The handwriting has been on the wall for quite some time, but now it just went to flashing neon. Donald Trump is in Iowa. He’s talking about all the usual stuff, predicting the end of the world as we know it if he’s not elected.

But in this clip he goes just a bit further. He puts his cards on the table. He says that he’s not just coming back for four more years — oh, no, he’s coming back for four years and “beyond.” Great. Always nice when a tyrant tells you his intentions. I guess the dictator for a day babble was just that, babble. Not that anyone sane thought otherwise. It’s merely that people thought he would at least keep that pretense going for a while. Didn’t work out that way.

It’s not an understatement that democracy is on the ballot. And if Trump does try to run again in 2028, it will be the same fiasco, democracy will still be on the ballot. Trump doesn’t stand for conservatism he stands for the rule of a charismatic cult leader, him.

As Sherlock Holmes once said, “we are in dark and treacherous waters.” Here’s Trump setting up a loss in New Hampshire, interestingly enough.

I have to also believe that there are enough normal Americans. But I thought that back in 2016 and 63 million Americans voted for this bum. And then 73 million four years later, after they had seen what a perfect disaster he was.

I don’t know. Maybe America has a suicidal complex. Maybe democracy has some built in self destruct mechanism and it can only last for so long and then it folds in on itself and collapses.

So many thoughts, so many variables. All we are sure of is this election year is going to be nuttier than all the others put together.



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  1. Actually the limit on presidential terms was only set in 1947 under the 22nd amendment, so the ‘founding fathers’ wouldn’t have said anything (about term limits – Don John himself is another matter – I can imagine some choice 18th Century epithets)

  2. Way before this fool completed another four years he would be taken out. And not for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It is unfortunate but only with his demise will we be free of this never-ending nightmare of stupidity. Let’s hope it is that coronary his diet should enable because any other cessation of his wasted life would likely trash our nation.

    Who knew American would be brought so low by a complete and utter moron.

    • It’s not only “him” but his supporters and I don’t mean the stupid “man on the street MAGA.”

      It’s people like Widdle Stevie Miller, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Squeaker Moses Mike, Gym Jordan and his congresscritter packrats, etc.

      Those guys are really dangerous.

      • You forget there’s a lot of us Southerners who never went along with the program even during the Civil War. I also ran into a LOT of racists in Florida, California, Oregon, and Massachusetts! It’s not just the south darling…that’s propaganda the folks elsewhere LIKE to believe.

          • It’s got more snowbirds than southerners but the point is racism is everywhere in this country. I heard the word ni**er in Ohio more than I have heard it in my home state. White people…we are good at faux righteousness.

        • They saw an opportunity to manipulate a truly ignorant man. Doesn’t take much intelligence really which those fools do not have. Small children can manipulate others-sometimes even adults.

          What I find bothersome is that the little shit flynn, stone, ginny and the rest of those criminals have yet to be indicted for their crimes. And I REALLY want that little shit flynn behind bars AND deprived of his retirement benefits.

  3. Why does Trump.believe that registering American citizens is wrong? And yes, Donnie Donuts, they are allowed to do that people aged 18through 30 who purely hate your rotten, stinking guts

  4. Thanks Ursula for sharing your vast knowledge and clear awareness of our democracy’s demise if we allow trump to proceed into his dictatorship. In the late ’70s I was stationed in Berlin, Germany right up close to the Berlin Wall. On daytrips to East Berlin I was able to see the Westernized version of a communist town. The streets and very limited stores were very clean but there were no people about, no vehicles except for the rarely seen bus, there were no sounds as we walked about. East Berlin was creepy and I fear that we could soon be forced to live that way of life here! There are so many trult members which makes it critical for us to vote if we plan on keeping our beloved democracy. We can’t keep our fingers crossed that we will get trump out of office once he gets elected. I bet that’s what the Russians thought with putin and today they still sit there buried in secrecy.

  5. BTW, these anti-Democratic/RW Nazi Tyrants, being-fed monetarily by CORPORATE 1%, big, rich Obligarchs…..they don’t want to ever, pay their fair share of taxes!


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