“The longer I live the more convinced I am that this planet is used by other planets as a lunatic asylum.” — George Bernard Shaw

You know good and well that Donald Trump has no idea who George Bernard Shaw is. I have no doubt that Shaw is twirling in his grave right now, on the day when Trump happens to agree with him about the mental health of the planet in general and this country in particular. The two merely disagree upon the origin of the lunatics.

What makes this comical is that Trump hasn’t bothered to parse through what the crazies, released from mental hospitals, are going to do once they cross the border, what group they’re going to join. But we know, right?

Maybe Trump could rewrite the commentary on the base of the Statue of Liberty, “Send me your rapists, your crooks, your mental institution patients straining to escape the net. I hold my lamp beside the MAGA door.”

Thanks for letting us know where you find these people, Donald. We have long wondered. Now we know.



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