My prediction is that whatever Donald Trump rants about at any time in the near future, the rants will always cycle back to and stop at January 6 and the Select Committee.

It’s like the swallows returning every year to Capistrano, it’s an event you can depend upon. Once more, Trump has returned to the topic and the word “immunity” is on his thumbs and being pounded into a post on Truth Social.

The problem for Trump is that he’s already been over this ground. He has no immunity, let alone total.

We have been down this path before. Last summer judges denied Trump’s bid to dismiss three lawsuits brought by police officers injured in the Capitol riot, rejecting his assertion that he is “absolutely immune” from the claims.

All the rulings basically held that Trump’s alleged actions in provoking the riot “entirely concern[ed] his efforts to remain in office for a second term” and did “not fall within the ‘outer perimeter’ of a president’s official responsibilities,” Judge Amit Mehta found.

Surely Trump has heard the same cliche we have, that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

And I love his mantra, “I did nothing wrong.” Me too, Donald. I don’t even have a parking ticket, which is why I don’t worry about the feds showing up on my doorstep.

Trump also went out of his way tonight on his platform to trash reporter Olivia Nuzzi, who wrote an extensive profile on him for New York Magazine. “The reporter was a shaky & unattractive wack [sic] job, known as ‘tough’ but dumb as a rock.”

The question here, is he admits it was a phone interview, how did he know the woman was a dog? Or, he knew she was ugly to begin with and thus only agreed to a phone interview?

The squeakings of a cornered man mouse.

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  1. To his utter humiliation he doesn’t have a press corps he can walk out and spew verbal diarrhea to. But if he did, and especially these days the question he’d go spastic over would be “If you didn’t do anything wrong then why are you talking about having total immunity for what you did?”

  2. ” fighting for our great USA”! Huh?…does he mean Unhinged Shitheels of Authoritarianism? I’m confused. He does have total immunity with them.

    • Nice definition: it reminds me of an Air Ministrty directive when I was in the RAF working on maintenance of the Early Warning radar (I never so much as got close to a ‘plane as I was 100 feet underground).

      “The abbreviation ‘US’ is not to be used in reference to the United States of America as it tends to be confused with ‘U/S’ meaning ‘unservicable'”

  3. Daithi, you worked on the DEW line as part of the RAF?? I had no idea the RAF ever worked with the Yanks and Canucks in Baffin Island and all???


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