The Mango Monarch has got a lot of headaches these days, probably the largest of which are his legal problems in the State of New York. Trump knew that he would be facing these exact problems if he lost the 2020 election and that’s exactly why he was desperate not to. So now, unable to face the reality of the House of Many Doors looming on the horizon, Trump has decided that he’s going to be reinstated, just like Sidney Powell said he would. Of all the options he’s heard lately, that’s the only one he likes.

It’s only the first part of the first day of June and here we are, Trump town races here we come, doo da, doo da. Batshit crazy all night long, oh da doo da day.

This makes sense on a certain level. Trump can’t face what’s ahead of him. He’s never had to face consequences in his entire life. So the “reinstatement” is the deus ex machina that’s going to come down from the sky and lift him out of his woes. He has to believe it.

I wonder how crazy it will get? Maybe a scene at the top of a staircase in Bedminster, “I’m ready for my reinstatement now, Chief Justice Roberts,” as Trump is gently guided to his strait jacket and his padded cell.

Or, here’s a better one still: Ivanka tells him he has in fact been reinstated and she’s the new vice president and they bring him blank papers to sign at his toy resolute desk. His father, Fred, used to sign blank papers. He developed Altzheimers, but insisted on going to the office and working, so that’s how that was handled, to save the old man’s dignity and not have him blow up the company.

It will be interesting to see what Mitch McConnell does with this, whether he decides to push the Big Lie as the way the GOP is going to win, or whether he sees that as the certain death of the GOP. It will be very telling to see which way he goes on that.

As with everything in this new GOP, expect the worse, hope for the best, but figure out that expecting the worst is probably the way of wisdom.

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  1. I think the GOP is pushing the big lie to support their voter suppression efforts and enable them to overthrow the next election.

    • It is amazing how the party that’s constantly making it harder and harder for people to exercise their right to vote is also the same party that’s constantly making it easier and easier to get guns (of pretty much any variety) with absolutely NO restrictions.

  2. He thinks that will get him out of the legal mess he’s looking at in NY. The state and the city are looking at him for tax fraud connected to some of his “donated” property.

    • To say that he will be reinstated in August is another clear statement that he doesn’t recognize the validity of the election. Isn’t this just strengthening the charge that he fomented the insurrection in January? Because what hasn’t been stated in this article is that he will have the same insane support in August that he had in January. In other words, he is very close to fomenting another insurrection. Surely he’s been doing his best to keep it simmering since then. I am amazed at our legal system that seems to have no way to reign this guy in. This guy yells fire in the crowded theater of American chaos every day of the week.

  3. Alice: ” I believe six impossible things before breakfast.” A potion that makes u smaller, a cake that makes u taller, animals can talk, there’s a cat that disappears & reappears, there’s a place called wonderland, & I can slay the jabberwocky(the democrats). Sure u can.

    • They don’t bother moving them any more. They took them out of the stadium like you said, but won’t bother putting them back up until they’ve cheated their way to where they want to be and THEN put them back up!

  4. The Eastern Orthodox Church has the feast of St Jude in August – you know, the patron saint of lost causes and hopeless cases.

    Somebody must have told him about that

        • Actually he did. Look at the photo and it’s the BACK of the Bible showing. Now the binding is on the left (which is normal) except that there is no printing showing which means that’s the back cover and, for the binding to be on the left, that also means it’s upside down as well as back to front.
          Check it with any book (unless it’s in Hebrew or Arabic in which case it all reverses)

  5. Wait!!!…..what happened to August 15th???

    Now we have to reprint these damned invitations again!!!

    *puts hands on hips and looks disgustedly at invitations*

    • To be fair, the furthest they got was collecting $10 million in donations to print “the best invitations ever”. There’s no evidence they were ever printed,,and the money seems to be gone. Hmm. Call Poirot, this is a real head-scratcher.

  6. I don’t know about any of you, but for me personally, my hope or anxiety about future results are based on past events. If I twisted my ankle doing a specific workout, I have a bit more trepidation doing that workout in the future, where on the other hand if I truly enjoyed a video game, I look forward to that studio’s next release with a little more hopeful anticipation.

    My point being that if I ever had a thing in my life where I ended up losing in court sixty times in a row, I’m have a ton of anxiety over ever having another legal issue. Trump is very inclined to stick his tongue in the electric outlet that zapped him when he did it before. To me, it indicates that he’s really stupid. I generally frown on think of others as stupid, it the evidence is there and I can’t see any other explanation.

    • He is stupid — but a lot of people are stupid yet they don’t act like him. It’s not just that he’s stupid. Trump believes — totally — in the power of positive thinking — about himself. In his eyes he is never wrong and he cannot ever lose. There is no thinking process involved, it’s just his way of seeing things. He cannot self-correct, because as far as he is concerned he never does anything wrong. I am not speaking rhetorically here, I mean this literally. If you want to understand Trump, try to imagine this. I know it’s hard, but that’s the explanation.

  7. Why has a family member not stepped in to help him? He really needs help mentally. I don’t wish to continue to witness this decline in his health. I don’t like things he has done but I still wish him well. Make a real doctor treat him.


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