Checking in on the latest on Truth Social provides a kind of Rorschach test of Donald Trump’s psyche on any given day. Yesterday he posted a video explaining why it’s important to “punch down” on the Republicans who have the audacity to run against him for president. Thursday morning he saw fit to post it again. It’s clearly an idea that he wants us all to get.

My take? I think it’s a repetition of his all-caps meltdown from this morning. He knows who the witnesses are against him and generally speaking, what their testimony will be. So he needs to do damage control against the “bad people.”

It’s too late for that, Donald. You’re blowing hot air. But knock yourself out.

If there is any justice in this world, we will see Trump on a debate stage with the “bad people.” I can’t wait. I particularly would love to see him debate Chris Christie.


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  1. How ‘tough’ do you have to be when you inheirt 300 million dollars? He’s as ‘tough’ as a bag of mini marshmellows! I have to infer his followers are also in that bag. Hey nazis…phuck you!!! Whatchagoneadoaboutit??? Follow your BOY into the joint? Sure you are. First, you’d have to get off your arses, and we know you ain’t got the stones for a real fight. So sit back and enjoy his and your whine. King of the snowflakes!!!!

  2. LOL. trump with shovel digging his own grave.

    Have you noticed how his vocabulary is shrinking daily? By the time he arrives in court, he may have lost the ability to communicate altogether. If they are clever enough, his lawyers may seize the opportunity and either plead insanity or mental incapacity.

    Whether it’s prison or mental institution, he’s not going to be around come November 2024. We are going to see a last-minute scramble to replace him, as corrupt ratpublicans scurry helter skelter for their political lives. What could be more entertaining or satisfying?

    • Lose his ability to communicate? We should be so lucky. Every time this sh*t gibbon opens his mouth or twitters (what a ridiculous word), I want either puke or slap the silly right out of his head.



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