This is getting pretty far out there even for the likes of Donald Trump. This is not only stupid, it’s very insulting. The people of Missouri take this race seriously, but, that said, if there are people in Missouri or anywhere who continue to take Donald Trump seriously, then they deserve to be laughed at.

Here’s the statement, released around 3:00 p.m. PDT.

This was done on purpose. Trump thinks it’s funny and now he can claim to be the winner.

I should not be surprised by this but I am.




Trump does nothing but one adolescent prank after another, but somehow, this takes the cake. Republican politics is truly a free for all. They are a pack of lost souls. And the MAGAs are beyond deplorables. They are irredeemably stupid.

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  1. Wouldn’t it be funny as hell if the “two Erics” wound up splitting enough of the vote that the woman in second place rises to the top and wins? I have fun thoughts about all the breakage in Trump’s dining room if he was eating when the new of THAT broke!

    • Here’s a funnier one. There is a third Eric in that race, polling way down, Eric McIlroy, who was mentioned in the last tweet in this piece here. Maybe he’ll win.

      It’s a time honored device, endorsement by the leader of the party, but Trump has made a hot mess and a shit show out of it, like he does everything.

      • The real howler would be if Trump “clarifies” that by Eric he meant Fredo, oops I mean his son Eric and that people should write in Eric TRUMP on their ballots!

  2. I would love for Eric McIlroy (who I have never even heard of) to pull this one out. That would be the perfect ending and since no one knows who he is, makes the Dem nominee that much more electable.

  3. He lives permanently in a frat house full of immature, self entitled yahoos & he’s the king of pissants…in his fantasies. Pranks? You mean like spiking punch, hustling an unsuspecting coed to a room, & trying to rape her while your buddy watched? Oh…wait…thats our supreme court justice. Nevermind.


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