For a few hours, all was quiet on the Mar-a-Lago front. Whether El Caudillo was at brunch, or golfing, or in five point restraint getting his meds adjusted, we don’t know. We just know that there was a break of several hours on Truth Social where nothing got posted. Then he dropped this bombshell. This is a podcast of Alina Habba and some right-wing panelists. The tapes that they play are meant to make E. Jean Carroll look like a lunatic. That’s bad enough. But Habba’s lying is beyond the pale. She makes herself a victim, “I couldn’t get that in,” (meaning at trial.) Um…maybe if you followed the rules of evidence? That’s what they are there for. This is what disgusts me about this woman. She’s getting paid millions to whore out her law license and tell people that things happened in that courtroom that did not in fact happen.

E. Jean Carroll may be eccentric. Her eccentricity or lack thereof was not the issue before the court. The issue before the court was whether Donald Trump sexually assaulted the woman.

I think Habba might be playing with fire with this one. I fully expect Judge Lewis Kaplan to come back with some kind of reply to this and he can start with the court transcript. I don’t remember with specificity what happened, but the gist of what happened, several times, was that Habba did not know how to get a piece of evidence into court. She did not cite a page and line of a deposition, for example. She just started rambling about something that had happened years earlier and that’s not how you do it. You have to cite to the source you’re getting your information from.

If Habba tried to get these videos into court, it would be interesting to know on what basis she was submitting them. Here, her objective seems to be to prove that Ms. Carroll is bonkers. Hey, let’s just grant for the sake of argument that maybe she is a bit bonkers compared to most people. We’ll stipulate to the fact that most people don’t paint rocks and trees. Does that give Trump the right to assault her? Or, does that mean she wasn’t telling the truth about the incident at Bergdorf-Goodman? What exactly was Habba trying to prove with these videos? It was nothing flattering, that much we get.

And Trump putting this on Truth Social is not a good move. I don’t see where him doing so could be interpreted by anybody but as yet another attempt to disparage E. Jean Carroll. I guess the man is completely unteachable. If there is one person he should keep a buttoned lip about, it’s Jean Carroll.

I love it that they’re talking about how great Truth Social is doing. On Friday it lost $600 million. Now, Monday the market opens again. Let’s see what it does then.

And Habba assures us, again, Trump has so much, oh my heavens yes, so much, so much cash. Cash to the right of us, cash to the left of us, just look out at the ocean, it’s nothing but green paper, filled with Trump’s cash. Waves undulating and crashing on the beach, cash cash everywhere. You can surf on Trump’s cash, you don’t even need a board.

Plus you notice how Habba failed to say that Trump could have gotten pieces of the bond he needed from different people?

Let’s see what happens Thursday. I’d say there’s a 50/50 chance Trump won’t have the $175M. As to Habba’s threats to E. Jean Carroll that, “She won’t get a penny. Plus, I’m suing for attorneys’ fees.” Yeah. Let’s see that take place. We are all waiting for that.

And we’re waiting to see if Trump gets sued for defamation a third time. It would serve him right. What a pustulant boil this man is on the body politic.

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  1. Uhh, habba? When people who are institutionalized for not being able to live safely out in the world (mental problems), if someone on the staff, dr., nurse, someone in whatever capacity rapes one of the people being treated in the institution (usually living there), that person when found out is charged with rape. It is almost automatic since often the person raped doesn’t have the capacity to consent.

    If Ms. Carroll was a raving nympho, if she did not consent to mango man sticking his filthy little finger in her hoo-hah, it is sexual assault.

    This is a moment you can get educated habba: without consent it is rape/sexual assault. Most people with law degrees learn this. Hell, I learned it in the various law classes I had to take to get degrees in STEM fields f.f.s. Once learns this from the H.R. department where you’re employed often. I cannot see how you didn’t learn this but you most certainly did not.

    Ms. habba, a question please: did you receive your law degree from a box of Cracker Jacks?


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