Well, I lost my chance in Rick Wilson’s contest. He was asking people how much they thought Donald Trump would weigh in at. I said 320. I believe that’s accurate. But Trump just self reported that he is only 215 pounds. He’s no more 215 pounds than I’m 115 pounds, let’s just leave it at that. That’s a dream.

I’m sure you want proof. Here it is.

You notice it says “white male” instead of orange. You know what? Let’s ask Chris Christie what he weighs, shall we? I think he might be enough of a man to tell the truth. And then if it’s 300 plus, we’ll know Trump is in the same ballpark.

I believe he’s 5’11 or 6′, 325 pounds. That’s my assessment. If he’s the height and weight he claims, then his body mass index is 26.9 which makes him overweight but not obese. No, he’s obese. He’s morbidly obese, as a matter of fact, not just a bit overweight. A BMI of 26.9 puts him at maybe 5-8 pounds overweight and that’s bullshit. He’s got rolls of fat on his body. That’s more than ten pounds. Let’s just round it up to ten, shall we? He’s no way ten pounds overweight. Try eighty or more.

Finally. A breath of reality and common sense. But Trump weighs less than this young man, and is an inch taller. Sweet Jesus Christ on a bagel.

What were we expecting, anyway? Hmm? And I love the strawberry blonde. First time I knew that cotton candy soaked in piss and sprayed into a helmet is strawberry blonde. And you know what the tell is about Trump’s height? He and Melania are the same height when she wears stilettos, which is most of the time. She’s 5’11” in her five inch heels and the same height as him. Although she self reports she’s 5’11” to begin with, which would make her 6’4″ and up there with Verushka. And Michelle Obama, who is 5’11” for real, is taller than Melania, when Michelle is wearing a two inch pump like she does.

These people are such consummate liars and bullshit artists.

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  1. Did the obese flake Mr mango physically put himself onto the weighing machine, to give a verifiable record of his objectively derived weight? Just like anything else self disclosed by Mr Mango the reported weight figure comes across as fictitious, at best.

  2. In that last picture, the taller guy on the right, at 6′,1.5″ is also not wearing lifts in his shoes.

    This thing about Trump’s weight and height encapsulates his whole approach to everything. Just lie about everything, even when it’s easily disproved, just to find out if people are on his side.

    To be on his side you have to believe ALL the lies, even the obvious ones.

  3. When he lies he speaks his native language for there is no truth in him. Jesus reportedly talking about the devil in the gospel of John 8: 42-47. He’s the fittest of any president that ever lived according to him and his belligerent drunk MD. Oh, and I’m being appointed POPE on the next full moon, as long as I take my medicine to stop me from transforming into a werewolf. If I fail, I’ll be ripping throats and tearing out lungs.

  4. 5′ 8″ 210 lbs. and I used to be blond but not for years. full disclosure. there is no way trump is 215. I guess all those betting places will have to return people’s money

  5. Add one hundred pounds and the information would be a lot closer to correct. Still, I suppose having a scale where the criminals check in would be an embarrassment on top of the embarrassment of being a criminal.

  6. People, especially guys lie about their height. I’m including a pic of myself from long (VERY long) ago. When I played basketball in college and later in the Marines my weight hovered around 220 give or take a couple of pounds. And before I started getting old (and most of us tall guys shrink a half inch to an inch by the time we reach our mid to late sixties) I stood a full 76″. 6’4″ and since my dad was 6’7.5″ never saw the point in lying about it. In fact, playing b-ball I found it an advantage sometimes. When they’d introduce starting lineups sometimes they’d introduce one player from on team and one from the other and we’d meet at midcourt for a quick handshake. I’d get introduced at my actual height and often could see confusion in the eyes of a guy who was claimed to be 6’5″ or even 6’6″ and wasn’t any taller than I was and sometimes a bit shorter! Screwed with their heads without saying a word. But my point is I never lied about my height. And as you’ll see in the pic below was once quite fit. 220lb of solid muscle. Even with that bulky azzed flak jacket on I am way the f**k thinner than Trump in that pic. I’m the guy on the left btw. With my buddy Joe Beir who made a foot locker into a terrarium for a tarantula he’d found out in the field. (Freaked the hell out of an OD who came through our squadbay being an a-hole and wanted to know what was in the extra foot locker under his rack.)

      • Oh to be that version of myself again even though the sports and being a grunt (like you see in the pic) led to the physical problems that contributed to me becoming a broken down, fat old “poodge.” Hell, I’d be happy with the fifteen years ago version – overweight but still got around well (not on a basketball court cause my knees were f**ked by then) and could walk around the farm, do physical work and such. Oh well. I do thank you. I wasn’t head turning handsome or “hunky” but I did look pretty decent once upon a time.

  7. It would have been obvious to the court that he was lying so why couldn’t they have said that they had to verify those numbers since they seemed a bit off?

  8. I’m 6’3″ and when I met him long ago I looked down on him. I also came within a second of punching him. I never met someone so disgusting in my life.

  9. Why did they take his word for height, instead of weighing and measuring him. I would think 6’or 6’1″ and at least 250, but more likely 280.
    He isn’t giving Mr.Universe any competition.My husband at 6feet and 170 is gaunt and the doctors are concerned with his weight loss.


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