We have seen many wonders come to pass since 2015, and lo, we shall see many more. Behold this marvel on tape that you will see.  Donald Trump is loathed, hated and despised in the Golden State. I know this first hand because I lived most of my life in California. It’s a blazing blue state where the Republicans are in the minority. When Trump came on the scene he so horrified the sensibilities of Californians that talk of Cal-exit came up, namely California seceding from the Union. You believe it? True story.

The irony of Trump is that the only state in the Union that hates him more than California is New York, ostensibly his home state. New York is in the process of excommunicating him forever. And believe me when I tell you, in early 2017 I moderated a dialogue between two friends, one in New York and one in California and they argued about which state hated him the most, and why. I share this with you so that you realize full well the utter insanity of what Trump says here, starting at 2:17. There is no.way.in.Hell.he.could.win.in.California. Watch both clips. They are well worth the time.

“Sin is a thing that writes itself across a man’s face. It cannot be concealed. People talk sometimes of secret vices, there are no such things. If a wretched man has a vice, it shows itself in the lines of his mouth, the droop of his eyelids, the moulding of his tiny hands even.” — Oscar Wilde

This is classic. If you haven’t seen this one, you have missed a short masterpiece.

Whenever I see this clip it puts me in touch with a couple of feelings: 1. I was proud to be an American when Obama was in office and I had immense respect for our Commander in Chief. He was worthy of the title. 2. Donald Trump is an unspeakable travesty and I was ashamed that he was ever our president. Or that anybody would ever want him to be again.

But, he’s got tons of debt and mountains of legal bills and politics is his only means of income right now, not to mention the only possible way he can escape imprisonment. Or so it is believed.

So we carry on, day by day, to keep America democratic, rather than let it go to the dogs of MAGA Hell.

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  1. Any state that actually votes for donny’s opponent is proof their voting system is in excellent condition. Makes you wonder about 2016 doesn’t it?

      • I’d give this 1,000 thumbs up if I could. Electoral college is ludicrous in its antiquity and mind-blowing illogic in this day and age. Think of this for a minute: Hillary won the popular vote in 2016 by around 3 million votes, yet due to our ridiculous electoral college system we got diaper Don. That means essentially the same thing as 3 million votes honestly and conscientiously cast only to be thrown into the dumpster because… ? Why this isn’t at the top of our list of things to be fixed is hard to tolerate. This is the real election fraud in plain sight right under our noses.

  2. Off-topic, but not really…California “rigging” has created a situation that should have fair-minded Dems in a permanent state of anger! In the upcoming primary to fill Feinstein’s Senate seat, Ds and Rs are jammed together and the top 2 finishers move on. Well, the top 2 should be Schiff and Porter, but that scares Schiff to death so he’s gaming the system. Schiff has a huge war chest and he’s using it to promote Steve Garvey…the Trump-loving Republican!! He’s promoting Garvey, who has no money and no ideas, so MAGAs will come out in force and make Garvey his opponent in the general!! Katie Porter has the best shot to beat Schiff, so he’s trying to kill her now!! Schiff is certainly well-liked as a clear-thinker and an impeachment manager, but he’s also dull and has a stick up his butt…BORING!! Katie Porter is an exciting Mom with a whiteboard and a minivan!! She challenges Big Bank and Big Everybody Else and she’s funny as well as prepared! So, Schiff wants her gone, but he could hurt a lot of Dems by getting MAGAts to the polls!! Politics is all about gaming systems, but he’s helping MAGA! Help Porter if you can, but let Schiff know this is unacceptable aiding of the enemy!!

      • You’re calling HER a terrorist? The tramp part is out of line too. Tone it down. Of course, coming from someone who can’t even pick a “handle” that’s grammatically correct (hint – you should have put the letter s on the end of sucks doofus) it hard to take you seriously.

        • I did spell sucks right. what are you, a stupid highschool dropout? if you don’t like it, go bite my big ,fat ,hairy, ugly, Moderate, Pro Israel butt moron!

          • So the 11,500 slaughter of children in Gaza is OK with you…done by Bibi the Israeli version of Trump? I ask as a Jew…are you?… Or just a phucking Zionist with no conscience? Just curious hairy. Do you include balls to go along with your stupid moniker to answer the question?

    • Why are you spewing Fox Propaganda talking points (lies)? Perhaps you need to be deprogrammed? Do you also believe everything else Fox feeds your brain with? The truth is polls show Steve Garvey is currently in second place behind Adam Schiff, so Schiff is attacking Garvey with ads linking him to Don the Con. So how do you conflate that to “trying to kill” Katie Porter? Your use of the term “California Rigging” is another lie straight from Fox Propaganda. In 2010, Proposition 14 was voted in by a majority of Californians establishing for Primaries a “Top Two” system regardless of party. That’s called Democracy in Action. One person, one vote. Finally, I don’t live in CA, but I like both Schiff & Porter and believe either one would make a great Senator. If I was a CA citizen resident, I would be voting for both Porter & Schiff under the top 2 current system of election law for CA primaries. So in essence, Schiff’s ads attacking Steve Garvey only hurt Steve Garvey. They do not “kill” Katie Porter.

    • Look – I’m not going to trash you for your views. Too much of that already, but I would like to know the source of this information. Personally, I like both Schiff and Porter very much but what you state as “fact” here really needs some sort of confirmation. Otherwise, I’d have to conclude it’s just more internet bull shit. Lot of that around these days.

  3. ” If ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ were candy and nuts…what a wonderful Christmas it would be!”
    Fred Goldsmith the former Duke football coach

  4. California for the rapist? Yeah right!
    I’ve lived in California for decades and I know the politics and he doesn’t have a remote chance. Biden could win Wyoming before he wins California.
    BTW, this is me and LA Mayor Karen Bass in an event today.

  5. This is the reason why us Moderates don’t want useless senile old farts like both Trump and Biden. Both of them are really stupid just like these idiots who supports them. The third party like both Forward and No Labels are far more superior than these clowns running our government. I hope both the Far Rights and the Far Lefts kill each other so we can have some sanity for once!

    • We can debate the merits or lack thereof of third Party candidates all day long. And Parties like the Libertarian Party, the Green Party for example that have an actual structure and history. And who aren’t in reality a handful of dark money donors who want a spoiler candidate that will put Trump (or perhaps another Republican) back in so they can keep their goddamned tax cuts and keep gutting regulations.

      • Excuse me? I’m a angry Moderate you filthy hillbilly jerk! Forward Party and No Labels are real Moderates! You supports old farts who are too cheap to save this country! This is the reason why both the Far Rights and the Far Lefts ruin this! Both sides are stupid people just like you! 🤬 Go bite my, big, fat, hairy, ugly, Moderate, Pro Israel butt loser!

        • I know I shouldn’t go matching wits with an unarmed person but sometimes…

          Since you want to trade insults I’ll not really cut loose but won’t entirely avoid them as I address both of your comments at once. First off dipshit I didn’t say you MIS-spelled “sucks”, I said you fucked up the grammar. “Both Parties Suck” is correct usage of the English language. “Sucks” is either carelessness on your part or you really are that fucking stupid. Or maybe you need me to put is phonetically as in “stoo-pid?”

          Ignorant hillbilly? Well, I was born and raised in a small southern Illinois Town. Being in my mid sixties I was raised in a time when parents believed in education and wanted the best schools for their kids. We were actually a larger than normal small town for the area and there were a little over 250 people in my class in high school. I ranked third in my class in the National Merit Scholar Testing. When it came time for college boards I ranked 92nd percentile which means I was in the top eight percent in the country. I don’t claim to be a genius because frankly I’m not. But I’m not a dummy either.

          When I was 26 I was turned down for the Marines as an Aviation Officer Candidate due to my being that age. So I enlisted, While Beirut was raging. As a jarhead I took and still take the insulting attitude of the Israeli Defense Forces at the airport as a personal insult against my entire Marine Corps. Not that given what happened with their attack on the USS Liberty when I was growing up didn’t already have me wary of their government sometimes. I’ve always believed in and supported a homeland for Jewish people. I also believe that since the people we know as Palestinians have lived on that same land for just as long provisions had to be made for them to have their own place. A two-state solution. If you knew anything about me you’d know both from her and back on Daily Kos I’ve for years been highly critical of both “Bibi” Netanyahu and the IDF. It would take hours to list all have to say about THEM but I also know that while most Palestinians, like most Jews over there don’t much like the other side and trust is at best minimal the average Palestinian wants no part of Hamas – who lest we forget was IMPOSED on them by (drumroll) Netanyahu! Why did he do so knowing they were fucking terrorists and would regularly fuck with Israel? Two reasons. First those attacks helped HIM politically. Second it helped him undermine the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. Sooner or later the bill would come due for his fuckery and on Oct. 7 it did. Even regular Israelis have realized what their leader had done. He’s toast at some point.

          Now, as for No Labels go fuck yourself. They aren’t just dark money. Those few people funding it have taken serious steps to hide who the fuck they are. That should tell you all you need to know. And the fuckwads they’ve floated as possible candidates show their true colors. The only way they won’t wind up fielding a candidate is if they think that person would hurt TRUMP. And some polling suggest that might in fact be the case. However a week is a lifetime in politics so who knows what things will look like by summer. They are working on ballot access in as many states as possible just in case.

          I don’t know about you but I don’t trust people who won’t say where they are getting their money from. Or at least most of it. You shouldn’t either.

          I don’t have a problem with moderates. I used to be that way at least on some things. But these days the kinds of moderates No Labels have been floating aren’t really moderate. At best they are GOP-Lite. Now I suggest you just STFU and go away.

          Maybe somewhere in that thick skull of yours you might remember an old saying – “It’s better to be silent and be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.” It’s time for you to stop showing your ass and proving what a fool you are.

  6. Both…come on back when you graduate from middle school. Hopefully your brain will be developed enough to know every election is a binary choice. This time it’s a competent moral man, who has saved the economy, after Trump killed hundreds of thousands of citizens by advocating the drinking of bleach, vs a fascist child killing pig. Vote 3rd party,(all hiding their intent and the right wing money), and you vote for the nazi. It’s that simple sonny. Someday you may grow up…maybe, if the oligarchs don’t destroy the planet through the burning of fossils fuels, another feather for Biden, who, despite Manchin’s opposition, and a house full of traitors, passed the greatest legislation fighting climate change. Of course, you may already be a cult member or a Russian bot…if so, phuck you!


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