In a few thousand years, assuming the planet is still here and people are living on it, it may actually be black comedy of a sort that the GOP frontrunner for president in the year 2023 actually suggested that the death of his opponent’s son would be a good idea. For today, however, it just plays out as stupid and tasteless. Here’s Donald Trump’s gaffe du jour.

Trumpty must not be able to play golf today or something. He’s very active on Truth Social.

Paranoid much?

This will only continue as the days tick down until August, when yet another indictment is expected to drop, this time in Georgia.

Here’s another case that’s moving right along.

I think all of these trials are going to be speedy, a veritable conga line of trials. And still the GOP can’t quit him.


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  1. I’m all for the death penalty for Trump. Even if accidently self-inflicted by say choking to death on a too big chunk of not well enough masticated “hamberder” or a too big piece of burnt steak not lubricated enough with ketchup because he’d thrown the bottle at the wall again. The day this despicable excuse for a human being ceases to consume oxygen takes place the human race will leap forward in quality. I’d be all for the U.S. leading a resolution at the U.N. to mark that wonderful day, with an annual publication of “World Wide Celebration of Trump Death Day.” If any MAGAs out there read this and don’t like it, go “collude with yourself.”

  2. I’m OK with sending trump to the chair. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg went there in 1953 for espionage, not for selling nuclear secrets to Soviet agents but for giving them freely on principle. If it turns out the tangerine traitor shopped top secret information for profit, he’s more than deserving.

  3. If Hunter Biden was to get the death penalty, what should we do about the Trump crime family?

    Bring back drawing and quartering?

  4. As I have previously stated concerning these NAZIS…if they steal the power back under the GUISE of legality, as Hitler did in the Democratic Republic of Germany, then buckle up for horrors never seen in America except during slavery. Trump, guilty of every type of crime in America, projects onto the innocent, crimes HE, HIS FAMILY, AND THE REPUBLICANS have actually committed. The nazis did it to perfection, and when they gained power, committed atrocities daily until stopped by allied armies. Anyone think Trump won’t execute innocent political prisoners? Better wake the phuck up!!!! Exactly what has hunter done to deserve death? Exactly!!!!

  5. I just love how Trump can post “two tiers of justice” (in all-caps *and* with an exclamation point!) and *NOT* recognize the inherent irony.

    He was the one who spent all of 2016 demanding “lock her up” without actually ascribing any real crime against Hillary AND if *anyone* else–especially someone without any kind of political “prestige” or social connection–were accused of the same wrongdoings that Trump’s facing, they wouldn’t be free to engage in their regular day-to-day goings-on; nope, those folks would be sitting in jail (and pretty much anyone with the kind of privilege that Trump thinks he has would also be under serious restrictions–having to get court approval to venture more than 5 miles from his home, having to surrender his passport, having to pay a hefty bond, etc).

  6. As far as I can find out, neither possession of a gun while under the influence of drugs nor dodging paying taxes incur the death penalty.

    However, conviction under the Espionage Act DOES.

  7. running scared. If Hunter deserves death for cheating on his income tax, then how many times should we execute Fat Donnie for his decades of financial.crimes? At least Hi her admitted to them.
    Actually I would be fine with the Tangerine Traitor dying just once but only if he received the death ordained by traitors in the good old days,when kids he ruled by divine right, as Fat Boy would like to; hang, drawing,and quartering. Seems fair

  8. I am sorry, Ursula, but I think that you are overreacting in this case. I acknowledge that Trump is irresponsible and possibly mentally off, but it is not clear that he was calling for the literal execution of Hunter. Trump compared a traffic ticket and a death sentence to suggest a difference in degree between the sentence meted out to Hunter and the sentence Trump thinks Hunter deserves. As an analogy, I would say that Trump thinks Hunter got his hand slapped, but Trump thinks that Hunter should have gotten his ass whipped, been sent to bed without his supper, and been grounded forever.


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