Trump Properties Melting Value, a Glimpse of the Future.


Perhaps naming the Doral Club as the next host of the G7 meetings will come around to provide us an important service. In the decision to greedily take advantage of the presidency, Trump is highlighting a fact that might otherwise get by us. Trump’s brand is tanking.

He most certainly needs the money.

Long ago, two and a half years ago, actually (which seems very long ago, now), in the wake of Trump’s victory, but prior to his inauguration, I began a short novel. The premise was rather simple. I wrote a “Supplemental Reading” text from a fictional 2045 college history class: HISTORY 340 “On the Origins of World War III.” The novel had no real characters, and no traditional plot. The action moved through fictional excerpts of newspaper articles, interviews, talks given, and personal papers, all given by fictional characters “on the ground” as this fictional war began.

I had a Navy Seal, a CIA operator from the Middle East, a Washington Post reporter, a State Department employee, among many others, including people from other nations, MI-5, Chinese Military and “anonymous Russian intelligence source.”

The action moved through events I thought entirely reasonable. Putin, having sealed a manipulatable president in Trump, engineered a terrorist attack on three Trump properties in India, all planned and funded by Russian intelligence, but blamed upon Pakistani “Kashmir Separatists.” The “terrorists” issued a faked statement, a secret product of Russian intelligence: “We will continue to attack Trump properties throughout the world until India releases its hold on Kashmir.”

Overnight, Trump properties, his “brand,” lost 95% of their value. No one wanted to be anywhere near a Trump property.

Things then happened. Russia, of course, got outwardly involved, China, too, Pakistan, India, all responding to Trump going ballistic, literally. He pledged to “Make the World Safe Again.”

I gave up 70 pages in. Too much of what I was writing was coming true, too soon. I was no longer writing speculative fiction, I was writing our nation’s prequel.

Regardless, I now know that I needn’t have had all the intrigue and international subterfuge. Trump has an ability to basement his brand all by himself. No violence, no terrorist needed, just Trump being Trump, on the world stage, is plenty.

According to many reports, the income from Doral, one of Trump’s “crown jewels” is down 69%. But that is just the tip of the iceberg, isn’t it USA Today?

The Trump Organization consists of over 500 different business entities around the world that constitute most of Donald Trump’s wealth. Recent reports, though, suggest that Trump Organization properties have been suffering since Trump was elected president…

… Yesterday, Bloomberg noted that Trump Tower had been wracked by financial woes over the last two years. The occupancy rate in the building had fallen from 99% to 83%, and the majority of condos in the building had sold at a loss.

“No one wants in that building,” Michael Sklar, a former Trump Tower condo owner, told Bloomberg.

Now, many in the resistance might look at those figures and only take away some white hot, heartfelt, satisfying schadenfreude. But I can count upon you kewl kidz to know exactly where I am going with this.

People are voting with their feet, and wallets.

Everyone wants to back a “winner,” as seen by those wanting to dump a diminishing property, even at a loss. They damn sure don’t want to be left holding the bag too late. One way to ensure you take on an aura of “losing” is to have the giant name on the building more associated with Russian money-laundering and massive debt than with anything that rings of “luxury” and “good times.”

Trump and his followers are often compared to a cult. And for our purposes, that is close enough. Cult leaders are invulnerable to scrutiny. No matter how beaver-shit insane, nothing touches them. Nothing touches them until one small thing does, and then it all calves like a Greenland glacier, into the sea, unable to crawl back to the mountain top even if it wanted to. Same with Trump, in my opinion. As soon as one small fact pierces the heart of Trump’s mystique, the vast majority of his followers will dive. Suddenly they themselves will take the example set by Trump’s former property owners and bail, before he even “loses” anything on paper.

Is this wishful thinking?

Yeah, okay – part of it might be. Is it entirely wishful thinking? No, because we see the first signs already. The properties are losing money at a faster and faster rate. The people with “skin in the game” (I hate that saying), are the ones most vulnerable to taking a hit. They have already voted. The writing is on the wall, icebergs with giant gold letters spelling Trump are floating, and melting. No amount of three day meetings will freeze them back into existence.

Yes, I am looking into the future. But, I have proven some ability to do so with varying accuracy. One knew Trump’s greatest vulnerability going into all this. That his property and business would come first, last, and everywhere, ahead of the country’s interests. That part was obvious. I think it is also obvious that a nosedive in value portends another nosedive, one measured even more accurately than property values, his value to the nation generally.

On that, as before, he is headed straight to bankruptcy, or an even worse court. The only thing that can “make the world safe again,” is a settlement, among all of us; “Thank god that is behind us.” It is a prequel, but the script is written, and it has promise. I will not be setting it aside.


For anyone lamenting that they never got to read the novel, I assure you that the ones for sale are exponentially better, and they are complete. They actually end with the world saved, just prior to war, by a regular old college kid alien abductee. Oh, and an Obama-like president oversees this world. What can I say? Humanity likes backing a winner.


Peace, y’all


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  1. I agree that puncturing the balloon will be necessary and if/when it happens it will be like a mylar balloon filled with helium – steadily going flat and crumpling as it sinks to the ground. How to do it has always been the problem. However I have a proposal and since there are lots of people smarter than me who also work in politics I don’t understand why they haven’t thought of and done this:

    Think back to 2000 and Al Gore’s loss to Bush, and go a little deeper into Gore losing his home state of Tennessee. Had he carried TN he’d have won but he didn’t. Conservatives had themselves a merry old time mocking Gore over not being able to win his own home state, the one that had sent not only him but his father before him to the Senate. The “joke” was that those who knew Gore best, the people of his own home state rejected him. They even enjoyed pointing this out since then although not so much recently.

    I think there’s a reason for that & the RNC fears the DNC and other Democratic groups will realize what that reason is and exploit it.

    Consider a national ad campaign with a TV spot (or a series of them) along the following lines that starts with what happened to Gore. It could start out with the narrator literally saying “Republicans mocked Al Gore when he lost his home state of Tennessee to George W. Bush. They noted if he’d won his own home state he’d have become President but that the people back home who knew him best rejected him.” While this is being said the Trump vs. Clinton vote totals for NY state and Manhattan (Trump’s home) and Queens (where he grew up) on the screen. The ad can go on to note that where Trump grew up and lived, and even his second home in FL (Mar A Lago) rejected him by even greater numbers than TN rejected Gore. The ad can go on to say “While many out in the country have supported Trump, it’s clear those voters where he has lived and who know him best want nothing to do with him. Clearly they know something his supporters everywhere else don’t.” During this part images of the gold letters TRUMP can be shown being removed from building after building with the date and location.

    That’s the basic concept. Other stuff can be added in including all the major banks that stopped doing business with him paired with questions about where he’s been getting loans for the past two-plus decades. Again, I’m just one guy and while I think I’m reasonably smart I’m also smart enough to know there are people who are both smarter and know how to produce this kind of stuff. I keep asking myself WTF are they waiting for?

    What do you think?

    • In any normal world it would work and would be perfect. And it would probably work some in this country now, but my only doubts are around the fact that Trump’s voters already can’t stand those “East Coast elites” and would probably like Trump LESS if he had won NYC.
      Your thinking is perfect, it is the wacked nature of where we stand right now that makes me wonder.

    • AJ – – Those articles are highly informative, thank you very much, I recommend them to everybody. They fill in any blanks and leave out all doubts regarding our premise. You will thank AJ for posting them. It was a ton of work, and we appreciate it.


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