If one thing is absolute in Trump World, it is the principle that whatever Donald Trump accuses somebody else of he is doing himself. If you want to know exactly what he’s doing, just get a lexicon of his complaints and go down the list. Thursday, he was speaking at a rally in Montana and made one of his usual slurs against the media. RawStory:
“They never use names anymore,” Trump told the Great Falls crowd. “In the old days, they used to use names. ‘Jim Smith said that Donald Trump is a bad guy.’ They don’t do that anymore. They say a source within the administration. They make the sources up they don’t exist in many cases.”
Here’s the return punch from a Fox contributor.
Just heard @POTUS at this rally complaining about the use of anonymous sources. For the record he was one of mine over the years.
— Charles Gasparino (@CGasparino) July 5, 2018
As long as Trump is attacking anonymous sources: he was also one of mine – as with most biz reporters. But I was taught by my editor that when trump said “off the record” it meant “I’m gonna start lying now.” So I never used anything he said anonymously without 2 more sources.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) July 6, 2018
He has the Hitler playbook down verse by verse. Don’t know why ppl can’t see that. It is absolutely eerie-the similarities! pic.twitter.com/UKe4Uo4fs6
— Leigh (@stweetleigh) July 6, 2018