Trump celebrates while the rest of us mourn and solemnly observe. Literally. If you go to Truth Social right now you will see posts on what is the big story of June 6 in Trump world, which is the merger of the men’s PGA with the Saudi LIV tournament. He’s simply a flutter over all this.

I daresay that somebody on his staff reminded him that today was the celebration of D-Day and was probably ignored, because Trump has said nothing about D-Day — but there is an announcement that Newsmax is re-running Trump’s 2019 speech from Normandie this afternoon.

That is exactly what we want for president, is somebody who can predict sports news. And maybe Trump will fan out and start predicting celebrity marriages and divorces as well.

Trump may crow over this merger but he’s one of the few. Raw Story:

The men’s PGA agreed to merge with the LIV Golf tour in a huge announcement Tuesday – much to the chagrin of families of 9/11 victims that have spoken out against the Saudi-backed LIV group for months.

A statement posted by Semafor reporter Max Tani revealed the group is “shocked and deeply offended” by the merger. They explained that the LIV Golf league is “bankrolled by billions of sports washing money from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi operatives played a role in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and now it is bankrolling all of professional golf.”

“PGA Commissioner Jay Monahan co-opted the 9/11 community last year in the PGA’s unequivocal agreement that the Saudi LIV project was nothing more than sportswashing of Saudi Arabia’s reputation,” said 9/11 Families United Chair Terry Strada.

“But now the PGA and Monahan appear to have become just more paid Saudi shills, taking billions of dollars to cleanse the Saudi reputation so that Americans and the world will forget how the Kingdom spent their billions of dollars before 9/11 to fund terrorism, spread their vitriolic hatred of Americans, and finance al Qaeda and the murder of our loved ones. Make no mistake — we will never forget.”

As always, Trump blunders ahead, making the proverbial bull in the china shop seem like a ballet dancer by comparison. His thrill at today’s golfing world development is only surpassed by his indifference to D-Day, one of the most important dates in American history.

Predictable as always.

Here are some thoughts from Dan Rather, who was a child at the time. He speaks of remembering

The horror of the war that preceded this day, and all that was still to follow.

The full scale of the bloodshed, and the fear — even in the United States, separated by oceans — that a permanent darkness would envelop the globe.

The desperate sense that if we did not come together to the cause, we risked losing everything.

Even as a child, the uncertainty, dread, hope, yearnings, loss, and resilience were palpable. For years, I had listened to reports from far-flung battlefields. I had learned world geography, from North Africa to the islands of the Pacific, by plotting datelines of death and destruction in books of maps. The career path that would become my life’s work was forged in those moments when I was alone with my thoughts, my radio, and the voices of fearless correspondents.

D-Day, its anticipation, execution, and aftermath, still seems immediate to me today. I have had occasion to visit those beaches, report from there, and pay tribute to the fallen. I think of these young men, just a bit older than I was, asked to run toward bullets in the service of freedom. I think of those they left behind, and those who returned who were never the same.

One of the indelible lessons of war is the preciousness and precariousness of peace.

Let us reminisce with those who have the wisdom and the class to properly honor this day. And let Donald Trump revel in his murderous Middle-Eastern buddies’ latest toy. The contrast is incredible.

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  1. Another day ending in the letter y, another day of Trump being despicable. Given how he’s been lining up LIV events at his properties I’m not surprised that instead of showing some respect for this date he instead wants to crow about being an early supporter of LIV golf. I was stunned when the news broke. In fact I’ve spent a couple of hours trying to write about it in some form that’s toned down enough to be publishable.

    Nice going Jay Monahan and Trump. Monahan for those who don’t know is the PGA Tour Commissioner who along with just a few others sat in the room this morning and perhaps for a while yesterday and made this deal for Saudi blood money. And chose to sh*t on the news cycle on the anniversary of D-Day by announcing a deal with MBS who is as vile a thug as Hitler..

  2. I would be shocked out of the last 35 years of my life if the sh*t gibbon could predict what he’d ask someone to bring him for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

    Regarding the golf nonsense: who gives a flying f**k? Who watches golf anyway? I’ve always been baffled it is even considered to be a sport. This decision will lose more potential watchers certainly so maybe this dumbass bullsh*t will be the impetus to consign the “sport” (hah) to the trash heap of history sooner rather than later.

  3. Phuck these nazi killers. They clearly have shown us who they are. My five uncles served in WW2, some in combat in the pacific and in France. The rich, golfing, mostly white boys, have taken a sh*t on our history, and the memories of the boys who got paid peanuts to take bullets in the face. The PGA is dead to me, and I called the PGA to tell them so. I suggest the rest of you, who give a rat’s ass about our democracy, call the PGA and tell them you will boycott everything associated with them lying down with murderers for money.

  4. Michael Wilbron on PTI justified the PGA taking the blood money. He said he’d ” laugh in the face of the pros” who didn’t take the money. I know Michael you will never see this, but I ask you, as a black man…would you side with the KKK had they bought out the PGA? You are just another example of a person with average intelligence and questionable principles being elevated in the sports entertainment industry. FACT.

    • I watched a big chunk of Golf Channel coverage of this today including while drafting this article. Some were already soft-peddling things with “it was inevitable” or other stuff and some like Chamblee (who grates on me more often than not but I’ve always been with him when he’s talkeed LIV) were openly critical. Many were in a “this is stunning, will create confusion, not being received well by many players they’ve talked to, wondering about the effects on the bulk of tour players who don’t get the big endorsement contracts and seldom win or even finish in the top five or ten in tournaments” mode. I can’t help but think the Saudis have laid the groundwork to buy off a lot of sports journalists and even purchase a big stake in The Golf Channel which has been shooting itself in the foot more and more often since Palmer died. Those golf writers and talking heads can be bought off a lot cheaper than players can. How much do you want to be we’ll see a steady and increasing level of positive comments from most of those who today have been in not outright critical at least serioiusly questioning what’s taking place? A paid tuition here and there, access to some condos at toney golf destinations (or maybe one’s own condo) = stuff like that. Peanuts to the Saudis. And practice for bigger targets they have live MLB, the NBA and even the NFL.

  5. Based on what I’ve seen about his past, I can safely predict Trump’s future.

    He’ll lose.

    Like he did with Trump steak, Trump water, Trump airlines, Trump casinos, Trump university, the popular vote, (twice), impeachment, (twice), and hundreds of court cases.

    Losing, the only thing he’s good at.

    A safe prediction.

    • Sorry to have to argue with you on this. Losing, sure, you got the number. But he’s a BAD loser. He “never loses”. It’s always someone or somebody’s else’s fault.

  6. What pandemic? There would have been no pandemic except for the testing. Joe Biden created the pandemic with all those free tests. A waste of money. Money better spent on cholrox.


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