It is probably very safe to say that Donald Trump knows less about the federal government and the laws generally than any president or ex-president in history. He had no idea how things worked, which is partly why his administration didn’t get anything done except a tax cut that was done for him. Trump also got to pick SCOTUS justices, but – helpfully – the Federalist Society gave him a list of 25 people who fit the perfect “Federalist Society” candidates.

Now Trump, Constitutional Skolar that he is, thinks he’s found a kink in DOJ’s January 6th case. They can’t try him again! He was already impeached. They lost, he won! “Double jeopardy, anyone?” From the Independent:

“The Fake charges made by the highly partisan Unselect Committee of January 6th have already been submitted, prosecuted, and tried in the form of Impeachment Hoax # 2. I WON convincingly. Double Jeopardy anyone!” Mr Trump wrote on Truth Social on Monday.

Sweet baby Jesus as a first-year law student.

In response to Trump, let’s clear up a couple of things, Ace. First of all, you did not “win convincingly.” Indeed. You received more “guilty” votes from your own party than any president in history, seven. You were only ten votes shy of losing, and most of your party who voted “Not guilty” said that a person cannot be impeached once out of office.

Much more importantly, you’ve got your branches all screwed up again but what would one expect from “I have Article II, I can do whatever I want” guy. Let’s all say it together because everyone reading this knows: “Double jeopardy attaches to prohibit charging a person who has been found innocent in a court of law with an order dismissing the case, signed by a judge. It involves prosecution by the Article II branch prosecuting in front of an Article III judge. Impeachment, however, is an Article I proceeding with a burden proof that is… whatever the Senate believes it to be.”

There is no double jeopardy. But trying to re-write history – again – is almost just as offensive. They came up 11 votes short, jackass, not 36, not even 26.

That quote should be disqualifying for someone who thinks they can lead the government. It also demonstrates just how stupid he thinks his followers are (if he’s been told it doesn’t apply and yet is throwing it out there anyway).
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  1. He’s tried this argument before. It’s bullshit and even he knows it. Sadly, many of his MAGA goobers won’t know it’s bullshit.

      • It works because they are just as ignorant as he is. Public schools in many states,don’t require the teaching of accurate history and civics to graduate. I doubt most of his base could pass the fight test for immigrants seeking full American citizenship as opposed to merely having a green card

  2. Traitor Tot demanding that the investigation be ended is the best reason for the investigation to go on! He obviously knows that he is guilty of many crimes, and doesn’t want to go to prison. But he shouldn’t go to prison…after his trial and conviction for TREASON, he should face a firing squad!!

  3. Being impeached isn’t something you “win”. It’s not a good thing.

    He’s really desperate to get back all those cheering minions he no longer has.

  4. Well it’s like the first movie in Judge Dredd series where Stallion goes to get a load off and finds three sea shells. Rightfully so, he finds this quite confusing. Then he finds out that if you do something wrong you receive a notice from a machine. Problem solved. Just cuss out the machine. Only trump isn’t that bright. He doesn’t even get the concept of double jeopardy. Which I get. The game can be hard to follow. Oh well, easier to tell the idiot to get his soap on a rope and his dresses ready for his new apartment. Entertainment will be provided free of charge.

  5. They are ALL organized crime idiots, from McConnell to fat bar to Josh to barret.
    His “cabinet” was nothing but an organized of incompetent “dons”, his “doj” was nothing but a group of corrupt “law enforcement “.
    The ENTIRE republiCLOWN party must be investigated as organized crime using RICO statutes to break up the crime ring and to make ALL OF THE PARTICIPANTS PAY.


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