You remember John Kelly saying that the White House was a “horrible place to work.” It also must have seemed a bit like the community room at an insane asylum. The former chief of staff for Homeland Security, Miles Taylor, has made an ad for Republican Voters Against Trump. Go in particular to the 1:20 mark where Taylor says Trump didn’t care what was illegal, he didn’t want to hear about it, because he has “magical powers.” Maybe the lunatic does believe he’s the Chosen One?

78 more days. Either this ends in 78 more days, or America does. That is the reality of the situation. As Taylor says here, if Trump gets four more years, “it will be no holds barred.”


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  1. Don’t like to get caught up in religion or too much politics unless it has a purpose. Seems to me, being a simple country boy from Oregon, that trumpster the dumpster ain’t the chosen one, or has any magical powers. Now, I do admit, we in Oregon are a little bit on the blue part of the spectrum, so we have an advantage when this kind of BS gets laid out there.
    PS: Good take on it Ursula…

        • Yeah, they do. The last time an evil narcissist took down an educated, 90% christian, western democratic republic like ours ended with a bullet to the head by his own hand in his private bunker. Of course, the death, damage, & ongoing river of ignorance & misplaced rage really continues to this day.

      • If he wasn’t totally bonkers before – all that Diet Coke, loaded with aspertame will do it to you. I can just imagine those grey cells withering away even further, each and every day!

      • What are republicans going to do when he totally goes nuts? If he orders troops to shoot people or not letting them vote, will they stand up to him? Have you noticed when people like Romney stood up to him, he backs down?

  2. Just saw this ad…is it any wonder every non-Trump Republican is fleeing into our arms over this kind of behavior? Bear in mind that’s ONE individual’s set of stories. There are tons more these disaffected conservatives are sharing with each other, publicly and privately. It’s going to make the difference.

  3. You know what would not only impress me but cause me to actually offer approval to Trump? If he were to use his magical powers to spontaneously self-combust into a pile of ashes at the podium when the camera settles on him as he’s supposed to give his acceptance speech next week. I’ll admit it. I would actually cheer and say thank you and well done as the ashes are blown away by the breeze like Voldemort’s did at the end of the last Harry Potter movie. Not being as good a person as I should be I’ll admit to the enjoyment I’d take from seeing him burned at the stake, but even if an instantaneous trip to oblivion is far too good an ending for him I’d settle for my original scenario.

    • I’m still smitten with drawing, quartering, tarring and feathering. Then there’s a particularly gruesome technique the Romans used involving a pike inserted into a certain orifice. Nothing’s too good for that dumbass, after all the pain and travail he’s brought into our lives.


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