Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen. Diamond, part of the sister duo of Diamond & Silk, will be laid to rest with Donald Trump delivering the eulogy. The bet is whether Trump is going to turn it into a grifting, fundraising session, or if he’ll play it straight.

If you bet on the former proposition, congratulations, you’re in the majority.

The secondary bet is on how many minutes it will take Trump to stop talking about Diamond altogether and start talking about himself. Bear in mind, he started talking about himself and his problems at his own father’s funeral. This is not unknown behavior.

The bronzer is strong with this one.

As to Trump burying Diamond on the third hole of either Bedminster or some golf course, I’m merely speculating. I’m wondering if that’s an honor solely reserved for his ex-wives or if any of his sycophants can deserve such a wondrous thing as well.

I wonder if he’s going to use a teleprompter?

Trump’s the head of the MAGA state, so this is an appropriate occasion for him. Expect all the appropriate fanfare and flurry.


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  1. Of course not! First, there is the issue of race and his historic feelings about it. Most importantly, there is no way for him to grift off allowing her carcass to lay there.

  2. Well, at least I know what will be polluting the air of my adopted state tomorrow – noxious emissions from the flaming orange human shaped rectum known as Donald Trump.


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