This is beyond parody. How did we get here, America, where a dementia patient is running for president of these United States? The clip you’re about to see is one of those Trump moments, where if a writer wrote it you’d say, “Nah. That could never happen. Nobody is that stupid.” But the truth is always stranger than fiction and this is incredible. This is vintage Trump.

The set up is a Fox News interview post DeSantis concession, where Trump assured the talking head reporter that he did indeed intend to decrease taxes for corporations. I sure hope somebody at Team Biden was on hand to catch that one. Then the commentary went to Nikki Haley.

What’s that you say? Why didn’t he debate Haley is he’s so much smarter and prove it then? We don’t know. All we do know is that he can’t wriggle out of debating Joe Biden and that is going to be an event for the ages.

You saw how he messed up that Ronny Jackson “is” the White House physician, then doubled back and tried to smooth it over. But I love that line, “It would be nice to have an intelligent person as president.” And he says it with a straight face, like it’s a statement of wisdom. OMG. I may have to just knock off and lie down.

Maybe Coco could be Trump’s VP since they have so much in common.

Let’s see what happens tonight and tomorrow. This may all become a moot point if and when Haley bows out and kisses the ring.


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  1. “It would be nice to have an intelligent person as President”

    Specially now after we’ve seen what happens when we don’t have one. How self-aware he’s become, to be the person who points it out.

    We only tried having a stupid president once, the experiment won’t be repeated.

  2. And…how would he know what one looks like? Certainly not when he gazes into the mirror to put on his makeup and glue his hair down…after he puts on a diaper and has assistance to put on his girdle.

  3. Go ahead. Have them both take the SATs,including a writing test and one on history. Or the LSATs. It’d be a first for him. Back when I was taking both, you didn’t have to produce proof of identity, which is how someone, paid by old Fred, was able to take them for him.

    I can betcha Fat Donnie would be in the lowest half of the country, perhaps even in the lowest quarter.


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