Donald Trump is a baby and that’s not new information. But having a White House aide testify before a congressional hearing that she had personal knowledge of the president of the United States, in title, at least, “either throwing dishes or flipping the tablecloth,” on more than one occasion is something else.

And this testimony comes along with testimony of Trump attempting to grab the steering wheel of a car driven by a Secret Service man, Bobby Engel, and then assaulting the Secret Service man.

The next few clips you are about to hear are unbelievable, but then the truth always eclipses fiction.

As I post this at 11:15 PT the hearing is in recess.

This is incredible. And this is going out live over Fox News, don’t forget that.


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  1. Typical thuggish behavior from this temper tantrum throwing con man/baby. Not surprising. I wonder how many other events like this took place behind closed doors that we don’t know about.

  2. I wonder if they’ve interviewed Special Agent Engel. Now, I’m sure on principle the Secret Service will try (or tried) to prevent that as a matter of longstanding policy. Conservatives, especially the carnival barker dogs at Fox would howl to the moon over such a thing. To which my response is “Ken Starr! Ken Starr! Calling Ken Starr!!!! Where ARE you Ken Star?”

    The real world Inspector Javert aka Ken Star went to extraordinary lengths to strip away Presidential privacy privileges from Bill Clinton. He went so far as to get the Courts to agree that communications with the WH Counsel (and office) weren’t legally protected communications because those lawyers were taxpayer funded. I kept asking at the time (and given the current SCOTUS suddenly am fearful about this) about public defenders who are also paid by taxpayers – could they wind up NOT having their communications with clients protected by attorney/client privilege? Anway, Starr got his way on that one.

    Another big fight, and one which Starr won was to pierce the privacy shield Secret Service Special Agents had with their Protectees. Clinton’s had to testify.

    So, if conservatives don’t like the thought of Engel being put on the hot seat they have only their Clinton Derangement Syndrome based support for Ken Starr’s antics to blame. Assault/Battery is in and of itself an actual crime. And that’s exactly what Trump did. But even if he hadn’t threatened and physically grabbed at Engels’ throat what took place in that limo that day shouldn’t be protected from disclosure. The riot was already underway. The Secret Service new it. Trump’s people knew it and so did Trump himself. THAT makes interactions regarding Trump’s demands to the Secret Service (multiple demands) relevant. And NOT protected.

    • This answers a lot of questions I have about the secret service. This also applies to the Mike Pence situation where he refused to get in the limo knowing he would be taken somewhere and be left incomunicado, thus leaving the floor open to trump and his minions.

  3. I’ve a feeling diaper don knew his SS agents were not going to allow him to hoof it to the capitol. He just has done nothing in his life that would persuade anyone with any sense that he would WALK anywhere. F.F.S. his one thing in life he actually enjoys, golf, he does by golf cart.

    It might look good to the rubes who are now rationalizing themselves into the equivalent of the Gordion Knot that traitor tot is not…a traitor. Those of us still capable of thinking know better.


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