Something has the old boy roiled up. After over a week in which basically nothing has been done… Just kidding, his taxes were released, the referral, etc., perhaps it’s beginning to sink in that not only does he have a lot to lose, but he’s already losing it. So he took a bit of a different tact today. Instead of attacking people personally, he described the world under him and it’s one… we don’t remember, because it was utterly perfect.

Facebook has lost over 80 Billion Dollars in Value since “deplatforming” President Donald J. Trump. Also, it has gotten very BORING and UNINTERESTING. That stupid, unnecessary, and probably illegal move is now considered a major business mistake. I agree.

Illegal? Jesus, Mary, and Joseph riding out of Bethlehem. And he believes that any money FB lost is due to his disappearance. No. I am not a business expert at all – but if you think anyone under 25 is setting up a FB page… you need to meet a person under 25! It’s all TikTok, Instagram (Owned by Facebook), Snapchat, Discord, and YouTube. Why does Trump think they ditched “Facebook” and became “Meta”? Because you have to do new things.

When I was President I made Member Nations pay up all of the money they weren’t paying to NATO. The U.S. was footing almost the entire NATO bill, and I quickly put a stop to that. Hundreds of billions of Dollars were then rapidly paid by those “delinquent” nations. The Secretary General of NATO said it was AMAZING what President Trump had done. Thank you, but here we go again! The good old USA “suckers” are paying a VAST majority of the NATO bill, & outside money, going to Ukraine. VERY UNFAIR!

When he was president, he was trying to position us to get out of NATO with payments as an excuse. John Bolton thought that would be one of the first things he would do if elected to a 2nd term, get out of NATO. Additionally, we paid extra n the past because we could, but it allowed us to call almost all the shots, meaning it was a “force multiplier” (or whatever the military calls it). We controlled just about every military except the U.K. and maybe France. That is partly why you pay more. Now NATO is as strong as ever.

Our Southern Border is far beyond HORRIBLE. There is no Country in the World that has such atrocious, unsafe, and disgusting conditions at their Border. We are worse than any Third World Nation! Just think, two years ago we had the safest and most stable Border in U.S. history. Criminals and Drugs entering our once great Country were at a decades low… And now, our beautiful USA is being poisoned from within, a Nation in DECLINE. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, and Fast!

We had crimes against humanity on our border under Trump. Nothing was stable. Biden has deported more people than Trump.

“TRUMP WAS RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING” One of most often used current phrases or statements. Wow, such a magnificent compliment. Thank you!

Raise your hand if you ever even want someone to say you are/were “right about everything.”

It was wrong to try to take the Capitol back by force. Trump was right about TikTok being a danger and he was right to shut down flights from China. We’re big enough to say it. He was wrong on nearly everything else.

The world was perfect under Trump and don’t you forget it! It’s just a holiday weekend and Trump feels the need to rage. It tells you exactly what’s on his mind.



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