The GOP frontrunner must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed today. Or, maybe he’s just finally had his fill of the pressures of all his lawsuits and so he decided that if he’s going down in flames, by gawd so is the Republican party. Why not?

He’s using his Trump War Room Twitter account as his platform for today’s rampage across the countryside.

And the old guard GOP is not looking good. No, not Mittens, not Pauline Ryan, and especially not Ron DeSantis, who Trump is lumping in with those two.

No new material in this next clip. I’m not quite sure why Trump War Room is shotgunning these out like this.

Three of these came out in the past hour, plus one came out three hours ago, Trump blathering about the economy.

I hope the GOP likes their monster now. They created him. They can destroy him. Or, he may destroy them. So far he’s done that in the last three elections, at any rate.

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