I want to be clear. I do believe this is an incredibly dangerous time. Any time a nation with 5700 nuclear warheads is in a war, it is dangerous. It is especially dangerous when China is considering aligning with Russia by providing Russia with real weapons, the type carrying Chinese technology. Technology largely stolen from the United States.

The only logical reason that China would assist Russia is to keep Europe and the United States busy, allowing China the choice to possibly take back Taiwan. The United States has been coy about its position on defending Taiwan, but Biden has been less so. Indeed, Biden has said that “Yes, the U.S. would defend Taiwan.

We do not want a war with China.

So it is, in fact, a dangerous time, but that doesn’t mean the U.S. should crawl into a hole and play isolationist like Putin wishes we would do. Indeed, pushing Russia out of Ukraine and keeping democracy in Europe is the best thing we could do to preserve peace.

So Trump, who is utterly terrified of being indicted any day now, is on Truth Social screaming that Biden is a madman leading us to World War III. No, Biden is trying to prevent WWIII, and the best way to do that is to keep NATO fully united as a show of strength. Trump wants to pull us out of NATO, and that would likely lead to China attacking Taiwan, with Trump terrified of his own shadow and Republicans saying it’s none of our business.

This is the most dangerous time in the history of our Country. World War III is looming, like never before, in the very dark and murky background. “Leadership” is solely responsible for this unprecedented danger to the USA, and likewise, the World. HOPELESS JOE BIDEN IS LEADING US INTO OBLIVION!!!

Right. Putin has no agency in this at all. It is Joe Biden that is making the world such a dangerous place.

And even though I do believe it’s a very dangerous time, it’s not as dangerous as when Hitler invaded Poland, December 7th, 1941, the Cuban missile crisis, or the beginning of the Reagan era, when Russia was convinced Reagan was going to nuke them.

But let’s think about this. Acknowledging it’s a very dangerous time, do we want to be led by Trump and his clown show of a cabinet? Or do we want Biden, NATO, Lloyd Austin, and General Milley?

I shudder at the thought of changing the leadership we have right now.

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  1. It’s a reasonable position to take that Putin instructed Trump to issue this (and other) “Biden will start WWIII” stuff. I’ll readily admit that’s a real possibility. However, there’s another one that’s even darker. Let’s say in his moments of looking beyond his problem that he’s lost his war with Ukraine Putin has some clarity and knew from the time the 2020 election was called that Trump was never going to be useful to him again. And has gone silent when Trump has reached out. And that Trump is increasingly terrified and wants Pootie to have people over here do what his people do over there – like throwing people out of tall buildings or giving them specially (in KGB labs) develop poisons or nerve agents. Yes, I think Trump is that desperate that he’d welcome seeing Smith, Garland and others assassinated and figuring Vlad can get it done for him. So he’s decided to suck up to his former benefactor and help with the nuclear saber rattling.

  2. So, orange-faced former guy, do you really want to go there? Because we know whose side you’re really on, and it isn’t that of freedom and democracy.

    • Indeed. Those of us retaining any memory also remember who lead us down this little primrose path former guy–it was you who hob-nobbed with every two bit autocrat on the planet. It was you who couldn’t say enough nice things about every piece of shit tyrant slaughtering their citizens.

      You know, I’m ashamed of this nation for having allowed this guy anywhere near the white house but I am fucking beyond livid the guy who couldn’t accept his loss like a man thinks the rest of us don’t remember his fuck ups while in office.



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