This is a hoot, what you’re about to see. Donald Trump is getting off one gaffe after the other in North Carolina today and the worst one he just made has to do with his wife — and no, she is not at his side. And yes, if I were you, I would not hold my breath waiting for her. That’s definitely not a good idea. Here’s what Trumpty Dumpty just confessed to about a relationship which has been in effect 26-27 years now, since 1998. The number is important, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and say it’s 26 years.

Okay, class, we’re going to do some arithmetic. He’s known his wife 26 years. And he just admitted that they have less than 100 communications per year (or less than ten a month) via text and email in a 26 year period. Is that because they’re constantly together? Well, you see that’s not true. They’re almost never together unless it’s a contracted photo op night at Mar-a-Lago. And so if they don’t communicate in person, or via phone or text (and we’ll include email with text, although Trump doesn’t even know how to use a computer to that extent, we are told) then what he’s saying is that they just don’t communicate.

Because I can tell you right now, you can look in my computer or phone and there are thousands of emails or texts to people that I’ve known for a number of years. It’s not the least bit unusual, especially for people whose work keeps them apart (and that’s Donald and Melania) to have a digital relationship along with whatever IRL relationship that they have. Or, for people who meet online, just as the yous and mes have all met online here. It starts here and then we begin talking privately.

Plus, some of the most famous professional and romantic relationships, ever, have taken place in written form. I call your attention to a two-volume work, The Holmes-Pollack Letters, which is a compilation of the trans Atlantic correspondence of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes of the United States Supreme Court and Sir Frederick Pollack, who was a British academic who wrote on the history of English law. They had a lifetime correspondence, which rose to the level of historic literature because of the minds who wrote it and the subject matter they wrote about.

As did the romance of the Brownings. You’ll want to review the writings of poets Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning, who had a romance and elopement which caused the bride’s father to disown her and then they ran off to Italy. Theirs is the story of the Victorian age framed by poetry and a great love and it’s all written down. But then, the partners in this couple were literary giants and Donald and Melania are barely literate, so you can’t expect the same level of communication, and certainly not in written form.

I think it’s hilarious that Trump just outed himself. Not that he had to. I think that the world pretty much knows that she married for money and he married to have an ornamental wife around to make himself look good and they really don’t have a lot to talk about. Except these days they may be talking about money more than usual and that’s assuming that they talk at all.

It is also interesting that the purpose of this slam of his was to put down Fani Willis for communicating via text and phone and all he did was reveal that he doesn’t know that that’s how intelligent people communicate. Lawyers put everything in writing. They’re verbal people, they keep records, they preserve their thoughts. Trump doesn’t have any thoughts worth preserving.

His thoughts go from assessing everything and everyone he sees in life and running a basic test: Should I eat it, fuck it, or kill it? The only thing that distinguishes Donald Trump from the cave man is his hairspray and makeup. Temperamentally, linguistically, socially, and intellectually, they are identical, otherwise.


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  1. As you say they’ve spent far more time apart over all those years than together. I can’t help but be reminded of the old saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder” but for Melania I think it’s more like “absence make my heart feel relieved!”

    • One thing I will give Melania credit for, she was honest when she was asked by an interviewer if she married Trump for his money. She said, “Would he have married me if I didn’t look like this?” And the answer is no. If she was the exact same person, in a different, less attractive package, he wouldn’t have married her. He married the package, she married the wallet. Beyond that, the two people in the relationship don’t relate about much, I suspect.

      • I might get roasted for saying this, but she’s (like many others of her ilk) is a grown, mature woman version of what’s called a “sugar baby.” The difference from being a sugar baby is there’s a long-term contract in the form of a prenup. In some cases like hers part of the terms are popping out at least one offspring so the guy buying his trophy wife can nudge other guys as point to the kid as “proof” I’m getting to “tap that ass.” And of course there’s all the winking and nodding amongst the boys. I’ll put it even less delicately – Melania and others like her are really expensive escorts. Part of the enormous pay they get is because unlike traditional high end escorts who are “paid to go away” when the sexual fun is done (until the next time the due wants some action with them) people like her are expected to stick around and put on a public show of affection. How often is a point of negatiation, as is the issue of bearing one or more children. The more they have to put up the public pretenses the more they cost.

        But when you strip it all down (pun intended) to basics it’s sex work for hire. Which makes “Melanie” (and others like her) prostitutes. Practitioners of what’s often called the world’s oldest profession. Those like Melania get paid multiple millions because it’s the last job they will ever have and because of the public role they will play they have (usually) enough leverage to negotiate a contract/prenup that will allow them to quietly live comfortably when their “John” decides to trade for a younger version.

        • Whether this is the last job Mellie has depends on how much there is and how much is left to trump after everyone else gets theirs. She might be in for a very rude awakening or she might realize there won’t be squat and perhaps she is looking around right now. She certainly isn’t playing the loving or even slightly interested wife but then I’m not sure she ever played that part-at least not convincingly. Her act is not unlike her “modeling” career-poorly done and perhaps poorly paid as well.

    • Let’s see if she shows up Tuesday. Tuesday is Super Tuesday, it’s a day that can be definitive and in this case, may be dispositive of the rest of the election year. Let’s see what happens then. My bet is another no show.

  2. Willis and Wade had professional as well as personal reasons to talk about stuff, are those included in the 2500? It’s a perfectly reasonable number.

  3. I’ve always thought Melania was in it for the money , she has never looked at Trump in a loving way . In fact when they were in the White House she didn’t even sleep on the same floor as Trump . All she was in it for was his money . She was also pissed because he won the election , she didn’t even want to live in the White House. She wanted to stay in New York !

    • Mrs Trump is an strong, independent business woman. she went into that marriage with her own money. She was a millionaire in her own right. Before President Trump became president, Melanie was being interviewed in their apartment in the Trump Tower. She said when her husband comes home, he wants dinner on the table. Then she was asked if her husband tells her what to do when it comes to Barron, or if she wants to make a change in their apartment in Trump Tower. she said NO ONE tells me what to do, and she wasn’t kidding. After the inauguration President Trump was giving a speech, when Melania walked into the room, he was directing her to sit in a certain location in the room, next to some man. Melania, didn’t even look at him, she just kept right on walking and went into another room. President Trump, looked at the man and said, with a smile on his face, I guess she didn’t want to sit with you and he went on with his speech. It’s their relationship, it works for them. If this marriage wasn’t working for Melania, I have no doubt, that she would divorce him. He once said she’s a specail lady. She doesn’t need a lot of attention. She knows who she is and she knows what’s important. Of course right now Barron is still her #1 responsibility and she loves it.

      • Yeah Fran…she’s so ‘strong’ she wears a jacket proclaiming she didn’t give a rat’s ass about children in cages. You must keep yours in a cage also if you believe that stupid shit.

      • “…she knows what’s important…” She wasn’t a supermodel. She never walked a cat walk. Her only Vogue was her wedding gown.

  4. Not sure what’s worse, being married to a gorgeous supermodel with little communication, or like Obama married to a guy who dresses like a girl. and has fake kids? Dems are totally laughable



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