I gotta give him credit, Trump did it again. One reason Trump has survived for so long is that he is an instinctive gutter fighter. And even Jackie Chan will tell you that nothing lays a martial arts expert out like a brass knuckles sucker punch to the nuts.

We all know that Traitor Tot is totally transactional, but he’s obsessive. His goal is always short term, and he’s laser focused on it. And when he gets there, and it blows up in his face, then he fixates on the next short term solution.

But Trump is also a political imbecile. Trump’s sole avenue to avoid prison is to get back into the White House, and in his mind, being indicted will rally what is becoming his wayward party around him, and help to stomp Ron DeSantis. Forget the fact that a criminal indictment, or more than one would be death-on-two-legs in a general election campaign, he’ll game that out when he gets to it. For right now, he needs to be indicted.

So Trump did what he always does. He started a fight. When the media started reporting that Alvin Bragg’s grand jury investigation was winding down, and that indictments were highly likely, most likely within two weeks, FrankenTrump jumped the gun, stole Bragg’s thunder, and darkly predicted on his bargain basement platform, Bullshit Social that he would be arrested on Tuesday, and calling for mass protests.

Which allowed His Lowness to go on the offensive. He repeatedly used his platform to refer to Bragg in racist and anti Semitic terms, and subtly promoted threatening violence against Bragg and his office.

And it worked. Bragg immediately put out a statement bucking up his troops, swearing that his office would not be swayed by threats and intimidation, but would follow the evidence and the law. And when Trump doubled down, Bragg responded in kind. And walked into the trap.

And then Trump’s howler monkeys in the GOP House piled on, demanding records, documents and testimony from Bragg to explain why he was holding a purely political persecution against The Mango Messiah. And true to form, Bragg brusquely told them to fuck off, that the US House had no business meddling in Manhattan DA investigations or proceedings. Basically, Kiss my ass! If I want to indict Trump I’ll do it, and you can’t stop me.

Checkmate. Bragg’s own bellicose response sends the unmistakable vibes of a man on the verge of an indictment. The funny thing is that it didn’t have to be this way. After all it was former Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance and his main deputy Marc Pomerantz who were gung ho to prosecute Trump. When he took over, Bragg didn’t share their enthusiasm and put the investigation on hold, creating two public resignations and a tell all book. If Bragg was politically motivated, he would have just let it die. But evidence came up that convinced even Bragg that this was a righteous prosecution. It can’t get much less political than that.

But as The Swamp Thing said in Con Air, Bragg Is shit outta runway. He already stalled it out by inviting Trump to testify, as is required, and then letting his hand picked stooge, Robert Costello to testify in his stead. Then Bragg used procedural parlor tricks to tie up the rest of the week, and used today to interview David Pecker for the 2nd time in front of the grand jury. What’s next, juggling clowns? Sooner or later Bragg is going to have to wrap and make his decision. And that time appears to be right about now.

And. Bragg. Must. Indict. He has no choice. Besides, it’s a bed of his own making. Bragg held the wake and funeral for the Trump/Daniels case in February when he took over. All he had to do was to let it die. The fact that he chose to revive it means that he must feel it’s a righteous prosecution. And if you have a righteous prosecution You. indict. Full stop. So put your big boy pants on and pull the trigger.

Because Trump has his finger on the trigger. If Bragg lets the grand jury expire, Trump’s sadistic glee will know no bounds. He will chortle that Bragg was nothing more than a gutless loser engineering a totally political witch hunt!, but when the time came to put-up-or-shut-up, Bragg didn’t have the balls to face the death and destruction!

And it won’t do Bragg’s street creds any good in his own office either. It was Bragg who resurrected this case, and like it or not, it will be the defining case of his term. And all of those other prosecutors in his office want all of the threats, the angst, and the misery at home to stand for something! And that means multiple indictments of Hair Twitler.

Because it’s not just Bragg if you think about it. You’ve got Fani Willis at the Fulton County DA’s office ready to indict, as well as Jack Smith at the DOJ, and when either one or both of them file indictments, it makes Bragg look like a loser. The one thing he can’t afford to do. Bragg really has no choice but to indict. And Trump will get his martyr status, no matter what it costs him down the road. Welcome to politics and justice in the United States in 2023.

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  1. If you recall, Cy Vance had things teed up for indicting Trump when Bragg took office. He tried to stop that train and damn near got run over by it. There was genuine outrage and his chickenshit antics were costing him his political career in its infancy. So, he waited a while and came back to the matter and started rebuilding the case with a fresh grand jury. The train is rolling down the tracks at full speed and there’s no stopping it now even if Bragg wants to. Hell, given the threats he’s now facing his original mishandling of the matter could wind up actually boosting his career! Also, given the law that just passed in GA which Kemp has said he supports before the end of the week the GA legislature can shut down prosecution of Trump in that state. I fear that’s exactly what they will do. Either have Fani Willis removed from office or cut off her ability to obtain indictments, or at least file charges.

    I wonder about the Constitutionality of that law, both the GA one and the federal one. No doubt it will wind up in court, but perhaps in the meantime Willis can go ahead and file charges, taking a page from the Mueller playbook of “speaking indictments” that lay out a LOT of the case. That could make it harder for the GA legislature to follow through on protecting Trump, especially if Trump winds up charged by Bragg and Jack Smith.

  2. The GOP is actively trying to install a dictator. We are Europe before Hitler invaded Poland. I wonder how our tolerance of these fascists in our government will end ? We are already in a shooting war. Just ask all the dead Americans killed by gun violence. Just like Hitler, they prefer to shoot and kill unarmed civilians so they can make the rest of us afraid and compliant. Time to fight.
    Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Teddy Roosevelt

  3. That GA law allows,a governor and the legislature to.overturn an election is terrifying as a precedent.And it should be. I suspect it it would be overturned by a saner SCOTUS but with this one? Very likely upheld.



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