I guess this tweet makes it official, Trump is divorcing Fox News. I wonder who gets the kids? Oh, that’s right, Kimberly Guilfoyle already adopted Junior. Never mind.

Oh, yeah, enthusiasm. Here’s a great shot of that.

I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the Lincoln Project cobbles together a piece titled “Enthusiasm.”Just footage from the Tulsa debacle would suffice.

I don’t think Slow Joe is going to fly as a pejorative, but let’s see. I think MoJoe would be a better handle, because with Kamala on the team, the Democratic ticket is a hot one right now. Certainly hotter than Trump/Pence, which to me has always sounded like the sound a tire makes as it crashes into something jagged and all the air goes out of it.

And maybe Trump will get his wish. Maybe Fox News’ best days are in the rear view mirror. Meidas Touch came up with a great piece, #ByeHannity.

Trump will tear down everything and everybody he can on his way out. Today Fox News tomorrow who knows? All I know is that he’s trashed America quite enough and then some.

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  1. Great ad – hope they bought time on Fox to run it! The only thing I’d have added was that picture (maybe the actual video) of that terrified look on his face as he was trying to catch a baseball tossed to him UNDER handed! I still wonder if he actually caught it. But he looked for all the world like a kindergartener who, at least back when I was a kid was thinking the ball had “cooties.” (I’ve never learned just what cooties actually were…)

      • Where I was at that age they were some invisible thing that seemed to be a combination of every bug or critter that we wanted nothing to do with. No one could actually put out a description that was generally agreed upon, but we all “knew” they were tiny, invisible, existed in numbers so huge we’d never understand how many there were (infinity is a tough concept at that age) and that if “infected” there was nothing that could be done. We were doomed to “forever” suffering from them. Hence any potential exposure was to be avoided at all costs. Maybe it was more specific in other places but that’s how it was back when I was a wee child.

    • Do you suppose Trump has painted the walls of his WH bunker in mini murals … Trump on Mar-o-golf course, cheating as usual, standing out in the court yard of the many colorful turrets in Moscow with him in a bear hug with Putin, stepping into the dressing room of many young girls at his beauty contest, half dressed, maybe a larger painting of Mar-o-golf with 28 scantily dressed young girls with Epstein and him in touchy-grab, fun and games, because, well, it pleases him to think of those, “special”, times, to fulfill his present day needs …

      One giant sicko needs to go NOW, so we start reminding him of his current lie streaks, truth in numbers not his slurred voice of BS … in fact as he stands there mumbling and gets into a bind on pronunciation of a word like the United shates, “Pardon me Sir, what did you just say”?

      The ping pong rapid-fire attempts to get it right should be enough to send him off stage in the fog he is beginning to show … and, “Sir, are you feeling OK ?, you look a little unsteady and befuddled …”

      A hellfire rage could just get a team of SS and medical attendants in a cloud around him and bingo, another peaceful appearance of Joe and Kamala would blow him out of the WH all together …


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