Trump Claims Nobody Told Him About Flynn — Everybody Told Him But Jarvanka Ruled The Day


If there is one attribute that Donald Trump has, it’s consistency. He has a stupid idea, he’s told it’s stupid, he does it anyway, something goes wrong, and then he blames everybody else. This morning’s tweet fest began at 4:00 a.m., with Trump demanding long prison terms for FBI investigators doing their jobs, accusing them of spying and treason and then he posted this exculpatory jewel at 7:30 a.m.

“It would have been impossible for me to know this.” Of course it would have. Obama told Trump not to hire Flynn. Obama fired Flynn as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014. Apparently Trump interpreted that as a good thing, hey, if Obama fires you, you must be cool.

Elijah Cummings spoke to Mike Pence in November, 2016, warning him that Flynn was working for Turkey and making speeches in Russia and that there was an obvious conflict of interests. Pence shined that on, did nothing, and claimed that the first he knew anything about Flynn was when he read it in the Washington Post.

Sally Yates told Don McGahn January 26, 2017 about Flynn’s back channel contacts with Kisylak, which the Justice Department feared might make him subject to blackmail. That conversation fell on deaf ears, apparently, because on January 28, 2017 Flynn was part of a three way call between Trump and Putin. Then on January 30, 2017, Trump fired Yates. Yates leaked her warning about Flynn and on Valentine’s Day, Trump fired Flynn — with Mike Pence strutting around sanctimoniously claiming he knew nothing, nothing.

According to RawStory, even Chris freaking Christie knew the score about Flynn and went so far as to warn Jarvanka, but they wouldn’t accept reality either, because Jared was in love with back channels to the Kremlin. He tried to put one of his own together, if you recall, at the same time that Pence’s benefactor and bankroller, Eric Prince, was having a tete a tete with an emissary of Putin’s in the Seychelle’s Islands. But nobody knows nuttin’ with this crowd.

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump ignored warnings from Chris Christie and other top officials in November 2016 about Flynn, who the president’s son-in-law reportedly instructed to make contact with then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, and offered the retired general any administration job he wanted.

So, it’s Jarvanka, once again. The most powerful nation in the world, in the hands of a senile, Adderall-addicted conman, who is taking direction on affairs of state from his daughter and her clueless trust-fund-baby husband. And this is not the first over the top decision that Jared made and Ivanka co-signed on. You remember it was Jared’s idea to fire James Comey, which Steve Bannon called, “The worst decision in modern political history.”

Jared Kushner is dangerous. He doesn’t know anything about government, he doesn’t listen to anybody who does, (he and John Kelly loathed one another) and he is compelled to pursue his Machiavellian schemes and get into bed with the worst dictators on the planet because of the way he effs up his finances. Kushner is so stupid, that he really believes that he’s going to solve immigration and peace in the Middle East, two issues which have stymied the best political minds of the past 50 years, but Jared thinks he’s Tom Cruize in a Mission Impossible movie, apparently, and by the time they roll the credits, he’ll be triumphant.

So, that’s as simple as it gets. The music was being blasted at him from all sides, but Trump couldn’t hear it, because he was too busy listening to Jarvanka and letting them call the shots — run our country, in essence. And now Trump is denying any of it ever happened. Ain’t it a shame that people keep records of these things, and it’s all coming back to haunt him now?

“Why was I not told?” Because, Donald, there are none so deaf as they who cannot hear. The number of people who told you would fill a small phone directory. You should have listened to Ann Coulter and not hired your children.


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    • He can never accept fault. That is a terrible defect of character. I used to work with a guy like that. We were friends, but one day, long story short, he pissed me off really badly and I stopped talking to him. He asked friends of ours to talk to me and all of them, to the man and to the woman said, “You need to apologize to her.” He could not.

      I never saw another human being with this particular hangup until Trump came along. I can only speculate that people like this have a sense of self loathing so profound that they simply cannot humble themselves, even in ordinary ways, like the yous and mes do all the time. It makes you a bigger person to admit fault and wish to do better — but they don’t get that.

      This is my last comment Mae. I’m goin’ to the dentist now. I’ll be unconscious in an hour. Wish me luck.

        • Oh, what a day. I woke up at 5:30 a.m. and I started working on a couple of posts. My body was screaming at me, “Get coffee, make breakfast,” and of course I couldn’t eat or drink anything before I went to the dentist.

          Now, this you’ll love: there’s some new “law” or instruction from the malpractice carrier that says that I can’t take a Lyft over to get dental work like this, where you take medication an hour before the appointment. Now, I didn’t want to bother a friend for nothing, so I asked my Lyft driver to just take the tag off the windshield and pretend like we were friends — and truth be known, this guy has driven me before, so we’re not complete strangers.

          So he did, and when I got there the dental assistants brought out a wheelchair. This is because I took a couple of pills the hour before to relax me for the laughing gas. Point being, that the minute you take a pill, you’re considered totally out of it and in danger of falling down, God only knows what. What I can tell you, is that it was like drinking half a beer, and I could have walked a straight line for a cop if I had to.

          Just more weirdness in the age of Trump.

      • narcissists, especially the malignant ones like Himself, can never accept blame; it would humiliate them in front of the world, and they need praise and adoration.

        • It’s going to be interesting when Trump is finally out of office and irrelevant. He would have been so much better off losing and founding Trump TV with Bannon, as was the game plan. Then he could have bitched about Hillary endlessly, and nobody would have ever known how big a loser he was.

  1. He is such a coward, but at the same time one of the worst bully’s … if he keeps the front up hard enough, people won’t see the truth … he is a micro dot compared any normal person … he is so far off the rails now, horrible treatment of migrants at the border, another dead child, and a fantastic, (sic), idea to let only intelligent people in …

    His final failure cannot come soon enough, his incredibly freaky stupid Tariffs, are hurting small farmers and even larger layouts are hurting because of the no-account in the WH …

    • As you well know, I fear for the farmers. You and I spoke about how Mexico stopped doing business on farm products with the US and started doing business with Argentina, because of the “rapist” “drug addict” cracks. And then more recently the issue with China now buying soybeans from Russia rather than the US. Nothing like losing markets that you can’t replace. Now, take a look at this, just copied from Raw Story, about how consumer prices are going up soon.

      “Those costs will hit cleaning products, diapers, food, luggage and mattresses in about a month, and additional tariffs could raise costs on camping equipment, clothing, shoes and sporting goods.

      “Consumer electronics — including computers, TVs and video game consoles — will also get more expensive. A new iPhone could cost about $160 more, according to analysts.

      “If you were planning a large purchase six weeks from now, you may want to make that purchase today,” French said.”

      WalMart’s goods are made almost exclusively in China, so prices will go up there. Maybe this is the price we have to pay for those Americans stupid enough to cast a ballot for Trump. If people are literally hurting for basic necessities, maybe they’ll wake up. It’s truly tragic that it has to get to this.

  2. Every day I shake my head anew at his ignorance and confusion. I laugh when progressives tremble in fear that he’ll start a war to boost his popularity and get reelected. Nope — start a war and he might as well quit now. A costly, lethal war requires incredible deft management to not blow up in your face in a day. It requires a stable team of deeply knowledgable government veterans, laser-focused, undeviating goals, and consistent, disciplined messaging. It requires Dick Cheney, who was able to pull it off for two and a half years, with a boost from 9/11 goodwill. But where is Trump going to find any of this?

    • The issue here is that Trump is not only a moron, he’s got himself surrounded with some real characters. Bolton is stupid enough to think war with Iran is a good idea. But I agree with your basic premise, neither Trump nor Bolton have Cheney’s cunning, and it would be a disaster. That being said, I hope that this issue remains strictly in the area of speculation, because the last, and I mean the last effing thing we need is another theater of war, in addition to Iraq and Afghanistan — and Israel’s peace/war status is always up for grabs at any given moment.

      • But, but, he said he wanted all American troops overseas brought home, was he, omg lying??? Trump hired on Bolton, the notorious warmonger only to be the ‘bad guy’ while trying to deal with North Korea to try to look like the ‘good guy’, and because Trump IS such a moron, AND knows little to nothing beforehand about these people he brings on, he is now finding out Bolton really is looking for a war somewhere, anywhere and has to try to lie his way out of this one, too.
        IF, war with Iran starts, the outrage at war with Iraq, Libya will be nothing compared to the this.


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