Is anybody running Team Trump? Because this is a snafu that you don’t see everyday and it’s going to be a hard one to excuse away. Yes, we know, it’s all a “joke” and that’s probably how the spin will go. But the fact of the matter is that it’s a bit hard to explain what is funny about an image of your political opponent kidnapped, bound, and tossed in the back of a truck. Look sharp at :08, that’s the image on the right.

This is graphically violent imagery any way you want to cut it. But then again, considering that Trump suggested that a mob hang his own vice president, maybe we should be glad it isn’t worse. Again, the new normal becomes more depraved than it was the day before.

Former federal prosecutor Joyce Vance picked up on that report, saying, “I know from experience how the Secret Service interacts with people who make threats against POTUS, even ones they can’t carry out.”

“This, from a former President, is totally out of bounds. It’s time to stop letting Trump break the rules. Long past time,” she said.

Former NBC executive Mike Sington also chimed in:

“Shocking, even for the depraved monster that he is,” Sington said. “Trump has posted a video on Truth Social that depicts an image of President Biden tied up and bound in the back of a pickup truck.”

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen, a podcast, said this:

“Trump just posted a video of a pickup truck on Truth Social that has a giant image of President Biden bound with rope and laying, apparently kidnapped. This is the MAGA violence he is promoting.”

“Trump Posts Image of Joe Biden Kidnapped And Bound With Rope We do not need this dangerously unhinged man back in the Oval Office. Never Trump,” added Republicans against Trump.

Life in the Era of Trump is like an elevator. We just keep going down. And every time you think a bottom has been hit, wrong. It’s just another subbasement.

There is no low they won’t go and now violence is becoming more and more normalized. Yet, this is the guy who MAGA would have in the White House until he dies and then what do we do? A dynasty perhaps? Maybe Queen Ivanka and her Prince Consort, Jared?

If it sounds insane, just think of anything you’ve seen and heard the past eight years. It all sounded insane, too, until it became the new normal. Do you remember Reince Priebus racing to Trump’s side after the Hollywood Access tape and encouraging him to withdraw from the ticket? That scandal bounced right off Teflon Don.

Now, Trump’s headed for his first criminal trial in two weeks, with three others to go. It’s all the new normal of Trump world.

And yes, the above image was posted by Trump on Good Friday. The Bible-thumping, Bible-selling grifter has no compunctions about what he does or when he does it. As long as his ego is aggrandized and he’s raking in a few bucks from the rubes, that’s all he cares about.

I can’t wait to hear the defense of this particular gaffe. It should be epic.

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  1. Trump knows he can get away with saying anything. What he needs is to after he acts up in court have the judge order him removed from the courtroom and as soon as he’s out of view of the jury (but where people in the halls can see it) have the cuffs slapped on him and be taken to a room where a video link for him to watch proceedings is already set up. And some sort of bluetooth system so he can talk to his attorneys via one of those funny things that stick out of people’s ears. Once the jury is excused for the day he can be brought back to the courtroom IN HANDCUFFS which will remain on until the judge steps off into his chambers. But before that he will be told if he does it again that’s how it will be for the remainder of the trial. He can sit and watch wearing handcuffs in some room. AND spent a night in jail. Run off his mouth complaining about his treatment and he can stay in jail for the remainder of the trial.

    It will never happen of course. The most we can expect is the judge having him escorted out of the courtoom for the rest of the day each time he acts up. And be forced to apologize to the jury the next morning before things start up. If he refuses don’t even wait. Let the jurors see his ass taken out again!

    He gets away with stuff NO other defendant would be allowed to get away with. He’s DARING the system to treat him like any other criminal defendant because he knows it won’t. He will keep pushing limits and mark my words, the time is coming when he’ll “joke” that it’s a shame no one has killed President Biden. Or post pics on TS with Biden in the crosshairs of a rifle scope, perhaps even laying on the ground bleeding from being shot. And Trump will whine that he has a right to free speech and can joke around even if it’s in bad taste.

    • If we were to threaten a sitting president, our asses would be in the pokey so damned fast, the wind from it would snatch us bald. This is unconscionable and must be stopped any way possible. If doj won’t do it, then perhaps it is up to We the People to protect our President, our nation, and everything else we value in society. I sense a revolution is coming. I hope it is led by progressives rather than the magat crowd.

  2. While the still photo has the license plate of the vehicle with the Biden image of colored over, the plate IS visible in the video, and a partial of the SUV’s license plate is also seen. I’m unable to blow up a freeze-frame image enough to read either of them on my tablet, but someone with more sophisticated equipment should be able to ID this lowlife and take appropriate action – whatever that may entail.

  3. There is one sob who deserves to be in the back of the truck, bound and gagged, and ‘taken to the train station’ as they say on the Yellowstone ranch. One less nazi loving dictator is one small step for humankind.


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