas and…uh…literal corruption. Kids in cages, mocking women, hurting minorities. Like the white supremacists and many fascist regimes, they’re trying to put a guise of fun and amusement on their immorality.

  3. I can’t help but wonder about the gal in the orange coat and the dude with her. She looks an awful lot like someone I grew up with. A classmate. Who’s little brother (a few years younger than us) happens to be a GOP Congress Critter and vocal member of the Sedition Caucus! I swear it looks like her and her husband, and since her baby bro is surely there at CPAC and it’s dead of winter (and they had some pretty cold weather of their own recently) they might have decided to connect up with the p.o.s. Representative that my idiot hometown helped put in Congress for a vacation. Just one more reminder of why I’ll be ignoring 50 year reunion invites when they start showing up in my inbox in a couple of years!

  4. I think this is a big joke being played on CPAC. Can they really think that this flag bermudas and flip flop wearing Bob’s Big Boy dipped in gold paint is supposed to be Trump? It’s hilarious.


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