Yes, Virginia, I guess if you read it on Fox News Digital, it’s as real as anything coming out of Trump world and right-wing media can be. I guess we should just stipulate to that.

As well you know, Elon Musk now owns Twitter. Also as well you know, Donald Trump had a Twitter addiction the likes of which has never been seen on this planet, and probably not on a lot of others, either. Trump’s thumbs have ached for Twitter, his dopamine level has screamed for Twitter, “Please, Daddy, please! Get me back on Twitter!” Being on Truth Social is like going from heroin to M&Ms, I mean, it’s just not the same high.

But back to Fox News for just a moment. Yes, apparently they did indeed run a tiny stat showing that Katie Hobbs had beat Kari Lake by 53%. It’s barely visible, but here it is. Get a magnifying glass.

I show it out of diligence, only. Make of it what you will. Maybe it’s a middle finger to Kari Lake? I wouldn’t know.

Let us move on to Donald Trump and Twitter, the once passionate affair that was abruptly ended when Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s then-owner and his staff, decided to pull the plug on Trump for inciting the January 6 riot at the Capitol.

In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital on Friday, Trump said, “I like Elon and I wish him a lot of luck. I hope he does well with it.”

However, Trump added, “I don’t think Twitter can be successful without me.” Should Musk lift Trump’s lifetime ban on Twitter, the former president’s account would technically be active. Trump declined to comment on if he would ever use it again.

Musk has suggested that he would loosen content moderation practices for Twitter and would eliminate lifetime bans from the platform, but Trump told Fox News Digital that the new policy will not affect how he uses social media.

“I am staying on Truth. I like it better, I like the way it works, I like Elon, but I’m staying on Truth,” he told Fox News Digital.

Donald, doncha know, is the Social Media King, knowing all, seeing all.

“Facebook is now down $80 billion and boring,” Trump said. “Twitter has been taken over, and, if it wasn’t for me, it would have never been taken over. No one would have even thought about it.”

Trump told Fox News Digital that when he began using Twitter, it was “a failing operation.”

“I made Twitter hot 12 years ago, I made Twitter hot,” he said. “And then when they terminated, it became cold, and that’s what happened.”

And peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas Twitter in the pot, go Trump go.

You have it first hand, Donald’s dance card is full — unless of course Elon actually asks him to dance. Then we’ll see what happens and you already know the answer. But, I guess we have to play along for the sake of propriety or something, right?

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  1. Trump is probably pi$$ed about Musk being ‘Chief Twit’

    To be honest, they’re both a pair if real twits (in the Brit meaning of ‘total idiot’)

  2. Fat Donnie,Donnie Junior,,Eric the Awful, Jared the Wax Dummy and I banks Malibu Barbie and the other Twitler Youth cannot keep.their mouths shut and their thumbs off their phones.The rest of the world would sleep.easier if they did. Oh well, they are putting out lies that can be used a against them in court.


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