How dense can you be? Donald Trump is livid because he wants to go to Scotland for a golf tournament and wouldn’t you know, he’s not supposed to leave the country? This literally never occurred to him, when doing all his criming, that his crimes might one day affect his social life. He’s certain that his freedom, his personal liberty, will never be impinged upon. That can never happen, right? You just pay the right people, don’t you? In any event, Trump did a series of bonkers posts Sunday and one of them was about how unfair it is that he can’t go watch a golf tournament at his Aberdeen course. And he’s not to blame but the GOP is.

“Disgusting and illegal magic” is how the wheels of justice appear to Trump. And that makes some sense. He’s never seen them turn before, not on him in any event. So the logical outworking of the law would seem like a kind of voo doo.

And that was only part of the rant he’s been on. He’s furious at Fox News for using a poll that didn’t include him.

And another.

The interview has passed in front of 260,000,000 sets of eyeballs, but that doesn’t mean it has been opened and watched. That’s a different metric. Elon Musk disabled the function which would allow us to know exactly how many people did watch Trump’s show — not that it matters. Even if we knew down to an error of .0001 how many people saw the show he would still lie and exaggerate.

It is comical that Trump is blaming the Republicans, blaming Fox News (who, to all intents and purposes appear to be climbing in bed with him again) blaming everybody but the person who is solely to blame and that’s himself.

The reunion with Fox News will be comical, I predict. Murdoch will do it, on that you may depend, but he’s going to do it reluctantly. He knows Trump can’t win. He knows that Trump on the ballot is a terrible idea. That’s why he’s courted Glenn Youngkin. But what Murdoch knows and what he can do about what he knows are two different things.

And look for Trump to lash out more at the GOP as it becomes obvious to him that he is in fact constrained from doing — and saying — what he wants. Look for things to get batshit and fast.

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  1. Ok trumpeter dumpster fire…I would agree to let you go if you could define any of those big words. Please enlighten us! Compare and contrast Communism with Marxism. Or, just define Fascism. Hell…what exactly is a Radical Left Lunatic? Since I’m one, I just want to know how you define it! By the way, if I had my way…I’d follow your boy Putin’s example, by taking you wayyyy out in the North Atlantic, give you a pair of concrete boots, and give you a tour of the bottom of the sea. I hear there’s a yellow submarine down there! Hell, I’d even send your golf clubs down with you! Deal?

    • The part that I love is that he is blaming other people. He has not yet had a Come To Jesus moment where he realizes he got himself into this mess. Or, if he has, it’s been in private and he’ll never admit to it.

      • Trump is suffering from narcissistic personality disorder. He will NEVER, EVER have a come to Jesus moment and realize that he is in a legal nightmare of his own making.
        To him, and his narcissism he is the victim, and he will always be the victim. If you’ve never known a narcissist one cannot fathom how deep the disorder goes.
        I was raised by one, so I smelled trumps narcissism long ago. They are all the same. Money, power and control and how they can benefit from it personally is all they care about. No one else matters but them and how fantastic they think they are. Everything they do, and every word they say is ruled by their disorder. He will only become more unhinged as these trials loom. His narcissistic personality disorder is being challenged, when it has been allowed to flourish for 77 years. We the people are going to witness trumps narcissistic collapse in all of its gory glory. We’re going to see this individual’s sickness in full force as he tries everything and anything to protect his narcissism from what is coming. If America thought he was crazy before, we haven’t seen anything once he’s in trial and a jury of his peers convict him.

      • As a malignant narcissist, he’s literally – and I mean that literally – incapable of blaming himself. He’s psychologically wired differently from most people. The ‘malignant’ part of malignant narcissist means his personality disorder is incurable.

    • About that Yellow Submarine… Maybe we could entice him to take an ORANGE one (with of course his name in big gold letters on each side) down to the bottom of the Marianias Trench. We could tell him a special robot had scooped up enough of the bottom that he’d set the RECORD for the deepest Dive. I’m sure Oceangate or whatever the hell that company of Titan infamy was named had another submersible about ready to replace the one they knew was getting old. (Not that it could withstand a dive to over 35k feet below sea level but that’s kinda the point)

      • That won’t work. Trump is afraid of everything.
        Why do you think he hasn’t gone full Hitler and killed himself…..he’s afraid of guns.

  2. Ursula you’re a much nicer person than me…one I might have been if I hadn’t been raised as a junkyard dog…he never will come clean with himself or anyone else.. A malignant narcissist is incapable of insight, self reflection, or admitting any truth that threatens their fragile ego. I’ll give a good example without covering all the crimes my ex committed to get her way. Keep in mind I went through hell and back to get my daughters over 5 years. I was, and still am, a loving daddy. I decided long ago to be the kind of father i never had. My ex decided it was over when my girls were 2 and 5…after cheating on me. She decided a good ploy was to accuse me of sexual abuse, which DSS determined was a lie after talking to everyone who knew us, and to my girls. When ordered into mediation by the court, I brought the report she filed with with DSS, with her signature. I asked her how could she lie on me with the blackest lie a woman can levee against a father? She denied she ever did it. The mediator was looking at me when I whipped out the paper and read it and showed her signature! Her response? WHATEVER!, as she showed me the back of her hand. I had saved this woman’s life TWICE, and saved her pregnancy after 3 years of going to the hospital monthly to do donor inseminations. The mediator looked at her like she was from Mars. My daughter’s are 31 and 28. My youngest, biracial, and adopted from birth, can’t stand her. A narcissist through and through to this day. I hope that clears up why Trump will NEVER come clean. A leopard can’t change its spots! Save yourself some wear and tear and accept the unbelievable. Believe it.

    • You’re very right. I was raised by a narcissist, have a brother who is a narcissist, and married a narcissist when I was young so I knew exactly who and what trump was long ago. The people who have never experienced narcissistic personality disorder really can’t fathom what the disorder is all about. They can’t understand why they can’t take responsibility for their actions, and insist upon blaming others while portraying themselves as the victim. I think that’s why trump was able to make a cult out of the Republicans. I believe most republicans have narcissistic personality disorder as well, and why they were so confident that they’d successfully steal the election with no consequences.
      narcissistic collapse is coming for them all as these trials get under way. We’re going to see a lot of mud slinging as they throw anything against the wall they hope will stick.

  3. When I first saw this story in my online feed earlier this morning my first thought was an olf gif of him throwing a tantrum after missing a putt. But I think this clip lifted from a Jimmy Kimmel send-up is even better because you can expand it to full size:

  4. Another look-at-me exercise by the increasingly desperate delusional carnival barker. When the various gavels – civil and criminal – come to land and take divots out of his projected persona, he’ll be dented beyond his delusional view of himself. He’ll rage and bark, in practiced response. He’ll continue to point fingers at and blame others. Each day thereafter, look in your lunar park mirror Donald, you’ll see who caused it. The resulting ongoing pain will be all yours – forever and a day. The individual and collective relief will be all ours. Amen!

  5. So it’s all the fault of the radical left, the Marxists, the communists, the fascists (and probably a few others)

    Now that means the left AND the right are conspiring against him – is there anyone that isn’t?

    With tears in my eyes, I have to say “Sir, your paranoia is showing”

    ps – I wonder if he has managed to accept the fact that Scotland doesn’t want him visiting anyway

  6. Alex, until you mentioned it, I hadn’t connected his disorder with the party, but I think you’re onto something. A mutual friend of my ex and I, someone who worked with both of us for years, called me several years after everything had gone down. She asked me if I knew why my wife cheated on me and ended our marriage of 12 years. She knew about her cheating. She asked my wife about me being a husband and father and why she was doing what she was doing. My ex told her I was a wonderful dad and a good husband. Our friend, perplexed, said so what’s the problem? She said I didn’t have the kind of money her lovers had, most of whom were rich attorneys. Bingo. That’s the republican party…money over everything.

  7. when I was a child, and a small one at that, I used to blame pretty much everything and everyone in my immediate sphere of living when I was in trouble. this behavior disappeared by the time I was in kindergarten. Did donny diapers not go to kindergarten? I’m not saying did he not pass all of his activities (we know he didn’t)…


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