If you’d like to buy the world a Coke, you’re obviously not a MAGA, for two reasons: 1) Trump absconded with all the MAGAs money in his campaign donation fraud, so you don’t have any, and 2) Trump just told MAGA world to boycott Coca-Cola — and Major League Baseball, ViacomCBS, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, ho hum it goes on.

So it’s time to take the Pepsi challenge, according to Dolt 45. What’s that you say? Isn’t this cancel culture and that’s a thing the Democrats do? You’ll have to call down to Mar-a-Lago to get an answer to that one. Only the Orange Oracle can give you the answer to that mystery.

Remember MAGAs, never submit, never give up! Or is it never give up, never surrender! It’s totally appropriate that Trump would sound like the Captain in Galaxy Quest, because that guy was way out of his league and faking it, too. But at least he had some charm and the people around him were pretty cool. Can’t say that for Donald.

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  1. It cracks me up how Brian Kemp and the rest of these jagoffs like to throw around the phrase ‘Cancel Culture’, when they are the biggest abusers of the concept. What is a bigger Cancel Culture than that of disenfranchising millions of voters because they don’t vote the ‘right’ way? I can’t think of any. Eff them!

    • Ironically, a good deal of this whole election/voting brouhaha could’ve been handled much better if Kemp had just had the smarts to step aside from his duties as Secretary of State while he was running for Governor. There are some duties the Secretary needs to handle but most of the election-related duties SHOULD have been handed off to a subordinate (or subordinates) just to avoid the slightest little conflict of interest. But, no. Kemp decided to use (or abuse) his power as Secretary to remove thousands of voters from the rolls DURING the election year itself (that kind of action should’ve rightly been done after the November 2016 election and before the first primary of 2018). As a result, Kemp managed to “win” the election which led Stacey Abrams to begin HER campaign to register tens of thousands of new voters by 2020.

      As for the new laws that Kemp signed, his current Secretary of State should’ve gone to Kemp and asked “What the f— do you think you’re doing, you m—-f—-ing s—hole? You’re taking away parts of MY job–which used to be yours–and giving them to the Legislature? How the f— would YOU have reacted if Deal* and the Legislature had pulled this crap on you?” The new laws do NOT do anything to SECURE elections–especially as the 2020 election results were verified at least twice and ZERO significant instances of voter fraud were found in Georgia.

      *Deal (as in Nathan Deal)–the previous governor of Georgia.

      • This is what you do, Joseph, when you believe yourself untouchable. To paraphrase Godfather Part II, if the history of 2020 should have taught them anything, it’s that you can kill any political career.

  2. Welcome to Consequences Culture, MAGA Maggots. We hope you hate your stay. Oh and RIP Alan Rickman, one of far too many people who should be alive now while Trump should be dead.

    • A Galaxy Quest sequel was in the works, or so I read, but with Rickman’s death it was cancelled. That’s a shame. I think they should have cast somebody else in the part. There are a lot of great actors and Rickman would have wanted the show to go on, I’m sure.


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