Three is a mystical number. Jesus fell three times carrying the cross and Donald Trump has issued three Easter tweets-via-press-release in celebration of this highest and holiest Christian holiday and the coming of spring. True to form, Trump only mentioned the Easter holiday as a toss away comment, while the real message he wants to impart to the faithful is how his political enemies did him in and boy, are they gonna be sorry, because now he’s fighting back. Trump is arisen.

Trump laid down the newest dogma to his cult, thou shalt not go to the baseball game nor drink of the blasphemous Coca Cola — which is fine, because MAGAs don’t have any money for tickets, much less the refreshment stand, because Trump took it all. So, paradoxically, it all works out. And it’s a prelude to the further escalation of Trump’s cult dogma, which will simply boil down to: thou shalt not spend money on anything, give it all to me. He’ll have his tent city, his Guyana, any day now, watch.

I wonder if Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress, Paula White and all the evangelical wingnuts are preaching in their Easter sermons about how Trump has been used and abused. Or, maybe they’re worried about their own diminishing returns. Church attendance is under 50% for the first time in the 80 years that Gallup has been doing polls on same. Looks like they and Trump may have to find another fishing hole. Religion and politics seem to have dried up.


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  1. Kenneth Vogel, why don’t you concern yourself with your own salvation instead of judging other people “on God’s Day. Jesus couldn’t have said it any better because He would never have even thought it. You might want to consider your own sin, lest you end up in hell.

      • Trump’s public actions are like putting white polish on an old torn and worn pair of sneakers, and expecting international and universal acclaim for his massive intelligence … it is confusing at best why anybody cares and spends any time or effort to publish such a sack of cow dung …

        Maybe a few months of solitary confinement will stifle his self promotions in any form …

  2. “Well, I’m here to tell you now,/Each and every mother’s son,/You better learn it fast,/You better learn it young,/Cause someday never comes…”–John Fogerty

    • Trump is waiting for the stars to align and for his supporters to restore him to power. What he did in 2016 was pull an inside straight. There was a confluence of factors that put him in the White House. For those factors to repeat for him is not going to happen — and it’s because he, himself, altered the paradigm. There’s nothing “new” and “daring” about him. We’ve seen what he can do. And the biggest factor in him getting elected in 2016 was that it was time for the pendulum to shift. After eight years of one party — or certainly twelve, just ask George H.W. Bush — the pendulum of politics goes the other direction. That was the major factor in Trump’s column. Nothing can compare to being at the right place at the right time. Not in any field.

      • It might actually be time to retire that model of political calculation for shifting fortunes. While it’s been true since the 1950s, I truly think Trump caused way too much damage for such a rebound to happen anytime soon.

        Nor do I think he’s trying to get back into power he never wanted in the first place. In office or out, his goals remain staying free, “wealthy” and unhumiliated. The politics are just him working his grift.

        • Re his goals: Well, the first might be only a matter of time, the second is debatable, and as for the third, a clear and obvious failure.

  3. the day when Trump realizes he is truly a has-been would be a thing to behold. Don’t think he’s capable of that modest level of insight.

  4. Seems I remember pharoah thought he was god, as did the Roman emperor, all the kings & queens, Gordon liddy, all cult leaders, & me of course. The gospel according to John Lennon.

    • Pharoahs were considered DESCENDANTS of the gods actually, specifically Heru Sa Eset (or “Horus, Son of Isis”, to use the more familiar Greek names…thank you, Ptolemy Dynasty!).

  5. Christians think they are maligned because they follow Jesus, but if they actually followed Jesus they wouldn’t be m,aligned at all.


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