Is there a doctor in the house, specifically a psychiatrist? Donald Trump is beyond parody in Newton, Iowa today. His narcissistic complex is clearly taking over and ruling what is left of his mind. Today, Trump is taking on Abraham Lincoln. Apparently, it sticks in his craw that Fox News people and other sycophants say that Trump is the “greatest president in our lifetime.” That won’t cut it now. He wants to be the greatest president in the history of the Republic, period. So he’s giving Honest Abe what for about how he didn’t handle the war between the states right, and Trump would have.

Now let me tell you up front the bonus in the content you’re about to see. Trump is attempting to have an “intellectual” conversation on a topic of which he knows jack shit nothing. Just his fumbling and bumbling is worth the listen, let alone the unspeakable hubris.

The tweet ends, “his mouth all the time.” Oh, indeed. If there are ghosts in the White House, Lincoln’s is going to show up tonight, rattling the rafters, and say, “Joe. Joe, buddy. You have got to beat this moron. Do it for me, Joe, so he’ll quit dragging me into his insanity and defiling my heretofore respectable and honorable name.”

And yes, of course, it only gets worse. Now Trump wants to put a dome over the country. Stephen King, would you weigh in on this, please?

This is factual. Remember Trump’s flying cars? And the cities he’s going to build which will contain the flying cars? A flying car in every driveway, a lobster in every pot. Ringing a bell with anybody? Now it’s all going to be held under a dome. So nice to know.

Just as a reminder, Trump said that we would be there in 2020 if he wasn’t reelected. We’re now in 2024 and we’re doing better than ever, precisely because he’s gone.


I appreciate Professor Tribe weighing in and I respect his views. But the MAGAs aren’t even thinking anywhere near that level. They just hate The Other. And they love Trump because he’s a loser who hates everybody of accomplishment, just like them. He never built anything in his life. He’s only squandered and destroyed that which others have built. And that’s what he wants to do to America and they want him to do it, because they think that with a tyrant like him in charge, they’ll get more.

They’ll get screwed, instead. They did when he was in office. Look at how many people died from COVID. Go look up Leopards Eating Peoples’ Faces. That’s the real concept here, not zero sum. They want Trump to bludgeon everybody else because they think that they’ll be immune — until he turns on them.

Here’s some perspective. Trump’s filling a high school gym, not a stadium, and he’s got star power like Mike Lindell in the front row.

This gives you the flavor of it all. There are still more nutty comments yet to come from today’s rally. This is how the rest of the year is going, folks. All the world is watching America to see if she votes a complete moron back into her highest office. I do pray to God myself every day that this doesn’t happen.

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  1. Welp where to begin,
    first off it’s entertainment only
    With Trump intellectual conversation , nope
    😂 spell check suggested ” conviction ‘
    so helpful,,
    I want them all. I need time out.

  2. Anyone who wants to really appreciate what a genius Lincoln was, read Doris Kearn Godwin’s pulizer prize winning book about Lincoln’s political genius: A Team Of Rivals, The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln. Amazing, a man of his character appeared at the right time TO SAVE THE UNION!
    Trump shouldn’t be allowed to say his name after what he’s done and continues to do!

  3. Well, Tribe lost me when he decided to hold HAMAS solely responsible for the woes of Gaza, as if Israel didn’t hold the same attitude of “Palestinians die, we dominate.” He also seems to have forgotten (or “conveniently overlooked”) the fact that Israel HELPED HAMAS dominate Gaza in order to destabilize FATAH’s control of the Palestinian Authority.

    Israel has NEVER really given two sh*ts about Gaza when it came to the “two-state solution.” For the Israelis, their only concern has been total control of the West Bank which is why Israel has only built settlements in the West Bank territory. Gaza, once Israel has fully occupied and annexed the West Bank, will effectively become a prison camp for Palestinians who refuse to acclimate and assimilate into “proper” Israeli society (Israel would generally prefer to return Gaza to Egyptian control but Egypt relinquished any formal claim to Gaza back in the 1950s; Egypt declared its “control” of Gaza was merely temporary until a Palestinian state could be created and as part of the Egyptian-Israeli peace accords that removed Israel’s military control of the Sinai, Israel offered to “return” Gaza to Egypt but Egypt refused).


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