Donald Trump has been at war with Judge Arthur Engoron, his blameless clerk Allison Greenfield and certainly Letitia James, the attorney general who brought the Trump Organization fraud suit in the first place, for some time. But now he’s expanded to go after the wife of Arthur Engoron — just as he went after the wife of Jack Smith. Nobody is safe in Trump world.

Trump’s doing it by re-posting and thereby ratifying, the posts of far right-wing Laura Loomer, who is his purported choice for press secretary should he get back in office. Here’s a sampling of what she’s doing. It’s pure smear and tabloid-level propaganda.

Dawn Marie Engoron may have posted derogatory things about Trump in the past. Who among us has not? But to insinuate that her husband is going to put a social media post and the personal feelings of his wife above what he knows about the law and being a judge is absurd.

But not in Trump world. Again, they are playing to the basest of the base. That is their base. The lowest common denominator.

I rest my case.


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  1. I’m quite sure that old woman’s brain death started with the Tea Party! She probably carried one of the many signs that read, “Keep Your Government Hands Off My Medicare!” Trump wants to destroy Obamacare and Medicare…good luck with that health care fix, silly old goose!! 🤪

  2. He’s getting more and more pissed, goading and acting out, because ‘they’ won’t put him in a slammer, so to give him a strategic gameplay opportunity, where he can lie, portray and project, as a political hard-done-bye, from the witch-hunting forces that oppose him at every move, at every level. It’s part of his attempts to prove civil and criminal innocence, and to justify his ‘big lie’ as truth, and regain his incompetent political mantle, to eternally sit on as a fake king to corruptly rule, aided by his fake royal family, backers, adorers and enforcers. Heavens forbid if this clique of a putrified gargoyle pulls off this attacking stunt of his.

    • Traitor Tot should have been denied bail! After all he has the means (but not the brains!) to leave the country. Anyone else would have been jailed to await their trials!

  3. But Ginny Thomas getting PAID for her work.for far-right groups is totally different and honorable Uncle Thomas isn’t influenced at all by her beliefs.


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