You just have to throw up your hands when confronted with a certain level of drop dead stupidity. And that is precisely what we’re seeing in the GOP, due to its lack of leadership. The titular standard bearer of the party is still Donald Trump. That’s like a health organization having Typhoid Mary as its chief.

Chuck Todd was speaking to another political analyst this morning and they concluded that Republican voters might not wake up “until it’s too late.” It’s already too late. One minute past Joe Biden being called as the winner of the 2020 election should have been the end of Trump. And would have been, in any sane civilization. But America is not a sane civilization right now, and again, you know what I’m going to attribute it to: two versions of reality being reported, one by traditional outlets, (the outlets that have been here a while, like the New York Times, since the mid-1800s) and the right-wing outlets, which are making up lies and disseminating them as fast as they can, because there’s a market for bullshit.

Why is there a market for bullshit? Because Donald Trump is one of the biggest liars ever to live, and most certainly, ever to run in politics. He makes Richard Nixon look like the Pope by comparison.

Here’s Todd explaining what he sees as the state of play.

There is a willful stupidity among MAGAs, as well you know. Let me share with you my encounter with a MAGA on Twit-X, which is what I’m calling the place. It speaks for itself.

Innocent enough comment, right? Look at the shitstorm it promulgated.

Now if you’re shaking your head and saying, Ursula, Ursula, why did you bother, you’re right. But once in a while I get drawn into these, knowing full well it’s an exercise in total futility, but I do it anyway. But in this case, I’m glad I did. Read the rest of the thread and you’ll see where the MAGA “mind” shuts off. They don’t want facts. They don’t want to deal in reality. They just love to troll the libs, and I’m not sure what that’s about, to be honest.

My best guess is that we represent to them people who maybe rejected them as children, wouldn’t go out with them in high school, passed them up in the work world — I’m not sure what, but collectively, we represent something they feel inferior to and now they want to kill us all and their cult leader is talking the same crazy. That’s my best guess at this moment. Trump hit a nerve in the collective id and a certain type of loser gravitates to him like a barnacle to a ship.

And of course she had to have the last word.

So that’s that. This is vintage MAGA. They throw out a talking point and the minute you refute it with a fact then it’s “whut?” They’re done. They cannot engage except to needle at an adolescent level. This is the intellect that put Trump in the White House in the first place — this and a lot of people who were deluded for one reason or another. If you’ve heard Officer Michael Fanone, one of the Capitol Police officers who was seriously injured during the insurrection, he voted for Trump because he thought that Trump was somebody else. I know other people, personally, who have told me the same thing. Although how anybody could have voted for that man for any reason is still something I’ll never understand.

I’ve also had people tell me that they had always voted Republican and they thought Trump was that — a reasonable enough assumption, since he got that party’s nomination. They found out the hard way what both Trump and the GOP are in this day and age.

But those people didn’t vote for him the second time and they’re not going to vote for him the third. Trump has got his cult. And they alone can’t get him back in office.

He’s got no chance that I see — unless No Labels gets on the ballot in a lot of states and bleeds away Democratic votes. That is my one night terror, that keeps me awake.

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    • The Republicans are in a dream world. Not all of them. A lot of them are saying it’s time to move on. But they should have been saying that long before the 2022 midterms.

      • A lot of them may be saying it’s time to move on, but if dfg is the nominee, they will still vote for him. It’s what the republican party does. They vote party over everything else.

  1. Hopefully all the pre-emptive hits No Labels is getting from several pro-democracy groups will work. Plus I just don’t see Manchild or Huntsman or Hogan being a big enough name or personality to draw votes from Biden. I fully expect Biden to win an even bigger vote.

    My biggest worry is down-ballot. In ’20, lots of rethugs either voted for Biden or left that line blank, but voted down-ballot for other rethugs. We need the trifecta – WH, Senate, House. Also lots of state legislature races are very important. No state legislature, no matter how red the state, should have a super majority of rethugs.

    • No Labels is not going to put forth a viable candidate. That’s a foregone conclusion. But if they’re on the ballot at all, they will draw away votes from the Democrat. One or two percentage points tells the stories in modern elections. That’s my fear, not that Manchin could actually pull an upset, but that he could just wreck the cake while it’s baking, so to speak.

  2. Ursula, you could have pointed out to Imbecile Nana 1434 trump’s keeping Covid a secret for 4 months and his injecting bleach advice, hydroxychloroquine cure, etc, which led to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths. Oh, I almost forgot ivermectin, another cure all MAGA style

    • If she actually wanted to talk facts, then I could have talked all night. But no. She threw out the talking points and when I shot them all down, like they were wooden ducks at a county fair, then it was over. She was not equipped to discuss facts and then she just told me that I was the a-hole.

      And in fact I was a fool to waste my time and energy. I’ve done this in the past and every single time it gets down to how I “am wrong” and Trump is God. Then I feel like my head will explode. And I think that’s the idea.

  3. The reality the Mango Moron still dominates the front pages and peoples attention, in that he continues to be the biggest story, is simply shameful. There’s a perverse attraction in watching the incoherent ramblings of a revengeful cockwomble: one that writes his own fictitious script, directs his own look-at-me side-show, produces it and casts himself as the victim headline actor – all because it’s the reality bubble he lives and breathes. This is the moat preventing any honest personal reckoning, on his part – which, in reality, he’s incapable of doing because he’s nothing but a narcissistic self-loathing malodorous lump. He uses these qualities to continuously gin up his base using whatever chance he can., and so, his cult base of support is not going to go away; all because they’ve been fooled by his stop at nothing and constant need to get gratification, without caring about the consequences. The Mango Moron is a fun*ed unit, and he’s revengefully inflicting it on everyone else. In sum, it’s left all of the rational others, who oppose him and his brethren, with the reality of being left to live with what’s coming from inside a terribly anguished, troubled, revengeful and demented brain.

    • The very nature of the grotesque is that you cannot look away. That’s what this is. This isn’t politics, this is a grotesque side show, cobbled together by a stupid man, who was on the bottom echelon of show business and has a unique ability to lie, because he believes the lies.

      We’ve never seen anything like this before Trump and the truth is, a Trump spin-off isn’t going to play as anything other than that, and won’t be successful. Maybe DeSantis will wake up to that.

  4. Oh, you CAN tell them. Hell, they’ve been told over and over. They just don’t believe it. Well, some believe it but don’t care because they are in safely red seats. Others are terrified but want to milk their positions for all they’re worth and rather than lose in a primary they will hold out and lose to a Democrats in the general. In both groups are those who wish he wouldn’t run but simply are too cowardly to speak up.

  5. ” … we represent to them people who maybe rejected them as children, wouldn’t go out with them in high school, passed them up in the work world”. We are the people who played by the rules while they were “too cool for school” and did, and still do, their own thing, bounce between jobs, no 401k, refuse to kowtow to the man and come to us for loans.


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