This is intriguing on a lot of levels. The first principle of Trump world which you must bear in mind is that MAGA and Donald Trump both accuse others of that which they themselves are doing. That’s directly out of Joseph Goebbels’ playbook and Trump’s people have consistently followed the Nazi propagandist’s ways from the outset. Another thing to bear in mind is the fact that a lot of Republicans wish Trump dead. That is not new information.

And couple those two realizations with the fact that if something happened to Donald Trump, it would accomplish two things: First, it would get rid of the GOP’s headache. They don’t know what they would do, but they would be relieved to have the problem of actually replacing Trump without worrying about what retaliation the MAGolian hordes would choose. Finally, and this is the biggy, Trump would become a martyr. Like many a celebrity who has died before his or her time, you’ll never find out the end of the story of what they would have done had they but been in this world a while longer. Now I think you’re following my drift here so I’m just going to come out and say it: I think MAGA might be contemplating offing Donald Trump. Laura Looney Loomer got the ball rolling.

Her tweet ends, “who were hoping to try President Trump before the 2024 election by bypassing an appeal. BTFO JACK SMITH!”

Okay, let’s break this down. There is no “bypassing” of an appeal. Yes, the Supreme Court wants the appellate court to weigh in and that will happen as early as January 9. George Conway was on CNN a little while ago talking to Jake Tapper and he said that the ruling of the court might be published within days. So this is not the BFD that Laura Loomer is making it out to be. Not by a long shot.

But it’s interesting how this assassination conspiracy theory comes up from time to time. Trump is a medical emergency waiting to happen. He’s almost 78 years old. He’s 100 pounds overweight and has an awful diet. I don’t even want to think about what his blood pressure or resting pulse rate is.

Plus, he’s screaming and raving non stop. That is not a good way to be in the world for a 20-year-old, but at least at that age you don’t have to worry about Mother Nature saying, “Enough.” But when you’re pushing 80 and have never taken care of yourself health wise, you can’t go courting fate like Trump does.

Now take a look at this from 10,000 feet: if something did happen to Trump, it would eliminate a lot of problems for a lot of people, plus it would give the MAGA machine the outrage and vengeance that it could chew on for years. Trump is bringing down the GOP singlehandedly. That’s been the case for the past seven years. He will lead them to another defeat at the polls. We just don’t know how big of a one.

But if Trump weren’t around and Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley got on the ticket, then at the very least there would be a clean break for the GOP and a point of starting over. There would be no choice. If we found out one thing the day JFK was assassinated, the wheels of government kept turning. I well remember the image of Kennedy’s beloved rocking chair in the back of a pickup, being hauled away from behind the White House with other possessions and memorabilia as Lyndon and Lady Bird came through the front door. The torch was passed.

And speaking of conspiracy theory, this one got hauled out of the mothballs again.

Some day these people will learn basic facts and not buy whatever conspiracy theory comes floating past on the internet. But don’t hold your breath for that day.

And yes, it does manage to get worse.

Trumpty might seriously consider getting a food taster because he could be in danger. But not from any Deep State, rather from people who stand to benefit from his demise. And no I didn’t say his initials are RD, but suffice it to say, you don’t want to invite the governor to tea at Mar-a-Lago anytime soon, Donald.

Just when you think things have hit the ground floor in the giant department store of life, the MAGAs manage to drag you down to bargain basements you didn’t know existed. There is no low they won’t go and maybe that includes offing the Mango Messiah himself and blaming it on the Deep State.

Mark your calendar, friends. This is from an article on NBC News, dated September 1, 2023. 

Tucker Carlson, the far-right media personality who was fired by Fox News earlier this year, claimed without evidence this week that the United States is “speeding towards” the assassination of former President Donald Trump — a comment that has started to gain traction with prominent voices on the conservative fringe.

In an interview with the comedian and podcaster Adam Carolla, Carlson was asked to comment on what “the future holds” for Trump, who is leading the field for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024. Carlson proceeded to rail against the fact that the former president was twice impeached and faces four indictments.

“If you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment and none of them work. What’s next? Graph it out, man. We’re speeding towards assassination, obviously. … They have decided — permanent Washington, both parties have decided — that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have him,” Carlson said in the interview, which was posted online Wednesday.

Carlson’s lawyer did not provide comment for this article.

The comments have been picked up by other media personalities on the far right, including conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and former Fox News host Dan Bongino, who now posts content on Rumble, an online video platform known for hosting far-right personalities. The comments also circulated on the pro-Trump internet forum, also known as TheDonald.

Maybe this is how it ends. Maybe Donald Trump, a creation of television, is killed for lack of ratings, just like Howard Beale. And the motive will be so that Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon, Alex Jones and the rest can drive up their own ratings. What better motive for them, right?

Never say never. Not with this crowd. Remember our mantra here on PZ, friends: There is no low they won’t go.


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  1. These people are so bonkers in the Qult. Scalia wasn’t “offed”. And JFK isn’t coming back to be 45’s running mate. It’s almost as if they WANT a martyr.
    As for Deep State, Trump will create it if reelected.
    Heritage Foundation Project 2025.

    • The Heritage Foundation disgraced itself with that. But this is the problem. The former organs of conservative thought have all gone fascist nutzo these days. John Eastman is Exhibit “A” to this proposition. He was asked to be one of the “voices of conservative thought” I think it was called, at my alma mater, the University of Colorado. Needless to say, they severed that agreement and it was quite embarrassing. This was in the past year.

      The GOP needs to start over. It’s amazing that they’re in this shape. But they got there the minute they even contemplated putting Trump on their ticket.

    • In MAGA eyes, already a martyr, with 91 indictments and a case which are the Evil Work.of Snidely Whiplash –er, Jack Smith, Alan Bragg, Leticia James and Fani Willis.

  2. Why would anyone even bother? Between his dementia, poor diet, and lack of any meaningful exercise we need merely wait and that wait time won’t likely be very long.

    • Yeah, but to the Trump cultists, the immediate suspicion will be that Trump was assassinated (“someone slipped something into his food,” etc). And any autopsy that disproves his being poisoned or drugged or whatever will simply be dismissed as “the Deep State got to them.”

      And, let’s be fair: How many people (even on this site) were out there suggesting that Ivana Trump was killed to keep her from “spilling” some sort of “incriminating” evidence against Donald and the whole organization? Despite the fact that she was in relatively poor health, there were conspiracy theorists (on OUR side) who immediately jumped to nefarious conclusions. (Of course, her being buried on Trump’s golf course didn’t really help matters but, without being privy to the thoughts of anyone/everyone involved, we don’t know why that happened.)

      Even JFK’s assassination remains a matter of conspiracy theories some 60 years after the fact–especially with Oswald’s being murdered while in custody so soon afterwards. Could the assassination have been just a simple matter of someone who disagreed with Kennedy’s policies? Or was the assassination really the result of a vast CIA/KGB/KKK plot? Not necessarily those groups were in cahoots, just they all had reasons that overlapped in a “we need to get rid of” response.

      You can argue all you want about how a conspiracy theory is wrong, that it’s not logical, that the facts disprove it, but there will always be someone who absolutely believes the theory is 100% correct. And when ANY political figure dies suddenly–no matter their age or state of health–there WILL be people who see a conspiracy in the making.

      • You’re absolutely right. This has occurred to me as a possibility for some time now that Trump could simply collapse from strain. Any normal person in the hot legal water he’s in would be ready to cave, but i guess denial is useful in that regard. If you don’t know it’s real, then it can’t hurt you, right?

        I pay attention to patterns and this assassination crap starts up about once every three to six months now.

  3. I wonder what happened to Jeffrey? Seems to me he was ‘protected’ by Trump and barr…he still had hundreds of millions of reasons to live…given he had enough cash for an army of attorneys. Their leader…putin…may be done with his useful idiot. Nope…mother nature is the one stalking his giant depends covered ass. Cults always need a martyr. Waco, or is it wacko anyone?

    • I’ve long wondered that the final episode of this demented reality TV show we’re living in will be. Trump imprisoned, Trump dying, Trump being convicted then pardoned, Trump running again in 2028 or until the MAGAs won’t send him money. Now here’s another possibility, MAGA offing him to make him a martyr.

  4. Trump’s a psychopath. They *know* they will win. They know this because most of them cannot conceive of themselves losing, and most of them.lack impulse control.
    The cool,calm, and collected types who are high functioning ones thrive in certain jobs:
    CEO ( Trump, Musk)
    Lawyer (anyone willing to.defend him)
    Media Person in TV or Radio.+Alex Jones,,Steve Gannon and their ilk,and all of Faux Noise)
    Sales person (Trump,,Musk)
    Journalist (Sean Hannity,,Bill.O’Reilly–o once they were reporters)
    Police Officer (too.many to.count)

    Trump checks two of the boxes:CEO and Salesperson, as does the Muskrat. And they aren’t likely themselves. They just take the money and flee on their private jet to a country without an extradition treaty. The smart ones know when the jig is up. The dumber and more arrogant ones believe in their ability to do . not one of the smarter ones. He has gotten away with crimes his entire life so.why would that change now, he reasons.


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